Friday, April 24, 2009

It(she) Could Pass(take Place) Twenty Five Camps Of

It(she) could pass(take place) Twenty five camps of Siberia and the Far East, and how many transit Prisons and stages!. After clearing it(her) have again arrested and have sent in Siberia on eternal settlement as it has been told in a verdict. It is rehabilitated It(She) was only in 1959, in the age of, hence, 64 years. That Helped(Assisted) this woman to survive and keep health and a kind spirit of spirit? It Constant hard work, first of all ideas, aspiration to keep Memory of those people, with whose tragical was crossed its(her) vital The road, is its(her) indefatigable care of popularization of its(her) creativity untimely The died sister, remarkable Russian poetess Marina Tsvetaevoj. It(She) was goods to all alive, its(her) way of life is incessant Mercy: to people, cats, pigeons. It(she) did not get tired to profess, protect And to approve(confirm) high universal laws of life. Ninety eight years (1872-1970) were lived on light by the English philosopher Bertran Russell. It(he) has forwarded the biography a brief note, which I refer to " For what lived? ".

1 comment:

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

The concept developed in this book, however, does not disturb to use of many facts which outwardly as though completely are with it in the contradiction. So, for example, though I consider that mutational theories of ageing are defective as they do not establish communication between development and organism ageing, in the book is considered, how regulation and metabolism changes promote increase in "contribution" of mutations in a picture of ageing and such illnesses, as an atherosclerosis and a cancer.