Friday, May 22, 2009

M.Kogan-Jasnyj). Our Researches Have Brought Some Regularity [clearness -

M.Kogan-Jasnyj). Our researches have brought some regularity [clearness - M. Z an Century Z] in this area also have established strictly differentsi-rovannye indications an Contra-indications to application Na, K, Mg, Ca. Using a metho The quantitative spectral analysis it was possible to us no To expand an orbit of researches in this area, having included in display shee Iron and copper of whey of blood. All it creates prospect for the further researches in this area Which, according to V.M.Kogan-Jasnogo, is - tabula rasa in medicine. It is necessary to underline that our diagnostic drawing reflects onl Part of infringements in an organism, while morphological changes an Clinical symptoms are a consequence of their all complex. Therefore no Can be parallelism between this form of indication of a condition of an organism an Kliniko-morphological picture of illness. Owing to absence of parallelism, our diagnostics is incompatible wit The kliniko-morphological diagnosis also cannot serve as its addition.

1 comment:

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

The additional transport mechanism includes an exchange of ions 1' 3, Na + on +, secretion +, To +, 1 ', 3 ` joint transport Na + both glucose and active carrying over Na + through a membrane by means of N +/ +--. Thus, water circulation through intestines is carried out in volume equal approximately 30 - to 36 litres a day. In a small intestine site also Are soaked up: iron, calcium, , fats, fibers, , Absorbed in to the form after dissolution by salts of the bilious Acids, amino acids and , absorbed by the specific Carriers; the sugar, absorbed by means of active transport.