Saturday, July 5, 2008

It(her) The Basis Is Made First Of All

It(her) The basis is made first of all by that is approved personally by me, mine Close, my pupils and adherents. We dare to approve(confirm) Only that has passed(has taken place) experiments on ourselves and has brought positive Results. Pretty often there were and so, that we in the literature backdating Encountered to what already send(have come) the by; it pleased us, so As confirmed objectivity of the results received by us. Pretty often, on the contrary, happened and so, that we got acquainted with those or Other influences on health owing to the materials getting in ours Hands and then we with interest carried out tests besides first of all On itself then agreed or disagreed with these(thus) reached up to us Offers, and sometimes corrected(adjusted) or specified them. But always the beginning The beginnings and a support of support there was for us own experience, own plural Tests of the found knowledge. Certainly, the similar approach defines(determines) and Some narrowness offered below : here it will not be told about many(much), That for certain it is useful for the person but that we "did not pass(take place)".

Friday, July 4, 2008

In , However, Daily Filled In On Half-litre

In , however, Daily filled in on half-litre and more whole milk in all possible(probable) Kinds, that is assiduously prepared for it(him) for that it(he) has taken a place on a bench In a reception of the oncologist, and also to that in scales of a human life Very quickly, if it(he) will live, certainly, till 60 years, at it(him) will begin Turbidity of a cornea of pupils. As to traditional a feed(meal) - broths for favourite Grandsons, especially when they are ill(sick), this meat or chicken broth, being Warm, the liver on the is so quickly soaked up by intestines, that Throughput has not time to process all this almost simultaneously The weight which has acted(arrived) in it(her) of meat extracts. All of them in the form of not split Poisons, passing not coping processing " chemical factory ", that is Liver, the subsequent blows on all other bodies during the strike Internal circulation. it is simply compelled(forced) to hurt(be ill,be sick) often, and on To known principle " falling - push " to the kid during its(his) most difficult moments Lives strike good painful(unhealthy) kicks which refer to " as care about The child ".

Thursday, July 3, 2008

IV Class - Completely The Irreversible Stage Corresponding(meeting)

IV class - completely the irreversible stage corresponding(meeting) III stage Strazhesko N. 's classifications and X. 12. Pulmonary heart (415 - 416) (it is accepted by a symposium in a Minsk, 1964 ) 1. On current. 1.1. Sharp (develops within several hours or days). 1.2. (develops within several weeks or months). 1.3. Chronic (develops within several years). 2. On a primary origin. 2.1. (at narrowing the general(common) channel of a small circle - And difficulty of a blood-groove in it(him)). 2.2. (at absolute or relative reduction Pulmonary ventilation because of infringement of bronchial passableness, at Reduction of a respiratory surface of lungs, at infringement of permeability C?yoN<?nO?<-capillary membrane). 2.3. (at absolute or relative reduction Pulmonary ventilation because of infringement of participation in the certificate(act) of breath -muscular Structures of a thorax and diaphragm or the device -irritating them). 3. On a condition abilities of a myocardium. 3.1. Compensated.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Collateral Actions. Increase Of A Chair Is Possible{probable}.

Collateral actions. Increase of a chair is possible{probable}. TABLETS " Action and indications same, as for . Way of application and dosage. Appoint{Nominate} after meal (through 1 - 1,5) 3 times a day. Wash down smal Quantity{Amount} of water (1/4 glasses). - Action. , enveloping means. Indications. Stomach ulcer and a duodenal gut, gastritises. Way of application and dosage. Appoint{Nominate} - 4 times a day: on 1-2 tablets for 1/2 - 1 till a breakfast Dinner and supper and 1-2 tablets before a dream. Collateral actions. The nausea, vomiting are possible{probable}. Contra-indications. Heavy infringements of function of kidneys. The form of release. Tablets on 0.1 Action. , adsorbing, enveloping means. Indications. Stomach ulcer and a duodenal gut, sharp and chronic Gastritises, and other diseases, accompanied the raised{increased} acidity. Way of application and dosage. Inside on 1-2 teaspoons 4 times a day for half an hour up to meal and before a dream. Collateral actions. Locks, drowsiness are possible{probable}.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

But, In Turn, Men Firmly Should Know And

But, in turn, men firmly should know and strictly To follow objective need(requirement) of the woman for a constant emotional To additional charging, in attention to that they do(make) as look(appear) that carries away them. Absence of admiration of her(it) and its(her) works - an attribute of impolite indifference, Which nothing is better than the foolish attitude(relation) from its(her) party(side) to its(his) affairs. Hence, mutual understanding of psychological features each other and Full readiness to correspond(meet) to these features (the best example here - and , instead of two bolts and not two which can To coexist only beside, but not together) - here such mutual understanding and Interaction - the major condition for a joyful, happy life, and Hence, and for health. The optimum consists in, that the person with Pleasure went from the house for work, and from work - home. And to a question on the house. The family house in any way cannot be compared to a box of the TV, which Have once brought, have included, it(he) and will play up to the end of the days.

Way Of Application And Dosage. Accept Inside (washing

Way of application and dosage. accept inside (washing down with water) after meal. At a flu adult Accept in the first day - on 2 tablets 3 times a day, in the second and third day On 2 tablets 2 times, in the fourth day - 2 tablets of 1 times. In the first da Diseases application of a preparation unitary in a doze of 6 tablets is possible{probable}. To childre In the age of from 7 till 10 years give on 1 tablet two times a day, fro 11 till 14 years-rub{-three} of time in day. Adults accept on 1 tablet Once a day daily within 10-15 days. Collateral action. At application unpleasant sensations in the field of a stomach are possible{probable}. Contra-indications. Application is counter-indicative at sharp diseases of a liver Sharp and phonic illnesses of kidneys, , pregnancy. The form of release. Tablets on 0,0 OINTMENT Indications. Virus diseases of eyes, cooks, virus rhinitises, renders preventiv Action at a flu. Way of application. To preventive maintenance of a flu apply 0.25 %-s' ointment.