Monday, May 25, 2009

Essence Of Our Diagnosis Is The Account Of

Essence of our diagnosis is the account of the given stage of a conditio The patient, as means for what numerical expression physical and chemical serve Infringements in blood and its whey. In the course of researches the numerical form of the account has define Law of our medical actions. Such form of the account has the bi Advantages and in many branches of a science promoted revealin Laws in development of the phenomena and to definition natural [true - M. Z. And Century Z] influences. Lavoisier has entered into chemistry scales as a knowledge method. Chemical reaction Numerical expression and chemistry have received became the exact science. From variety of properties of elements Mendeleyev has selected nuclear weight. Creation of the law on periodicity of properties of elements was a consequence of it. The digital account of a functional condition of salivary gland was initia Point for I.P.Pavlova at studying of the higher nervous activity. Statistics figures have furnished the clue to knowledge of laws economic an Social development.

1 comment:

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

- Definition - (4), factor - active in - blood whey, and parities of Tz is possible---: 4 a hormone. These researches help - to establish interrelation of function - of a hypophysis and a thyroid gland. Test with a rilizing-hormone (TRH) gives the exact information on frustration which - can arise at level , a hypophysis and a thyroid gland. The - test with - a rilizing-hormone is especially important - at . After - operation on a thyroid gland - and therapy _131 frequency makes 1,5 - 3 %, reaching, under some statistical data, in the remote terms 20 - 40 %.