Saturday, March 7, 2009

Moreover: The Less Than Children, The Easier To

Moreover: the less than children, the easier to tutors to work, therefore That less their loading, and in that case for what it(him) at a constant, yes Also to the extremely insignificant salary once again to strain, if it is possible to reduce Quantity(Amount) of "clients" up to a minimum?. To ours the Shred really carried: it(he) Veins in good, solidary family, had parents and , grandmothers and Grandfathers, which showers(souls) in it(him) not . It(he) played with a cat, which Learned(Taught) its(his) frankness and independence of character; it(he) had a puppy, become it(him) The friend, the close essence which has learned to its(his) sincere goodwill in Display of feelings to associates. (by the way speaking, this dialogue with animals Theoretically, how much(as far as) I know, it is not developed almost by a science, and Meanwhile bears(carries) in itself significant reserves of mental health, and The child, from the early childhood accustomed to care of brothers our smaller, Especially agricultural animals, with other things being equal grows Much more counterbalanced and many-sided person, than the child deprived Similar feedback.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Contents Of A Packag Gradually Pour Out In

Contents of a packag Gradually pour out in a liquid (50-100 ml), in regular intervals stirring. A preparatio Accept after meal in case of an inflammation of a gullet and up to meal at other Diseases. The form of release. Powder for suspension in packages. * THE MEANS IRRITATING THE NERVOUS TERMINATIONS{ENDINGS} * LEAVES OF MINT PEPPER Action. , sedative and action. Indications. Nausea, vomiting, spasms of smooth muscles. Way of application and dosage. Inside: (5 raw material on 200 ml of boiled water) on 1 table spoon -4 of time i Day, tincture till 10-15 drops on reception, mint tablets on 1-2 under language Oil{Butter} of mint peppery as freshening and antiseptic means in the form o Rinsings. The form of release. Crushed leaves in packing; briquettes of a leaf{sheet} of mint peppery; tincture Mint tablets. DENTAL DROP Indications and a way of application. For calm of a toothache on 2 3 drops on on a sick tooth. Indications. Apply as and sedative to greasing a leather{skin At an itch, a neuralgia, for greasing a mucous membrane of a nose at rhinitises.

The Form Of Release. Tablets, Suspension In A

The form of release. Tablets, suspension in a bottle, suspension in software packages of 15 ml. Action. means. Indications. Stomach ulcer and a duodenal gut, gastritises. Way of application and dosage. Accept on 1-2 tablets of 4-6 times in day in 1 hour after meal. Tablet Swallow not chewing. Action. , adsorbing and enveloping means. Indications. Stomach ulcer and a duodenal gut, gastritises. Way of application and dosage. Accept for 1/2 - 1 up to meal in a daily doze 2-4 (4-6 tablets) on 0,5-1 (1-2 tablets) before a breakfast, a dinner and a supper and on 0,5-1 before a dream. Tablets swallow not chewing. Collateral actions. Locks are possible{probable}. Contra-indications. Heavy defeats of kidneys and pregnancy. The form of release. Tablets on 0, Action. means. Indications. It is applied to elimination of the symptoms caused by raised{increased} acidit Gastric juice: heartburns, feelings of overflow or weight in Areas, , nauseas, a sour eructation, and also after errors i To diet, reception of medicines and abusing alcohol, coffee, nicotine.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

5. The Characteristic Of A Morphological Substratum Of

5. The characteristic of a morphological substratum of illness. 5.1. Kinds of a ulcer. 5.1.1. A sharp ulcer. 5.1.2. A chronic ulcer. 5.2. The sizes of a ulcer. 5.2.1 Small (less than 0,5 sm). 5.2.2. Average (0,5 - 1 sm). 5.2.3. Large (1,1 - ). 5.2.4. Huge (more than 3 sm). 5.3. A stage of development of a ulcer. 5.3.1. Active. 5.3.2. Cicatrizing. 5.3.3. A stage "red" . 5.3.4. A stage "white" . 5.3.5. It is long not cicatrizing. 5.4. Localization of a ulcer. 5.4.1. A stomach And - everyone, a department, a body of a stomach, a department, the channel, the gatekeeper; Stomach - a forward wall, a back wall, small curvature, greater(big) Curvature. 5.4.2. A duodenal gut And - a bulb, --th Transition, a part; Duodenal gut - a forward wall, a back wall, small Curvature, greater(big) curvature. 6. The characteristic of functions systems (with normal, Raised(Increased), lowered function; motor and Function). 7. Complications. 7.1. A bleeding: Lung; Average degree; Heavy; The heaviest. 7.2. Punching.

Way Of Application And Dosage. The Adult Appoint{nominate}

Way of application and dosage. The adult appoint{nominate} 0,01 5-0.03 in day. To children in the age of till 1 year appoint{nominate On 0,002-0,005 , till 2 years-0,006 , 3-4 years-0,008 , 5-9 years - 0,01 , 10-1 Years-0,015 Accept within 3-4 days on end, the Do{Make} a break for 4 days. After a break reception repeat within 3-4 days. The day time doze can be broken into 2-3 receptions. The maximum{supreme} for adults: singl 0,03 , daily 0,0 Contra-indications. The raised{increased} coagulability of blood. The form of release. Tablets on 0,01 (VITAMIN 3 Action. Protects from a rickets and cures a rickets. Indications. Rickets, infringement of function , bone diseases Caused by infringement an exchange, some forms of a tuberculosis, leather{skin} and mucous membranes. Way and a dosage. For preventive maintenance of a rickets to the child give daily on 500-1 000 during al The first year of a life; a preparation again appoint{nominate} in spring and - tim (Up to 2). For treatment of a rickets to children appoint{nominate} daily on 10000-15 000 i Current of 30-45 days.