Monday, June 1, 2009

It Has Appeared That The Qualitative Natur Adstringentov

It has appeared that the qualitative natur adstringentov influences medical results. Furthe Supervision have shown that results of application of medical structures Intended for the same purpose, were quite often opposite. Howeve Treatment by the same structure of various diseases gave good effect. Was [Has ripened - M. Z and Century Z] necessity to expand representation i This area, as old our representations about action of these medica Structures could not explain it. The facts of supervision have shown that influence of applied medical structure Much more widely also extends on mechanisms which were not u Are considered. The medical effect reached by the same reception at the variou Diseases - have shown that identical or close mechanisms are inheren To various processes. It has defined the further: to find symptoms the general variou Process to find the indicators defining qualitative structure of the medica The actions necessary in each given [concrete - M. Z and Century Z] a case, becam The primary goal of the further researches.


Infection Yeast Herpes said...

At the raised function - of a thyroid gland it is considerable above. allows to define contours and the sizes - of a thyroid gland (fig. 2) to reveal formations and metastasises, a fabric. At a central craw the raised accumulation in _131 knot specifies in its functional - hyperactivity (so-called "hot" knot). The knot which is not absorbing _131, name "cold" knot (fig. 3). Such knots often happen the malignant nature. Do not accumulate _131 also , , hemorrhages and - sites a thyroid gland. Research of hormones make by means of - radio immune methods.

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

The skin does not change long time. Treatment: antitubercular therapy streptomycin, , etc., treatment, a puncture of an abscess and pus. At failure of therapy - removal of the amazed edge and a course. a chest wall develops again at distribution of process of a lung on a pleura, muscles and bones of a chest - wall. Clinic and diagnostics: in a chest wall it is defined - dense to which the skin of bagrovo-cyanotic colour is soldered. Small abscesses, fistulas with the poor separated are often formed.