Monday, April 27, 2009

Anti-inflammatory, Promoting Stones At Illnesses Means. Way Of

Anti-inflammatory, promoting stones at Illnesses means. Way of application. Appoint{Nominate} in a kind (10-15 raw material to 200 ml of boiled water) on 2 table spoon 3 times a day before meal. Action. Diuretic, anti-inflammatory, means. Indications. Apply for and removals{distances} of uric stones and simplification of their deducing{removing}. Way of application and dosage. Accept on 1 teaspoon in 1/2 glasses of the warm sweetened water 3 times i Day after meal. MEAN " Action. means. Indications. Chronic hepatites, cholecystitises. Way of application and dosage. Accept inside after meal on 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day. Collateral actions. Allergic reactions, diarrhea are possible{probable}. Contra-indications. Stomach ulcer, dystrophy of a liver " Action. The preparation possesses action and improves digestion. Indications. Hepatites, cholecystitises, gastritises. Way and a dosage. 1-3 times in a tribute after meal are appointed{nominated} inside on 1 tablet. Action. means. Indications.

1 comment:

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

That is why the concept considered in the given book, extends and on the phenomenon of natural death of higher organisms, including the person. And this concept proves position that natural death - death and consequently it is defined by the reasons on which probably to influence. Such treatment allows to consider in a uniform context as a role of external factors in formation of illnesses of ageing, and the mechanisms providing to live system certain degree of stability, despite action of these factors.