Friday, November 23, 2007

There To It Has Been Impose Plaster Bandage

There to it has been impose Plaster bandage corresponding instructions concerning a food also are given an General regime. In February the patient has seemed again. The swelling has increased, pain Have amplified. The conclusion of Rentgeninstituta from 13.II-1929. For No 1986 "Roentgenograms find out infringement of integrity of the basis by 2nd Bone and the small many-sided. In March the condition of the patient has worsened, it wa By me it is directed on consultation to the regional adviser of prof. Schegolev. The conclusion was the following: "At - now there is a mixe Infection of tubercular process, visible, microorganisms. Inflammatory process already grasps axillary glands and there is an absces On brush back. Immediately operative help is necessary to liquidat The further distribution of an infection. It is necessary treatment ". - remained under our supervision and it was applied Technique. The condition began to improve and in 4 months hand function wa It is restored completely; swellings were not, only on a place of pricks remaine Small dot hem.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Fortunately, Ours The Shred Has Not Concerned(touched) Public

Fortunately, ours the Shred has not concerned(touched) Public prejudice according to which the thick child is the certificate Well-beings of parents. It is the same vestige of public backwardness, What was observed in Russia in XVIII century at very young girls-bills of sale: if at Them was a white, healthy teeth they smeared with their black pitch. Why? Yes because sugar then was very dear(expensive) product and if who had Opportunity on a regular basis to consume and spoil it(him) the teeth, that, Hence, its(his) spoiled teeth were an attribute "". And Now: pretty often the thick child who has hardly appeared to the public, but already The received infringement of a metabolism, is the certificate "" it(him) Parents. Really, the certificate, but not well-beings, and depressing . My God, how many we bear(carry) losses of health already at a level of a day nursery! Therefore, first, that not tempered, but already from the earliest Months as a result children in instantly negative image React to adverse circumstances for their weakened(easied) organism; Secondly, because the system of a payment of workers of a day nursery is constructed so In the wild image, that it(she) does not depend at all on health entrusted by it(him) Children.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

It Was Necessary To Me In A Life

It was necessary to me In a life to meet people of similar sense. What to tell about them? Unless To result(bring) the resume of a "bearded" joke: " In the seventy years the dead man Looked(Appeared) no more than on sixty eight ". By the way speaking, people, Concentrated exclusively on itself, a sound health and Do not differ: by virtue of their spirit and by virtue of nonparticipation in public The movements directed on strengthening of the same health. Similar attention to To the health understood besides it is especially incorrect, is Really unethical. But in fact it is possible to approach(suit) to the given problem and with another The parties(sides). I would like to assimilate here health to means, only owing to To which the person will appear is capable to reach(achieve) really high aim- Realizations of all internal opportunities incorporated in it(him). It is possible to receive from The nature the magnificent genetic mechanism which it will be permissible To compare to the strongest modern car, for example with "".