Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Part Of Tasks In View Has Been

The part of tasks in view has been almost solved: the necessary indicator Are planned. Maintenance sizes of one and bivalent metals of whey of bloo And sizes okislitelno - regenerative potential of blood satisfie To new requirements. Some interrelation between sizes has been entere Maintenances of one and bivalent metals in blood whey, elements of our Medical structures and clinical results. It has appeared that addition to our medical structures of salts of metals Which concentration in blood whey has been rather lowered, raise Their maintenance in it also improved a condition of the patient. This medical law has been taken further as a principle our Medical actions and clinical check has confirmed utility of it. Besides practical results, these moments represent som The general interest. For a long time already it became known that for normal developmen Biological processes presence of electrolits is necessary. Their constan Parities, according to Shade, "the basic condition of a life".

1 comment:

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