Saturday, February 2, 2008

At Depressions, Irritabilit Accept On 1 Tablet 2-4

At depressions, irritabilit Accept on 1 tablet 2-4 times a day, at infringement of a dream - on 1 tablet fo 20 mines up to a dream. A sick chronic alcoholism at knocking over of hard drinkin Appoint{Nominate} 1 tablet, through 20 mines - the second, through 60 mines - third and i The subsequent within day on 1 tablet 3-4 times a day. The general{common} dail Doze 0,6-0, To the form of release. Tablets on 0, Indications. Senile, mystical, beam and cataracts in an initial stage The moderate downturn of visual acuity (not below 0.5). Way of application and dosage. It is applied in a kind of eye drops. Appoint{nominate} it is long on 2 drops in the patien Eye 3-4 times a day. Action. Stimulates separative processes at a dystrophy of a retina of an eye Traumatic defeats of fabrics of an eye. Indications. Dystrophy of a retina of an eye, cornea, cataract, for stimulatio Regenerative processes at traumas of a cornea. Way of application and dosage. Patients with a cataract appoint{nominate} on 2-3 drops 2-4 times a day, for treatmen Dystrophies of a retina and at wounds of a cornea enter on 0,3 ml 4 %-s' solutions Once a day under .

Friday, February 1, 2008

And , For Improvement Of A Metabolism And

and , for improvement of a metabolism and the general{common} conditio At elderly and senile age, at an intellectual and physical exhaustion Frustration of a dream and appetite, at application of antibiotics, durin Recover after heavy diseases. Way of application and dosage. Accept inside of the ambassador of meal on 1 tablet 1-2 times a day. TABLETS " Indications. For the prevention{warning} of vitamin insufficiency, especially to the persons{faces} who are expose Influence of extreme factors (vibration, , an overload), fo Preventive maintenance of an atherosclerosis. Dosage. Accept inside on 1 tablet in day. DRAGEE " Indications. For the prevention{warning} , for increase of resistibility of an organis To infectious and to diseases; at long treatmen Antibiotics; for persons{faces} which trade demands the raised{increased} visual acuity. Way of application and dosage. Appoint{Nominate} after meal. For preventive maintenance on 1 dragee in day, i Other cases - the adult on 1 dragee 3 times a day.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

3.1. (craw ). 3.2. - (craw ). 3.3.

3.1. (craw ). 3.2. - (craw ). 3.3. Specific (tubercular, syphilitic, ). Example of the formulation of the diagnosis 1. Chronic . 5. Classification (244) 1. By origin. Primary - arising on the basis of chronic ; after operative treatment of various diseases thyroid ; treatments of a toxic craw by radioactive iodine; beam therapy at Malignant diseases of the bodies located on a neck, etc. areas; Destructive defeats of a thyroid gland; or Thyroid gland). Secondary - develops at inflammatory, destructive or Traumatic defeats of a hypophysis /or . 2. On weight. Easy(Light) - poorly expressed separate symptoms, complications are not present; Work capacity is kept. - numerous symptoms are expressed to average weight, -; work capacity is partially lowered. Heavy () - sharply expressed numerous symptoms, Presence of a mucous hypostasis and complications; work capacity is lowered. Example of the formulation of the diagnosis 1. postoperative. (date) in occasion of a craw of III degree, average weight.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Variability Of Similar Combinations Should Be Known, Not

Variability of similar combinations should be known, not waiting, while with Full feedback will start to work as a bureau of acquaintances, in which programs, by the way Speaking, similar parities(ratio) can be and are not incorporated. What it is necessary to know? On the whole we are so illiterate, what not We know the elementary position: men and women on propensities and on behaviour To the qualitatively differ from each other. On emotional, on Physiological, on adjusting values - a word, on all basic To characteristics it is the different worlds, and in such difference their charm. These objectively existing distinctions should be known, and to proceed from them, and To not try to alter them on the , on the . The woman from whom the husband till a marriage was tender and keen her(it) one, Should not test a shock, having found out soon after wedding, that it(he) Is interested as well in the validity surrounding it(him), highly appreciates friendship With the friends and, the most important, can take a great interest before loss of consciousness The business.

True Vocational Guidance Is One Of Basic Piles

True vocational guidance is one of basic piles and vital Successes, and vigorous mood and, hence, one of the major conditions Preservations of human health. I shall result(bring) one expressive example from Literatures that there was clear an original value of true definition Human way for a life both the separate person, and all community People. I do(make) the cautious assumption that is far not to all readers came across Mark Twain's fine product " Travel of captain Stormfilda on Heavens ". Captain Stormfild during one of the travel on heavens Has got on meeting of the greatest commanders of all times and people. It(he) has moved In a conference hall where Very many people went, has for a moment noticed in Napoleon who received fur coats in a post of the door-keeper at visitors, but More any known military leaders from history has not met. It(he) has seen The big table covered by green cloth in which chapter(head) sat the man, about Which it(he) never and did not hear. The captain has asked: " And who it? " To it(him) Have named, which to the captain absolutely nothing has told, and, having looked at it(him) The amazed person(face), have explained, that on the Earth it(he) was the son of the simple shoemaker, and Itself was the shoemaker, and its(his) children were shoemakers.

Accep Unitary, In The Evening. Collateral Actions. Pains

Accep Unitary, in the evening. Collateral actions. Pains in a stomach{belly}, a nausea, vomiting, a diarrhea. The form of release. Tablets on 150 mg; on 50 mg. * ANTISEPTIC MEANS * SOLUTION OF PEROXIDE OF HYDROGEN OF 3 % Action. Disinfectant and deodorizing means. Indications. It is applied to rinsings and washings at a stomatitis, quinsy Gynecologic diseases. PERMANGANAT Indications. Apply as antiseptic means in water solutions fo Washings of wounds (0,1-0,5 % |, for rinsing an oral cavity and a throat (0,01-0,1 %) For greasings ulcer and surfaces (2-5 %), for syringings an Washings in a gynecologic and urological practice (0,02-0,1 %). Solution 0,02 0,1 % apply to washing a stomach at poisonings. ACID BORI Action. Antiseptic and means. Indications. Appoint{Nominate} in the form of 2 %-s' water solutions for washing at %-s' solution at becoming wet , . Spiri Solutions 0,5; 1,2 and 3 %-s' use in the form of drops at sharp and chroni Otitis (on 3-5 drops 2-3 times a day), for processing a leather{skin} at .