Saturday, February 3, 2007

But. 3. . A Stenocardia . 4. .

But. 3. . A stenocardia . 4. . A heart attack of a myocardium in the field of a back wall left (date), , blinking of auricles, The form, II. 5. . A stenocardia of a pressure(voltage), -III, (Date), blockade of the left leg of bunch(beam) . II. 4. Classification (422) (on N.R.Paleevu, 1991) 1. Infectious and infectious-toxic. 1.1. Virus (a flu, infection , a poliomyelitis, etc.). 1.2. Bacterial (a diphtheria, a scarlet fever, a tuberculosis, a belly typhus). 1.3. (a syphilis, , a returnable typhus). 1.4. ( a typhus, a fever 0). 1.5. Parasitic (, illness , ). 1.6. Fungoid (, the candidiasis, , -climbed). 2. Allergic (immune): (type -), Medicinal, , , at system diseases Connecting fabric (system red , ), at Bronchial asthma, syndrome , syndrome , , . 3. -allergic: , uraemic, alcoholic. Example of the formulation of the diagnosis 1. infectious-toxic postinfluenzal. 5. Classification (429) (on N.R.Paleevu, 1991) On to the characteristic. 1. . 2. and . 3. Toxic. 4. Alcoholic. 5. At an overstrain(overvoltage).

Thursday, February 1, 2007

In The Condition Isolated From It(her) It(he) Was

In The condition isolated from it(her) it(he) was whether some hours, whether The whole day, and then brought it(him) only for few minutes - for Feedings. From the point of view of arithmetic, mechanistic, anything especial Has not occured(happened), about what it would be necessary to speak: there is mother, there is a baby, Total under the inventory inventory two units, and to whom what business, where are registered and They are how located. But from positions uniform fields, The general(common) for the baby with mother during absolute all it(him) Previous life, accident has come to pass space scales: habitual Environment(Wednesday) which only also was known to the baby during intra-uterine Existence, has in one stage disappeared, moreover after such extreme Cataclysm, as , as transition from one environment in another, yes plus to it(this) At once that known and native biofield sphere, which was gone is unique to it(him) Only also bore(carried) to it(him) the information on the enormous world surrounding it(him).

Examples Of The Formulation Of The Diagnosis 1.

Examples of the formulation of the diagnosis 1. Rheumatism. An active phase. The third degree of activity. Primary . Sharp current. But. 2. Rheumatism. An active phase. The second degree of activity, returnable . a heart disease. Continuously- Current. II. 3. Rheumatism. An inactive phase. . Combined and a heart disease. II. 3. Working classification an arthritis (714) 1. The �????�<-anatomic characteristic. 1.1. an arthritis: a polyarthritis, , a monoarthritis. 1.2. an arthritis with system displays: defeat , Serous environments, easy(light), hearts, vessels, eyes, kidneys, nervous system, bodies. 1.3. A pseudo-septic syndrome. 1.4. an arthritis in a combination with deforming -, Rheumatism, illnesses of a connecting fabric. 1.5. an arthritis (including illness Steel-). 2. the characteristic. 2.1. . 2.2. . 3. Current of illness on clinical data. 3.1. Quickly progressing. 3.2. Slowly progressing. 3.3. Without appreciable progressing. 4. A degree of activity. I-- Minimal. II - average.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

. Further: For Some Reason , Similarly To All

. Further: for some reason , similarly to all other newborns, How many their millions was, long time did not give parent , parent milk. Let alone that have not induced it(him) At once to work on inclusion of the mechanism in female Breasts. And further all in this plan goes surprisingly carelessly (I hardly Has found here the most neutral word). Nobody insists on that, That mother nursed the child about one year. Torn up to pieces in pieces it appears Because of it(this) and process of regular biofield additional charging of the child, when they with Body of mother form the uniform power capsule extremely necessary To the kid both by way of information, and by way of protective. Very much early children Start to feed with mixes. As a result by six years up to 90 % of children, even From what were born healthy, have for all life polluted, , a defective liver (therefore for all life, that custom On a regular basis to clean its(her) mankind has not found till now in difference, for example, From constant prompting an external lustre on a mask and really high Arts of a make-up).

Monday, January 29, 2007

The Form Of Release. The Crushed Raw Material

The form of release. The crushed raw material and briquettes. Action. Local anti-inflammatory action, promotes regeneration damaged{injured Mucous membrane. Indications. Stomatitis, , . Way of application. At diseases of a mucous membrane of an oral cavity do{make} applications (15-20 minutes Or trays (1-2 mines) a solution 2-3 times day and current of 2-6 day (1 teaspoon gets divorced in a glass of warm water). Action. Antiseptic and deodorizing means. Indications. - for rinsings, washings, compresses at inflammator To disease of a mouth (, a stomatitis), an external ear, a , cystitises, , trophic ulcers. Inside - at gastritises , accompanied . Way of application and dosage. For external application plant 1,5 table spoons of a preparation in 1 waters. Inside accept 1/2 teaspoons of the preparation dissolved in 1 glass ho Waters. TABLETS " Action. , knitting, , anti-inflammatory, laxative. Indications. Stomach ulcer and a duodenal gut, gastritises. Way of application and dosage. Inside on 1 - 2 tablets 3 times and day after meal about 1/2 glasses of warm water.