Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I Believe, That Anywhere, Unfortunately, There Is No

I believe, that Anywhere, unfortunately, there is no full bibliography of editions on this theme, Appeared for last years for the central libraries do not receive Regional editions, and what are published in large cities, too With disorder of all-union system of book publishing as alarm samples Do not receive. I think, however, that number of the authors who have acted on arena Public life under the motto " the Healthy way of life " can now To be estimated in thousand and thousand person. The remarkable fact: in August 1998 Year from the United States America came to me for interview , the doctor, one of heads of the center on studying alternative Medicine in Russia. As she said, in this center after serious Analytical selection subject to studying of product nearby two hundred The Russian authors, worthy, in opinion of American official physicians, To represent in the work the methods useful to strengthening of health The person. I shall not hide(I shall not cut out), to me was rather flatter to hear from the representative Official though also the foreign medicine, that at them is not present any doubts in Superiority(Championship) of the book " Three whales of health " and other works which have left from under a feather.

1 comment:

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

Thus, on the basis of model considered in the book there is a possibility to search for interrelation between the main and additional factors of development, ageing and illnesses of ageing. Nobody dies of an old age: people and in an old age die of illnesses - basically as they are caused by regulation infringement. Natural death at higher organisms - death regular. Chapter 2. Wildlife riddles The wildlife stores in itself three ancient riddles: occurrence of a life, evolution and death. To solve the first of them, the strengthened attempts to reproduce process of occurrence of a life in artificial conditions now are undertaken.