Sunday, July 29, 2007

" Large Lack Of This Manual, - Was

" Large lack of this manual, - was It is in black and white written to reviews, - that analyzes is The best products of the Soviet writers, instead of what are specified in school To the program ". I have kept it(her) (though, basically, I try archive not ), because this document, in my opinion, - original Classics. To put it briefly, alive force of our brain develops at school absolutely Unsatisfactorily. Whether it refers to health? Direct! The developed, powerful intelligence is one of defining(determining) guarantors of health The person as a whole. It is known, that the academician was left is brought down and killed By lorry, it(he) was practically . On all physiological norms(rates) it(he) Could not live. On all and to trade-union norms(rates) the person was dead, But it(he) lived! Due to what? Due to reserves which have been hidden in it(him) Enormous intelligence. In other words, if the school developed strong, Bright intelligence in the person, even in small, it(she) would do(make) it(him) much more Is more viable, substituting development of intelligence and spirituality mechanical Saturation of a brain of any sort the information, not developing "Muscles" of active thinking, the school does not aspire to increase in potential Health of the pupils.

Under, 33 L., The Worker Of Jute Factory,

Under, 33 l., the worker of Jute factory, worked on the stea Irons. These irons represent two big cylinders, in diameter it is mor Metre, they rotate on horizontal axes, like rollers, and between the There is extremely small gleam. The panels of jute removed from weaving looms are inserted into this gleam. Problem of ironing cars is fibres of jute and pressur Between shaft about 1000 poods. There was an accident. Fingers of the right hand have got to the car. The ca Has been instantly braked, but nail phalanxes of 2nd, 3rd and 4th finger Have already been flattened absolutely out. By the ambulance of the patient has been delivere In hospital where amputation of these phalanxes has been offered. The patient has disagree And in two days has arrived on treatment in polyclinic to me. In 10-15 day The become lifeless skin of phalanxes, nails and parts of bones have departed. Has shown presence of weight of bone splinters. Through two and a half a month of a woun Have begun to live and by the end of the third month function of fingers has been restore Completely.