Saturday, June 7, 2008
The Subsequent Processes Of An Exchange Can Brake
The subsequent processes of an exchange can brake and even to lower intensity of an inflammation. The primary goal was not strengthening(amplification) of inflammatory reaction, and influence on inflammations with the purpose of normalization of the broken(disturbed) attitudes(relations). the moments were outside of a field of our interest. We began to apply - the old, tested anti-inflammatory means, - in which tanning properties are sharply expressed also preliminary experiences with , yielded encouraging results, us to stop on , as on a method of struggle against an inflammation. The term "" is borrowed from the tanning industry. It is necessary to emphasize now, that the purpose in a medical practice has no anything the general(common) with the purpose in a medical practice has no anything the general(common) with the purpose on manufacture. a living tissue, having kept its(her) life it is impossible. in a medical practice it is necessary to understand in a view of views consisting the following: the molecule of fiber consists of the direct circuits connected by strong main valencies; among themselves these circuits communicate weaker .
Way Of Application And Dosage. Appoint{Nominate} Inside After
Way of application and dosage. Appoint{Nominate} inside after meal on 2 dragees 3 times a day or on 20 drop 4 times a day within a week, then on 1 dragee the Zraza in day or on 20 drop 2-3 times a day. Contra-indications. Bleedings. The form of release. Dragee, drops. * THE MEANS STRENGTHENING SECRETORY FUNCTION OF KIDNEYS * LEAVES OF THE BEARBERR Action. Diuretic and a disinfectant. Indications. Inflammatory diseases of a bladder and uric ways. Way of application. Accept inside broth (10 raw material on 200 ml of boiled water) in a warm kind o 1/3 - 1/2 glasses 3-4 times a day through 40 mines After meal. The form of release. The crushed raw material, briquettes. TE Action. Diuretic, means. Indications. Hypostases owing to insufficiency of blood circulation and infringement of function of kidneys. Way of application. Accept in a warm kind (3 raw material on 200 ml of boiled water) on 1/2 glasse For 20-30 mines up to meal 2 times a day. The form of release. The crushed raw material, briquettes.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Way Of Application. Rub Daily In A Leather{skin}
Way of application. Rub daily in a leather{skin} on 2-6 ointments. OINTMENT " Action. Soothing and anti-inflammatory. Indications. Rheumatic pains, neuralgias, . Way of application. Put{Render} till 5-10 on painful{unhealthy} places and rub dry 1-2 times in day. * LAXATIVE MEANS * Action. Laxative means. Indications. Chronic locks. Dosage. Accept inside before a supper on 1-2 tablets. The doze can be increased up to Tablets on reception. TABLETS " Indications. Laxative means at locks. Dosage. Accept inside on 1 tablet before a dream (up to 2-3 tablets). Indications. Laxative means at locks at children and adults. Dosage. is accepted inside usually before a dream. The doze for adults makes Tablet. If in some days does not come simplification, a doze it is possibl To increase up to 2-3 tablets. For children from 1 till 3 years an initial doz Makes 1/2 tablets. If it is necessary, the doze can be increased up to Tablets. For children from 4 till 12 years the initial doze makes 1 table With the subsequent increase up to 1,5 - 2 tablets.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Eventually It(he) Starts To Consider(count) Itself(himself) Good The
Eventually it(he) starts to consider(count) itself(himself) good The pupil only in the event that will prove to be provisional . To imagination, the creative idea of the child is not present open space in training. And in fact one Business to receive discouraging repressive the two for infinitely curve Sticks and the nobility, that their consequence again will be severe reprisals, but Absolutely another - to feel, say, a regret in occasion of that a stick Has not gone in in the small house and now because of you, , it(she) will catch a cold and Will freeze, though you at us the kind boy, is not that so?, etc., and . Item Successful training on modern is impossible for techniques, and it It is proved by practice of teachers-innovators, it is proved and appearing occasionally In a floor(field) of our sight grants(manuals). That, apparently, can be more boring The learnt rules and exceptions in a punctuation, but the book here was issued " Secrets of a punctuation " (authors and S.Bondarenko), also it has appeared, that for By all these boring rules, points and it is hidden magic The country where on punctuation marks depend destiny as literary characters, And real people, and all our business life as a whole.
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