Saturday, April 25, 2009

YE , , Etc. YE At Strong Exhausting

YE , , etc. YE At strong exhausting cough an estimation of a condition of a pleura and respiratory ways. NO Additional researches of a condition of the patien More in detail sm Irwin RS et al. Am Rev Resp Dis 1990; 141:640. The algorithm does not apply for completeness of an estimation of a syndrome, and is only a variant of interrogation of patient Short duration of disease in a combination wit Fever assumes the virus or bacterial nature of cough. Running off of slime on a back wall drinks - the usual reason chroni Cough. Change of character , its colors or volume separated a The smoker with " cough of the smoker " demands additional studyin (not less than 4-5 analyses) on presence of atypical cells. Professionally adverse factors in the anamnesis are characteristic fo Professional asthma or defeats of lungs. Instruction On repeated pneumonias are suspicious on , especially i Combination to episodes plentiful , especially purulent character. Change of periodicity of chronic cough, its wearisome characte At smoking cigarettes, allows to suspect a cancer of a lung.

1 comment:

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

It(he), as The rule, has more extended form caused or - intraocular pressure at weakness of fabrics of an eye, or Excessive pressure of external muscles of an eye under same conditions, Or, according to the most widespread theory, accepts Such form ostensibly on "command" of the nature, that, when the person Does(Makes) a lot of visual work close, to not hold all time a muscle in the intense condition for preservation in - long time of the convex form of a crystalline lens. Usually To lengthening of an eyeball in the latter case precedes Condition of a so-called spasm of accommodation (false - Bone), when at a normal form of an eyeball The muscle all time remains strained(intense), irrespective of, where There is a considered(an examined) object - close or in the distance (.