Saturday, December 29, 2007

They Were On A Class Above, Than Is

They were on a class above, than is callous(callously)-technological The western grants(manuals) of type " Hundred poses of love ", " Thirty ways " and to that similar. They considerably surpassed and deprived individual approaches east Technique. If now at a similar level where would equally be considered and Psychological, and physiological factors, it would be published corresponding(meeting) The grant(manual) and as an obligatory gift was handed over to a newly-married couple, a rod Human health and the joyful state of health resulting from completeness Lives, it would be lifted at us in the country much more above, than it(she) costs(stands) now. I shall stop especially only on one example of our utter ignorance in To this sphere. It will be a question of one of the most surprising creations of the nature, on Complexities and to riches of the structure conceding to only brain fabric, - about Man's seed. It represents not only the relay race directed from Depths of centuries in the future in the name of reproduction of a human life, but also The surprising enzyme which is normalizing and making active a lot vitally The important processes in a female organism.

Friday, December 28, 2007

I - Coming Character In Conditions Loadings. II

I - coming character in conditions Loadings. II class - partially . III class - partially irreversible. IV class - completely irreversible. Notes. Subclass I And - early prestagnant stage , is characterized Absence of complaints or infringements in rest, but physical and Emotional loadings lead to increase of pressure of filling in left and pressure in a pulmonary artery and to decrease(reduction) Intimate emission on 10 - 20 %. Subclass I - corresponds(meets) I to stage on classification . and X., . . It is characterized by occurrence of passing stagnation in Small circle in conditions of physical activity. II class - corresponds(meets) - II And stages. III class - Would correspond(meet) to II stage, . . Partially irreversible Stage () at which there are expressed developments of stagnation in big and Small circle of blood circulation, low intimate emission, significant Cavities of heart, but at adequate therapy modern medicinal Means possible to achieve appreciable improvement of a condition by patients, Reduction of hypostases, , stagnation in internal bodies.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

And On To Quantity(amount) Of Hours, And On

And on To quantity(amount) of hours, and on quality of teaching, substantially The children's age torn off from psychology, they serious roles to play not in a condition. It turns out so, that unhealthy Leaves school to the end of training much more, than to it(her) has come. Practically in school days at lessons of physical culture there is the same Killing never any more recoverable time and not repeating Opportunities, as at lessons of foreign language - by virtue of a technique, uniform For all age and equally removed from basic abilities human Perception(Recognition). There, where prospers instead of alive, with elements Improvisations, games to wait for successes is not necessary. But in fact and at other lessons the same . Instead of With enthusiasm to overcome collisions skilfully specified by the teacher and To untie real units of contradictions, instead of children's reason Independently overcame obstacles and consequently confidently and Would get into the essence of a subject hidden behind its(his) whole "wood" concrete Displays, the child receives the task to learn(teach), to remember, To learn by heart from here to here.

For Treatment Of Fungoid Diseases Of Mucous Membranes

For treatment of fungoid diseases of mucous membranes an Leather{Skin} the ointment containing in 1 100000 is applied . The form of release. Tablets on 250 000 and 500 000 , candles on 250 000 and 500 000 , ointmen . * PREPARATIONS * STREPTOCID Indications. Erysipelatous inflammation, quinsy, cystitis, , , an infection. Way of application and dosage. Inside the adult appoint{nominate} on 0,5-1,0 5-in once a day, all in day 3- The maximum{supreme} dozes for adults inside: single 2 , daily 7 to Children in the age o Till 1 year - on 0,05-0,1 on reception, from 2 till 5 years- 0,2-0,3 , from Till 12 years-on 0,3-0,5 At infectious diseases of a leather{skin} and mucou Environments of a nose, ear, at burns apply streptocide in a kind 10 %-s' ointments an 5 %-s' . Collateral actions. Headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, allergic reactions Tachycardia, changes from blood. Contra-indications. Diseases systems, kidneys, the illness raised{increased Sensitivity to . The form of release. Tablets on 0,3 and 0,5 ; 5 %-s' , 10 %-s' ointment.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

At The Heavy Form Of A Rickets To

At the heavy form of a rickets to a rate appoint{nominate} on 1 000 000 Within 40-60 days. At leather{skin} and mucous membranes accept o 100 000 in day. A daily doze divide into 2 receptions and accept during meal. Collateral actions. At reception of greater{big} vitamin 2 loss of appetite, a nausea are possible{probable} Headache, the general{common} weakness, irritability, infringement of a dream, increas Temperatures, increase of the maintenance{contents} calcium in blood and its{his} adjournment in kidneys Lungs, blood vessels ( Contra-indications. Care at purpose{assignment;destination} of a preparation is necessary for persons{faces} of old age an The bed patient. can promote development of an atherosclerosis Possesses ability to collect in lungs, a stomach ulcer an Duodenal gut, chronic diseases of a liver and kidneys. The form of release. Dragee on 500 ; solution 2 in oil{butter} on 500 or 1 000 i Capsules; solution 2 in oil{butter} on 25 000.50000 and 200 000 in 1 ml; solution In spirit of 6,5 %.

Monday, December 24, 2007

About Historical Changes In Our General(common) Destiny I

About historical changes in our general(common) destiny I shall tell very shortly: Each of us has appeared in a situation, when to the state not up to it(him), not up to it(him) Health. Rescue rolling(drowning) truly became a handwork rolling(drowning), and It is necessary to tell, that they with a considerable share of activity have borrowed(occupied) in it(this) more than Essential for preservation of a life and health a question. And one of curious and Certainly useful consequences(investigations) of a similar condition of a public situation Became surprising, hardly probable not filling of the book market The literature, devoted to preservation of a healthy way of life. It is recollected, As in an epilogue to 1- to the edition of " Three whales of health " I called citizens To unite efforts to induce publishers to print The products devoted to this theme. There is an introduction: " Your words yes in ears To the god! " Needs(requirements) of the validity have induced the book market briskly and Efficiently to respond to needs(requirements) of the validity.