Friday, November 30, 2007

A Reflux-gastritis (postoperative, Type). The Additional Characteristic. 1.

A reflux-gastritis (postoperative, type). The additional characteristic. 1. On to a picture: Superficial; Hypertrophic; . 2. On a morphological picture: Superficial (poorly, moderately and strongly expressed); (moderated(moderate), expressed with the phenomena of reorganization-- Intestinal , , ); COO<o??N?�?-hyperplastic; Hypertrophic. 3. On a condition functions of a stomach: With raised(increased) function; With normal function; With moderated(moderate) and expressed insufficiency. Phase of disease. 1. An aggravation. 2. Remission. Examples of the formulation of the diagnosis 1. A chronic gastritis with primary defeat of a body of a stomach, with Expressed insufficiency of a stomach, 12 - a scarce anemia. 2. Chronic a gastritis (- with Raised(Increased) function of a stomach, a phase of an aggravation). 3. A reflux-gastritis (postoperative, type). 3. Classification chronic 1. On a morphological picture. 1.1. Superficial. 1.2. Deep (). 1.3. (moderated(moderate), expressed). 2. On a condition - functions 12- guts.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

To Destroy Concrete Carriers(bearers) Of A Harm On

To destroy concrete carriers(bearers) of a harm on which place others will come? So it will be - a way of infinite destruction, for structure Reproduces cancer cells(cages)? No, our way of creation of a worthy noosphere not Should conduct to a contamination of an environment of our distressful planet. From what To begin? Particularly I believe so: the politician cares of voices, the politician - about The future generations, about children. Who lives by a principle " after us - though a flood ", To that, certainly, all the same. But we, those who lives really on reason who Thinks of promotion of earthmen forward, should begin with transformation of a life, with Children. Ours efforts should be directed on Spirit and structure of the person at those who follows us. Otherwise we very long Let's revolve. I shall not develop this theme, as it(she) is obvious, but At parting, already leaving from a tribune, I wish to tell: that we Have turned out, it not . Both an apple, and the person store(keep) this(thus) received Admiration very long.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Supervision Consist In The Following: The Part Of

Supervision consist in the following: the part of a surface became covered by a usual damp bandage, and other part - the same bandage, but with addition oilcloths. Through 1-1,5 . A bandage removed. Appearance of granulations has been distinguished(various). The part of a surface covered by a damp drying up bandage, was more chilly and more faintly. has shown, that in the first part the number of visible capillaries and diameter from were less, than in the second. In some minutes this difference has disappeared. For check the form of researches has been then a little bit changed. It was made various sites at different patients and there where there was a same capillary surface, imposed bandages: drying up and , then removed them. Results of survey and were the same and we have refused damp bandages of type of compresses. Estimating(appreciating) results of supervision of this period, it is necessary to note, that efficiency of treatment was doubtless. There were many control supervision, especially at burns.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

And Have Received The Vigorous Answer: " And

And Have received the vigorous answer: " And here it(this) you from me will not wait!. " In other words, you spend for me the time, forces and health, and I shall be Still to satisfy those needs(requirements) which have already led to catastrophic consequences. If to speak without , It was a case of the cleanest(purest) classical parasitism, which, unfortunately, The great bulk free of charge and hurting professes: I shall hurt(shall be ill,shall be sick), and you Dance- around of me, correct that I have already bungled because of the Way of life also I am going to spoil further. And let to me in both of an ear repeat about Precepts ostensibly Christian mercy in this occasion, I believed and I shall believe what to multiply number similar, only on myself Egoists - business immoral. To tell to the patient about everything, that to it(him) Stirs(Prevents) to show a way which will help(assist) to come to elimination of the reasons Diseases, is necessarily, it is indispensable, but to patch its(his) consequences Unwillingness devoutly and sincerely to struggle for themselves? For this purpose exists Official medicine.