Saturday, April 21, 2007

Earlier We Considered As Object Of Medical Influences

Earlier we considered as object of medical influences physical and chemical an Mechanical changes in the inflamed centre. Apparently, thu The biological essence of processes was out of sight of medical problems. Such position has remained and after transition to a method of the intravenou Injections. Contact of medical structures to the inflamed fabrics here agai It was represented by a necessary condition for reception of medical effect. Compatibility of medical structures with blood has allowed to use for the Transport a blood channel. The raised permeability of capillary membranes i The inflamed centre it has appeared an open door in the inflamed fabrics. Intravenous injections were made often. Doses of injections were rathe The big. Experiments and clinical supervision have given good effect. The dat For revision of representations about the mechanism of action of the applied medica Structures as though was not. When processes not inflammatory became object of medical influence Character, position has changed.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Then The Suppuration And All Damaged Fabrics Has

Then the suppuration and all damaged fabrics has begun have become lifeless. In i Condition the patient has been transferred us. Definitive healing, in this case, it is reached no Was. On an internal surface of an elbow bend remained smal The surface, which healing moved very slowly and owing t The personal moments the patient has left clinic. [Four photos Some interest, in this case represents a kind of a surface of a hand. This surface rough, places even is hilly. But this roughness i Consequence of that again formed fabric, covering destroyed muscles Has kept the form of defects in them. Hems absolutely are not present, except the interna Surfaces of an elbow bend. The integument is soft and elastic. An By-effects, in sense of weakness of the hand, unpleasant sensations etc. are not present. S.G-kin, 16 l., has been delivered in clinic with the phenomena roug Inflammations of the left brush. The inflammation quickly accrued, has grasped all bac Brushes also has extended on area of a wrist and the bottom part of a forearm.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

And If Then I Represented Itself As The

And if then I represented itself as The fighter- now would leave on a carpet on the average even if not in Light-middleweight weight. The fourth: significant increase of the general(common) opportunities. So, for example, On December, 16th, 1998 from 11 o'clock till 15 o'clock on employment(occupations) with cadets I have passed(missed) in To sweating room through the hands of 30 pupils, has steamed them, has rinsed in an ice-hole, Having shown, certainly, as it is done(made), then has gone on reception on The express train-diagnostics and where worked 4 more hours, having passed(missed) on This time through the hands 10 more person. Total 40 person for 8 working hours - At feeling of accrueing(increasing) energy, which on road home through park It was unloaded in reckless execution(performance) naughty, not quite decent Songs. The fifth: it is pleasant to me to see, how at my presence people begin To feel better as noticeably increase opportunities of mine Hands. The sixth: a special theme for the special book, and at all one, is Constantly increasing opportunity to work on distance on healing People, and also neutralizations of geopathogenic zones.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Apply To Greasing A Mucous Membrane Drinks Of

Apply to greasing a mucous membrane drinks of a throat. * THE PREPARATIONS CONTAINING PHOSPHORUS * CALCIUM Action. means. Indications. , overfatigue, a nervous breakdown, a rickets. Way of application and dosage. Appoint{Nominate} inside on 0,2-0,5 to adults, children on 0,05-0,2 2-3 times a day. The form of release. Tablets on 0,3 and 0, PHYTI Action. Stimulates , strengthens growth and development of a bone fabric, improve Function of nervous system at the diseases connected with lack of phosphorus i Organism. Indications. Vascular hypotension, neurasthenia, , a rickets, a diathesis. Way of application and dosage. Appoint{Nominate} inside on 0,25-0,5 3 times a day; to children till 1 year - 0,05-0,1 Till 2 years - 0,1 ; 3-4 years - 0,15 ; 5-6 -0,2 ; 7-9 years - 0,25 : 10-1 Years--0,25-0,3 2-3 times a day. The form of release. Tablets on 0,2 * THE PREPARATIONS CONTAINING FLUORINE * Action. Renders action, promotes normal development of fabric Tooth and a bone fabric of a skeleton. Indications.

Monday, April 16, 2007

The Blessed Prospect Has Loomed: , Stomatologic Operation

The blessed prospect has loomed: , stomatologic operation Or drilling - a word, all delightful gentlemen's set, not including Spent time. However it has turned out in another way: to me have prompted, and I In the evening has put on the amazed(struck) gum a leaf of a plant . In the evening Has put, and has woken up already without all those "pleasures" which threatened me in the morning Kind "holidays". Only one tiny successful example is those. But it seems To me, that at the present "rational" order and in our Ministry of Health In natural medicines there is nobody to be engaged seriously. I could get acquainted with some of the wisest, maybe, which practised in territory of the Union was, alas. For example, Here with the experience, because three centuries of employment(occupations) Grasses totals its(his) sort transferring(transmitting) the knowledge from generation in Generation. It Ivan Grigorevich Gajronsky. To get to it(him,them), It is necessary to transfer(transmit) it(him) not only a note from the person to whom it(he) trusts, but Also a photo of this person - so it(he) was afraid of prosecutions, though It is capable to create original miracles.