Friday, May 15, 2009

6. Classification Of Adiposity (278) (on D.Y.Shuryginu, Etc.,

6. Classification of adiposity (278) (on D.Y.Shuryginu, etc., 1980) 1. Forms of primary adiposity. 1.1. -. 1.2. . 1.2.1. -. 1.2.2. a dystrophy (at children and teenagers). 2. Forms of secondary (symptomatic) adiposity. 2.1. Cerebral. 2.2. . 2.2.1. . 2.2.2. . 2.2.3. Climacteric. 2.2.4. . 3. Stages of adiposity. 3.1. Progressing. 3.2. Stable. 4. Degrees of adiposity. I - the actual weight of a body exceeds a degree "ideal" no more than On 29 %. II degree - surplus of weight of a body makes 30 - 49 %. - the actual weight of a body exceeds III degree "ideal" on 50-99 %. - the actual weight of a body exceeds IV degree "ideal" on 100 % and More. Example of the formulation of the diagnosis 1. - adiposity of III degree, Progressing. THE MAINTENANCE(CONTENTS) I. Illnesses of cardiovascular system How to learn the reason of cough Cough (-786.2) concerns t To the most frequent attributes of disease of lungs. It can be epidemic Bronchial, functional, , spasmodic ( ), neurotic, psychogenic, cough of the smoker, etc.

1 comment:

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

It is necessary first of all the science purpose is not only in itself knowledge, but also aspiration to perfection and nature preservation. In this case this clearing of the person of burden of illnesses of ageing. And for this purpose, in particular, the line of readout delimiting conditionally is necessary that we accept for norm, because, that is almost proved to consider as illness. The deviation from this line of readout would be a signal to acceptance of certain measures of influence. About such line of readout based on representation about ideal norm, also there is a speech in the present book.