Saturday, May 5, 2007

Classification Of A Sharp Hepatites (070, 571.1) 1.

Classification of a sharp hepatites (070, 571.1) 1. . 1.1. A virus hepatites And. 1.2. A virus hepatites of Century 1.3. A virus hepatites With. 1.4. A hepatites at system virus or infections (Infectious , a yellow fever, -, , a virus parotitis, etc.). 1.5. Alcoholic. 1.6. Medicamentous with direct action of medicines Or at to them. 2. Clinical forms. 2.1. Icteric. 2.2. . 2.3. Subclinical. 3. Weight. 3.1. Easy(light). 3.2. . 3.3. Heavy. 4. Current. 4.1. Cyclic. 4.2. Becoming aggravated. 4.3. . 4.4. Long. Examples of the formulation of the diagnosis 1. A sharp virus hepatites In, the icteric form of average weight, Cyclic current. 2. A sharp alcoholic hepatites, the heavy form, -- Variant. 12. Classification of a chronic hepatites (571.4) 1. . 1.1. Virus (In, With, ,). 1.2. Medicamentous. 1.3. Toxic. 1.4. Alcoholic. 1.5. Disease of bodies of digestion (a jet hepatites). 2. Morphological. 2.1. . 2.2. Aggressive (moderated(moderate), expressed). 2.3. . 3. Clinical. 3.1. , good-quality. 3.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Indications. Apply At A Headache, Neuralgias, A Radiculitis,

Indications. Apply at a headache, neuralgias, a radiculitis, , feveris Conditions, flu, rheumatism. Way of application and dosage. Inside analginum accept after meal. A doze for adults - on 0,25-0,5 2- Once a day. A doze for children - on 0,005-0,01 on one kg of weight of the chil 3-4 times day. The maximum{supreme} dozes for adults: single 1 , daily Collateral actions. Allergic reactions are possible{probable} oppression . Contra-indications. The raised{increased} sensitivity a preparation, bronchospasms, infringement . The form of release. Tablets on 0,5 For children are issued tablets on 0,05, 0,1 and 0,1 Action. Anesthetizing and antispastic an effect has. Indications. , hepatic, intestinal , spasms of a stomach, coronary vessels an Vessels of a brain. Way of application and dosage. Inside appoint{nominate} on 1 - 2 tablets 2-3 times and day. To children of school age On 1/2 - 1 tablet 2 3 times a day. Collateral actions. Allergic reactions, infringement . PARACETAMO Action. Possesses febrifugal and soothing properties.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Collapses, Shot All Vitamins Successively What Are In

Collapses, shot all Vitamins successively what are in an organism. Ours , having passed(having taken place) through it "Treatment", for example, became hard of hearing. Antibiotics have weakened(easied) its(his) hearing. It(he) Plainly also did not know, that badly hears, it was found out much later, on military The commissions when it(he) was already called. For now it is nothing it(him) was to compare, it(he) and Did not know, that it(he) "" unless at school in youthful years tried Never to sit on "Kamchatka". So to us to do(make) with these medicines? Somehow to me has got on eyes The treatise: up to 30 billion roubles annually Soviet citizens spent on Purchase of medicines in drugstores. Spent 30 billion roubles (in present Units - something about billion) on those medicines, which regularly Render inconsistent influence on their health. Some of these(it) Medicines give a temporary positive effect, support(maintain) this or that Body, but then, having played the role, in the form of sharp splinters remain in Organism and anywhere from it(him) are not deduced(removed).

Sunday, April 29, 2007

It- Constant Interaction And Forces, It Gravitating To

It- Constant interaction and forces, it Gravitating to each other and impossible the friend without the friend polarity, Existing in the nature . A symbol of this immemorial polarity is Usual magnet - two different poles which are actively drawn the friend to To the friend, and they make a single whole only together. We continue reasonings in The same large-scale measures. Any system (public or Biological) can be steady only in the event that in it(her) Are combined forces, one of which is turned on search, another - On preservation of that is already reached(achieved). Function of men is not reduced at all Only to reproduction of posterity (eventually to the nature the principle is known also Vegetative duplication). Purpose(assignment,destination) of men - to play vanguard, Prospecting role to be engaged in vigorous search, the analysis, movement Forward. If the scout during the risky campaigns will not be lost, Its(His) finds, new data and opening, its(his) achievements will be transferred(transmitted) in Gold fund, there, where values for mankind as a whole, gather all Will is are transferred(transmitted) for reproduction to women.