Wednesday, June 24, 2009

STD Testing

The modalities of application of the decree, adopted on Tuesday 25 August by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet, on measures to fight against the spread of the AIDS and STD epidemic (Le Monde, 27 August) were published on Wednesday 2 September in Meditsinskaya Gazeta (Medical Gazette). Their systematic and binding confirms the concern of the Soviet authorities, who fear a rapid spread of the virus in the population.

Testing for Sexually Transmitted Diseases, sometimes can be daunting task, since various applications and methods are being used to test for different STD (Sexually Transmitted Diseases)
<a href="">HERPES | STD GENITAL HERPES: STD TESTING</a>: "Medically registered cases of sexually transmitted diseases (STD) are common in every city and district of United States."

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