Saturday, May 30, 2009

Represents Magic Means, Which During Biofield Influence Just

Represents magic means, Which during biofield influence just also supplements up to necessary Harmonies polarity of various floors, fixing their unification. But what In the image we more often concern in a daily life to it(this) really Magic, to the richest, so uneasy developed(produced) by the man and so To gift(for nothing) of the nature necessary for the woman? First of all and more often it is tried It(Him) to kill, destroy. Or this interrupted dialogue, and a miracle of the nature This application of condoms - and invaluable enzyme is thrown out away, or Sends on a dump, or it(him) in every possible way wash away and pickle. But in fact The civilized people for a long time already know, that the woman can become pregnant only in Current of 48 hours of the monthly cycle. Its(her) this readiness easily It is defined(determined) on some rise in temperature of a vagina, which Occurs(Happens) once in a cycle. So, carry borders of safety, Protection back and forth for some days from border of " a dangerous zone ".


Infection Yeast Herpes said...

A stomach Continues digestion and crushing process for the portion the arriving Food. Anatomy and references on a theme Liquid addition in a human body Makes about 8-10 l/sut, including 2 l of water arrive through Mouth. The water most part is soaked up in a small intestine, other part It is added from metabolic processes. Vsasyvanie liquids in the thick To gut in norm makes 0,05-2 l/sut, (about 6 l/sut are maximum). Water soaked up in a small intestine, passively follows the active Transport of ions Na +, 1 ', glucose and bilious salts.

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

In pus at microscopy find and a fungus. Treatment: by the general principles of treatment , , etc.. TUMOURS OF THE CHEST WALL Good-quality tumours , fibromas, develop slowly, without causing painful - symptoms. Histologic research of remote tumours - necessarily. Treatment: surgical, mainly for cosmetic - reasons. , develop from bone and fabrics of edges and a breast. As a rule, good-quality tumours slowly increase in sizes, however sometimes regenerate - in a sarcoma, start to grow quickly and give metastasises.