Thursday, April 30, 2009

Avitaminosis Both A.Infektsionnye And Diseases ( Dysentery, Tracheitis,

Avitaminosis both A.Infektsionnye and diseases ( Dysentery, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonias). Diseases of a leather{skin} (wounds, it is compressed , , ). Some diseases of eyes (pigmentary , etc.). Chronic , a hepatites, a pancreatitis. Complex therapy of a rickets. Way of application and dosage. Preparations of vitamin A apply in the preventive and medical purposes. Dail The need{requirement} and vitamin A makes of 1,5 mg for the adult person. O 5 000 ; for pregnant women - 2 mg, or 6 600 ; for feeding women - 2,5 mg Or 8 250 ; for children till 1 year-0,5 or 1 650 ; from 1 year till 6 years-1 of mg Or 3 300 ; from 7 years also is more senior - 1,5. Or 5 000 , Medical dozes of vitami And at various degrees of insufficiency of vitamin A from 33 000 (10 mg) up t 50 000 - 100 000 in day for adults; for children from 1000 up to 20 000 i Day depending on age. The maximum{supreme} single doze for adults 50 000 The maximum{supreme} daily-100 000 ; for children the maximum{supreme} single doze 5 000 , the maximum{supreme Daily - 20 000 .

1 comment:

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