Friday, May 1, 2009

7.3. . 7.4. A Stenosis: Compensated; Subcompensated; .

7.3. . 7.4. A stenosis: Compensated; Subcompensated; . 7.5. . Examples of the formulation of the diagnosis 1. A stomach ulcer of a stomach in a phase of an aggravation, it is frequent Current, small ulcer of a corner of a stomach, normal function Stomach. 2. A stomach ulcer of a stomach in a phase of an aggravation, it is frequent Current, average ulcer a department, complicated compensated Stenosis of the gatekeeper. 3. A stomach ulcer of a duodenal gut in a phase of an aggravation, Moderately current, a greater(big) ulcer of a forward wall of a bulb Duodenal gut; normal function of a stomach. 4. A stomach ulcer of a duodenal gut in a phase of an aggravation, seldom current, . 5. A stomach ulcer localizations, it is frequent Current in a phase of an aggravation - average ulcers of a bulb and small curvature of a stomach. Chronic in a phase of an aggravation. . I 5. Classification symptomatic ulcers (531) 1. The basic kinds. 1.1. Stressful. 1.2. Medicinal. 1.3. (at Allison- syndrome, illness -, ).

1 comment:

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

Look at figure 2. A normal eye, as shown In figure 2, has the spherical form and in rest it is adapted For sight afar. Thus the rays of light going from removed Objects, are precisely focused on a retina. At sight on - Whom distance curvature of a crystalline lens increases (..2), and The light beams getting in an eye from nearby objects, Are precisely focused on a retina of an eye. Than more close is The considered(examined) object, especially convex becomes - Face. In figures 2-2 the short-sighted eye is represented.