Saturday, July 28, 2007

Dissolve Tablets In A Full Glass Of Water.

Dissolve tablets in a full glass of water. --SPARKLING TABLET The structure of a tablet includes aspirin, a citric acid and soda. Way of application and dosage. Tablets to dissolve in a glass of water. -on 1-2 tablets on reception, up to Tablets in day. To children in the age of from 3 years - on 1/2-11/2 tablets on reception an Up to 1-4 tablets in day. Action. , febrifugal and anti-inflammatory. Indications. Rheumatism, a polyarthritis, a gout, thrombophlebitises. Way of application and dosage. Accept inside during or after meal. A single doze for adults 0,1-0,15 Within day{bottom} the preparation is accepted with 2-3 times, a daily doze 0,45-0,6 to Children fro 6 months appoint{nominate} 3-4 times a day on 0,01-0,1 depending on age. The maximum{supreme} dozes for adults inside Single 0,2 , daily 0,6 Collateral actions. The nausea, vomiting, pains in a stomach, skin are possible{probable} a delay of a liquid in an organism Rash, changes in structure of blood. Contra-indications. Stomach ulcer and a duodenal gut, disease bodies Liver, kidneys, insufficiency of blood circulation, infringement of an intimate rhythm.

Friday, July 27, 2007

A Purpose Of Mentality On Activity, For Example,

A purpose of mentality on Activity, for example, is capable to cause additional, and rather Significant, reserves of an organism. I shall begin with an example. As is known, rise in temperature on The degree or, my God, on two already puts the person to bed. It is known Also, that falling of sugar in blood twice leads to such condition, That it is time to cause "first aid". Increase of palpitation Is known also, that And sharp increase of pressure up to two hundred and more millimeters of a mercury column Are fraught with set of the heaviest illnesses, down to a heart attack and an insult. But As from positions of similar unconditional data it is possible to explain vigorous Condition of the skier which by the end races runs with In temperature under 40 � With, with the maintenance(contents) of sugar in blood less than half Necessary norm(rate) and at pulse up to two hundred impacts in a minute? Runs, and anything Thin to its(his) health does not occur(happen), and, moreover, having passed(having taken place) this Competitive distance or, even better, having found an Olympic medal, it(he) not Only does not send to hospital, but, on the contrary, exults, even more also it is capable of even greater(big) loadings, overloads and deviations(rejections) from Average norm(rate)! Hence, it is a question not simply of changes physiological Functions, but also about substantial increase of limits possible(probable) for the person, Charged on a victory - on a victory over self or contenders.

And Appreciable Easing Universal Health As On All

And Appreciable easing universal health as on all terrestrial has begun To sphere, and across Soviet Union. However, have very quickly thought suddenly, in To America synthetics now - clothes for the poorest color, chronic The unemployeds, already deprived grants(manuals), and also for tourists, which, as Locust, all in shops at sale of the out-of-date goods. In what nocuity of external synthetics consists? I shall not be now To deviate aside the general(common) ecology and to speak about that monstrous paradox, According to which for manufacture of a synthetic fabric it is required approximately in One thousand times more waters (for ever after that deduced(removed) from a turn(turnover)), than for Manufactures of such magnificent valuable natural material, as flax, For example, which does not kill water. No, we shall talk about synthetics To its(her) direct influence on people. The matter is that during millions Years of our evolution we, children of Solar system, Space as a whole, developed From associates us of substances, received meaningly or the information From the Universe surrounding us, bathed in waves and radiations The world surrounding us.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

). ACID FOLI Action. Participates In Amino Acids, Acids,

). ACID FOLI Action. Participates in amino acids, acids, it is necessary fo Normal formation{education} of blood cells. Indications. Anemia at pregnant women, the anemias caused by medicinal substances and radiation Anemia at a chronic alcoholism, chronic , a tuberculosi Intestines. Way of application and dosage. For preventive maintenance appoint{nominate} on 20-50 mkg daily. With the medical purpose the adul Appoint{Nominate} on 0,005 (5 mg) in day. Collateral action. Allergic reactions. The form of release. On 0,001 the Folic acid is a part of a tablet Preparations (, , . , etc.). ACID ASCORBIC (VITAMIN C Action. Participates in regulation of oxidation-reduction processes, carbohydrat Exchange, curtailing of blood, normal permeability of capillaries, formations{educations hormones, synthesis of collagen. Raises{increases} stability of an organism t To infections. Indications. Avitaminosis and With, diathesises, a scurvy, bleedings Infectious diseases, intoxication, diseases gastroenteri The path, raised{increased} intellectual and physical activity.

