Friday, May 15, 2009

6. Classification Of Adiposity (278) (on D.Y.Shuryginu, Etc.,

6. Classification of adiposity (278) (on D.Y.Shuryginu, etc., 1980) 1. Forms of primary adiposity. 1.1. -. 1.2. . 1.2.1. -. 1.2.2. a dystrophy (at children and teenagers). 2. Forms of secondary (symptomatic) adiposity. 2.1. Cerebral. 2.2. . 2.2.1. . 2.2.2. . 2.2.3. Climacteric. 2.2.4. . 3. Stages of adiposity. 3.1. Progressing. 3.2. Stable. 4. Degrees of adiposity. I - the actual weight of a body exceeds a degree "ideal" no more than On 29 %. II degree - surplus of weight of a body makes 30 - 49 %. - the actual weight of a body exceeds III degree "ideal" on 50-99 %. - the actual weight of a body exceeds IV degree "ideal" on 100 % and More. Example of the formulation of the diagnosis 1. - adiposity of III degree, Progressing. THE MAINTENANCE(CONTENTS) I. Illnesses of cardiovascular system How to learn the reason of cough Cough (-786.2) concerns t To the most frequent attributes of disease of lungs. It can be epidemic Bronchial, functional, , spasmodic ( ), neurotic, psychogenic, cough of the smoker, etc.

2. On A Degree Of Weight . Easy(Light)

2. On a degree of weight . Easy(Light) degree - pulse no more than 100 . In minutes, loss of weight of a body on 3 - 5 kg, eye symptoms are absent or are expressed slightly, increase Absorption [131] I in 24 hours. Average degree - strengthening(amplification) of a tachycardia up to 100 - 120 . In minutes, loss Weights of a body up to 8 - 10 kg, the expressed tremor, increase and Decrease(Reduction) pressure, increase of capture of isotopes thyroid from the first hours, working capacity is partially lowered. The heavy degree - a pulse rate exceeds 120 - 140 . In minutes, reaches(achieves) a degree , infringements of function join Liver, adrenal glands, cardiovascular system. Full loss Work capacity. Examples of the formulation of the diagnosis 1. a toxic craw of II degree, average weight. 2. a -central craw of IV degree, . a gullet, . 3. -central toxic craw V of a degree, heavy current. 4. Classification (245) (on , 1980.) 1. Sharp . 1.1. Purulent. 1.2. Not purulent. 2. (, ). 3. Chronic .