Friday, May 8, 2009

And Now We Shall Return Memory To Sad

And now we shall return memory to sad end of history about healing Michael Divova and its(his) associates on a terrible illness. That not Has sufficed them? High and far ? Yes, certainly. and Reorientation of the mentality to a sacred rate of goodwill? Yes, Certainly. But besides it(this) in a coin box of their leading principles lacked and Such value, as activity, as aspiration to purposeful Own activity. Now we shall move further, along designated here the first Whale, that is spirituality. That to sense from Manilov's high dreams, for example, Which, choking with delight, projected(designed) to construct the house with , Whence it will be possible to see even Moscow? High realizes itself Through activity of the person, through its(her) activity. Once great poet Goethe Has fairly told: " As it is possible itself? Only by action, Never by contemplation. Try to execute the duty(debt), and you will understand who You ". Spirit active, active, unrestrained - here one more of defining(determining) Support of our spirituality.

1 comment:

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