Thursday, May 28, 2009

Are Not Broken(disturbed) II. The Jaundice With Prevalence

Are not broken(disturbed) II. The Jaundice with prevalence A.Narushenie hepatic . 1. Family or hereditary frustration - syndrome -. Outflow of the connected bilirubin in bilious is broken(disturbed). Increase Bilirubin with direct reaction -- (connected). The maintenance(contents) in it is lowered, , . Moderately raised(increased) level , test with -th is changed. 2. The got frustration. 2.1. A virus, toxic hepatites. Allocation of the connected bilirubin in bilious courses, increase is broken(disturbed) Bilirubin with direct reaction --. The maintenance(contents) in It is lowered, , . Are broken(disturbed). 2.2. - a hepatites. Infringement of allocation of the connected bilirubin. Increase direct Bilirubin. Has erased- in and in urine are absent or the maintenance(contents) Them it is lowered, . Level , is raised(increased). Tests are poorly changed. B.Vneshnepechenoch-naya obstruction was beaten- by systems (mechanical Jaundice). bile in blood because of infringement of allocation, increase Bilirubin in whey due to direct (connected) in and in urine are absent or the maintenance(contents) is lowered, .

1 comment:

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

However there is more to come. It is considered to be that normal physiological ageing is one, and the certain illnesses linked to ageing, - absolutely another. From my point of view which I in this book in detail enough give reason, there are no basic distinctions not only between mechanisms of development and organism ageing, but also mechanisms of development of the illnesses linked to ageing. Therefore though the given book is not devoted completely not to specially medical problems, in it medical examples with biological, or the general, positions are often considered.