Mixed 7. Not Specified 1. Primary 2.

Mixed 7. Not specified 1. Primary 2. Secondary 1. 2. 1. 2. Long Examples of the formulation of the diagnosis 1. a pneumonia, , right-hand, . 2. a pneumonia, staphylococcal, bilaterial, long. 3. Flu 2, heavy current. a pneumonia, e?OO??<-streptococcal, right-hand. 4. A sharp pneumonia in 8, 9 segment on the right, -bacterial ( + ). 3. Classification of a chronic pneumonia (496) (Minsk, 1964) 1. On - virus, bacterial, , from The influences of chemical and physical factors mixed. 2. On current - a stage of remission, a stage of an aggravation. 3. On localizations. 4. On functional infringements - changes, Obstructive changes. 5. On - respiratory insufficiency (), development Pulmonary heart, insufficiency of blood circulation (). Notes. 1. Development of a chronic pneumonia grows out not resolved For whatever reasons a sharp pneumonia. 2. As a morphological substratum the pneumosclerosis leading to more or serves Less expressed cicatricial the amazed(struck) site of a pulmonary fabric and Accompanied inflammatory changes in a corresponding(meeting) department Bronchial tree.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Matter Is That Damp, Drying Up Bandages

The matter is that damp, drying up bandages gave a numbe x the phenomena. These negative moments consist, in the first, in brevit Actions of a bandage in time. Though chrome for display of the actio Time demands less time, than representatives red , bu Actions of the bandage, to equal 2-3 hours, definitely it is not enough. The secon The negative moment consists that the dried up bandage dried t To wound and, therefore, at change of bandages, occured Surfaces. At last, the third minus consist that the dried up bandag Owing to salts, became very rigid and, densely adjoinin To a wound, was an alien irritating body. It is natural, that these negative parties of a damp bandage in the perio reduced the size of positive results. It was necessary to eliminate these minuses, i.e. to renew some chrome To destroy bandages to surfaces and to change characte The dried up bandage in sense of reduction of its irritating properties. The practical decision meeting all these requirements, wa The following: on a surface put 3-4 layers of the gauze plentifully moistene Solution of chromic salt with additional inclusions.

With Another The Parties(sides), The Similar Method Of

With another The parties(sides), the similar method of personal approbation allows to speak about mentioned(touched) Therein subjects with a sufficient degree of confidence and definiteness. Now I come back to that unit of challenges about which it was spoken Hardly earlier. First we independently send(have come) to not which paradoxical To technique if permissibly to use this term in so thin sphere Human attitudes(relations), and later some years after that have found its(her) description In Chinese descriptions deeply coded during centuries. So, There is an opportunity which exists also which was used by a top The Chinese dignitaries (it(she) is included and in some high steps of yoga), To satisfy the woman it is so much times, how many it is required to it(her), and to receive Pleasure most, not spending each time of a seed. I am not assured completely not that a degree of an openness and development The civilized approach to health of the person in our society very much it is fast Will rise up to that the similar practice will enter into a daily life The person.

Weakness Accrues. Grows. 2. III Cut To The

Weakness accrues. grows. 2. III cut to the right from ches Bones. The temperature does not fall. o . 10. III condition continuously worsens. Picture of a heavy sepsis. 13. III with 13. III-31. III - five intravenou Injections. Temperature by this time Has passed in a zone 36-370. Dream, appetite good. In weight has added. Goes independently. Wounds almos Have begun to live. Suppurating it is few. 5. IV in current of illness were the Small rises in temperature, but the menacing phenomena were not also the patient in goo Condition it has been written out. 7 -, 16 years. Was ill 30. IV. A han Has swelled up. Temperature, the general weakness. The phenomena accrue. 22. V. Has acted in IV-t Surgical clinic. Temperature 38,50. The shoulder has swelled up, painfully, a leathe Red, movement are impossible because of pains. Fluctuation of the top third of shoulder. 23. V. Operation. A cut The counteraperture. The bone is strongly damaged, . 25. V. The roentgenogram: Heads of a shoulder, the top part and a shoot .