Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Classification I A Stage - (initial, Hidden(latent)).

Classification I a stage - (initial, hidden(latent)). In rest absence subjective and Objective attributes of infringement . They are shown only at Physical pressure(voltage) (a short wind, excessive exhaustion and it is frequent and Palpitation). Besides there is a hypertrophy and-or this or that department of heart. stage - (expressed, long). Insufficiency right or The left heart, the phenomenon of stagnation, expressed and quickly passing(quickly taking place) after Corresponding(Meeting) mode and treatment; infringements of function of some bodies and Infringements of a metabolism are expressed poorly 1, for example, the liver is increased, It is painful(unhealthy), but in the moderate degree, hypostases on legs(foots) appear by the evening, and to To morning disappear > a stage - insufficiency both right, and the left heart. The phenomena Stagnation and infringements of an exchange and functions of other bodies are expressed more strongly; a liver Greater(Big), developments of stagnation in the kidneys, proof and significant hypostases.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Our Respect For Those Doctors Which It Is

Our respect for those doctors which it is direct is immense Collide(Face) with death in struggle for a life which faultlessly own Knowledge of those separate bodies which sufferings are called to stop. I some decades with doctors have no attitudes(relations), but Once, in young years, I had to collide(face) with such masters, Memory of which does not disappear. It were doctors still old schools, Which saw the person entirely, in all set of its(his) systems, in Complete communication(connection) of work of its(his) bodies, in a context influencing the person Circumstances. I come somehow to the doctor - very long time ago! - I see, sits, something The elderly person writes (in general doctors should write much, The impression that is their main work) is made. It(he) asks: - That at You? - the doctor, me a cold, already some months I can nothing with It(Him) to do(make). It(he) has thrown on me an instant sight and has again plunged into the Literary trash: - Eat cottage cheese. - what cottage cheese? - I have asked was dumbfounded a little.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Learning Rules Cheerfully And Excitedly, Children Will Grow

Learning rules Cheerfully and excitedly, children will grow not only competent, but also intellectually Advanced as their heads nicely(famously) and with pleasure have worked in Not trivial circumstances. Have worked the clever and cheerful book, besides With humour issued and as result have received not overstrained health, and, On the contrary, ! But we shall agree, that a similar sort educational It is not enough grants(manuals), and inertia of representations, that the textbook should be The book tiresome, in my opinion, is defining(determining) while and at a lot The deserved authors, and at considerable number of authoritative methodologists. And in fact Chronic boredom - impact on health. I shall afford small deviation. I could write educational The grant(manual) under the literature for senior pupils. Naturally, the publishing house has given It(Him) on reviewing, and these reviews have been shown to me. Were among them Efficient, were insufficiently constructive, but from everywhere it was possible to gather Material for improvement of the book, however one review belonging a feather The methodologist holding a high post in the Ministry of Public Education, me Has simply stunned(amazed).

Sunday, April 8, 2007

So To Do(make)? Than To It(him) To Help(assist)?

So to do(make)? Than to it(him) to help(assist)? That is than to help(assist) each of us? I Deeply I hope, that that reader who together with me has walked along this The typical biography of the successful person, strictly on To the road leading on Ocean, on that ocean in which three whales float, bearing(carrying) On the mighty ridges our health. It seems to me, each of us should understand necessity personal and Constant participation in struggle for its(his) finding and maintenance on appropriate, Worthy the person a level. It is thought, it is not still lost by Anatoly for worthy the person of a life though for its(her) destruction it is made It is a lot of. So, dear(expensive) Anatoly Filippovich, we have passed(have taken place) with you so short, Alas, a life, but here we at Ocean where the pleasure of acquaintance waits for us with Healthy life. That, give with you and with readers we shall plunge into it(him) Salutary abysses and by swimming we shall head to first of whales.