Saturday, August 23, 2008
To That Destiny, Which Throws To Us In
To that destiny, Which throws to us in the form of pity scanty from riches, Intended to us entirely. And in fact we can, we are capable to correct those Ridiculous skews on which so we are dragged in anywhere! Therefore The subsequent conversation will be to straight lines, frank and is salutary ruthless. In sphere of interactions " the Man - the Woman " really greater(big) are concealled Reserves of health. We shall peer into them from a position of a postulate " Two should become Uniform essence ". On the closed, not published statistical data, in ours The state up to 30 % of men and the women, ripened to enter in Marriage(Spoilage), in marriage(spoilage) do not consist. Roughly speaking, each third person of the adult The population has no spouse (spouses). For comparison: in Germany only 3 % not Are married. How to estimate(appreciate) a similar situation? As an enormous defect Our public mechanism. Further. In large cities up to 50 % of persons(faces), Marrying, get divorced. To a question on health: what traces similar Break leaves in showers(souls) missed? And what to their children? About what the person Their mental stability after these spiritual wounds, after Bases of life have failed firm, appear, it is necessary to speak? In fact what This happiness for the child, happiness on planetary, at a space level, When it(he) goes between the daddy and mum and keeps for their hands! When it(he)- Center and focus of two vivifying fields! No, this field is roughly chopped off.
Each Of Readers, Is Assured(confident), Alongside With Feeling
Each of readers, is assured(confident), alongside with feeling of gratitude to those To fine doctors who have facilitated its(his) sufferings and have helped(assisted) it(him), stores(keeps) in The memory of a situation and drama, and even tragical. More and more time I repeat: in total it is more reliable - as it is possible to get less often in dependence from Medicine, it is more reliable accessible each of us means to hold all the Health at as much as possible high level. Lion Thick words One of favourite heroes, prince Andrey Bolkonskogo, has stated an idea, That in the world there are only two absolute values: pure(clean) conscience and health: In The further statement of these(it) we shall see, however closely, are indissolubly connected Between myself health physical and health mental, well for now I allocate In the italics an idea belonging a giant of human spirit, about health as Absolute value of a human life. That area which we have entered, literally continually It is mined by severe, explosive prejudices of a household level.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
That Them To Lift, Their Girlfriends Should Become
That them to lift, their girlfriends should become in any Degrees women of easy virtue. But we and in a factory, as they say, do not have representation About it(this). Nevertheless, being careful wives, seeing, that husbands Insufficiently satisfy their pressing needs, women begin To take the measures. What? Start to fatten, for example, husbands meat, Not knowing, that effective means against a prostatitis is, on the contrary, Regular starvation. Already available thorough practice which has passed(has taken place), Unfortunately, by attention of official medicine, proves, that Periodic fortnight starvation burns out all stagnant formations(educations) in Organism, and men on pleasure to the wives start itself to feel High-grade husbands. The dangerous paradox consists that instead of Uses in a normal life of salutary opportunities of famine and famine The overwhelming majority of mankind to itself in harm uses heat in a life and . One of typical examples of our general(common) Is those only Illiteracy, general ignorance, and , and consecrated Centuries-old household .
Sunday, August 17, 2008
., For Example, Repeatedly It Was Necessary To Me
., for example, repeatedly it was necessary to me To meet readers who believe, that the book " Three whales of health " Existed almost always; met also such, which without a shadow Doubts told to me that are engaged on the system stated in " Three whales of health ", almost one and a half-two ten years. And meanwhile The first edition of this book was issued in the March, 1991, only eight Years back! Yes, I understand, that the some people count to this edition with Small clause(article) which has appeared in magazine " Neva " in 1988 in the second Number, also has generated an avalanche, unimaginable stream of letters, responses, Phone calls, arrivals to the author-caused and unexpected, but also with Time of its(her) publication too has passed(has taken place) only 11 years. About, however(as) much has changed for these years in a life and each of us, and all Powers as a whole: it not impression, and a reality - between that recent date And this years; with all consequences tectonic, volcanic Explosion the whole new epoch, and, maybe, has revealed owing to To historical cataclysms witnesses and, alas, which accomplices we Have appeared and has arisen feeling of huge time(temporary) remoteness, long-long Distances from that in general absolutely near date.
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