Monday, December 31, 2007

The Nausea, Lock, Drowsiness Are Possible{probable}. The Form

The nausea, lock, drowsiness are possible{probable}. The form of release. Tablets on 0,04 , candles on 0,2 BUT-?> Action. means. The indication. Spasms of a stomach and intestines, attacks -and illnesses Stenocardia. Dosage. Accept inside on 0,04-.8 (1-2 tablets) 2-3 times in a tribute. To childre Appoint{Nominate} on 1/4 tablets 1-2 times and day according to age. Collateral . Dizziness, palpitation, feeling of heat, . The form of release. Tablets on 0,0 Action. Vasodilating, and means. Possesse activity. Indications. Spasms of smooth muscles of a stomach, intestines, aggravation of hypertonic illness. Apply also to treatment of nervous illnesses, mainly residua The phenomena of a poliomyelitis. Dosage. Inside accept on 0,02-0,05 2-3 times a day. The maximum{supreme} dozes for adult Inside: single 0,05 , daily 0,15 to Children at treatment of disease Nervous system appoints{nominates} in dozes: till 1 year-0.001 , 1-3 years-0,002 4-8 years-<.<<? , 9-12-0,004 , are more senior 12 -0,005 Accept 2 hours prior to meal or in 2 hours after meal.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

. Hence, To Restore The Mental, Nervous, Physical Potential

. Hence, To restore the mental, nervous, physical potential Anatoly - ostensibly the cultural person - is not able at all. As if to Those insignificant health which at it(him) were still kept, the biggest The damage it(him) brings how it(he) eats and as it(he) drinks. To this theme it will be given in To the book special attention, I believe, it(she) will make the whole part of a trunk of the third Whale. One more significant part of the same third whale will be made with conversation about Quality of food - about that, what Anatoly Finyasovich, as a normal member Trade union consumes, and about that what it(she) should be. I shall not be now To mention(touch) - also in view of the future cutting the third whale ink, - that Motorist Anatoly Filimonovich even does not guess necessity Regular clearing of the organism of the internal slags which have littered it(him). And It is a pity! Internally pure(clean) organism - one of the basic guarantors strong Health. I shall shortly designate only one of aspects of the extremely necessary for all to us The clearing of an organism concerning as much to physiology, how many and to Psychologies.

Indications. Pneumonia, Meningitis, A Gonorrhoea, A Sepsis, A

Indications. Pneumonia, meningitis, a gonorrhoea, a sepsis, a dysentery. Way of application and dosage. At a pneumonia and a meningitis the adult appoint{nominate} to the first reception 2 , then o 1 in each 4-6 hours before decrease{reduction} in temperature, then on 1 through 6- Hours. At staphylococcal infections to the first reception appoint{nominate} 3- Then on 1 4 times a day. The maximum{supreme} dozes for adults inside: single 2 Daily 7 to Children appoint{nominate} each 4-6-8 hours in singl Dozes: in the age of from 4 months till 2 years - on 0,1-0,25 , from 2 till 5 years On 0,3-0,4 , from in till 12 years - on 0,4-0,5 On the first reception give doubl Doze. Collateral actions. Nausea, vomiting. The form of release. Tablets till 0.25 and 0, Indications. Pneumonia, meningitis, a gonorrhoea, a sepsis, a dysentery. A way of application an The dosage, inside appoints{nominates} the adult on 1 4-in once a day. At a pneumonia an Meningitis on the first reception appoint{nominate} 2 -at the rate of 0,1 ?/kg to the firs Reception, then on 0,025 ?/kg everyone 4-6- hours, the Maximum{Supreme} dozes for adults Single 2 , daily Collateral actions.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

They Were On A Class Above, Than Is

They were on a class above, than is callous(callously)-technological The western grants(manuals) of type " Hundred poses of love ", " Thirty ways " and to that similar. They considerably surpassed and deprived individual approaches east Technique. If now at a similar level where would equally be considered and Psychological, and physiological factors, it would be published corresponding(meeting) The grant(manual) and as an obligatory gift was handed over to a newly-married couple, a rod Human health and the joyful state of health resulting from completeness Lives, it would be lifted at us in the country much more above, than it(she) costs(stands) now. I shall stop especially only on one example of our utter ignorance in To this sphere. It will be a question of one of the most surprising creations of the nature, on Complexities and to riches of the structure conceding to only brain fabric, - about Man's seed. It represents not only the relay race directed from Depths of centuries in the future in the name of reproduction of a human life, but also The surprising enzyme which is normalizing and making active a lot vitally The important processes in a female organism.

Friday, December 28, 2007

I - Coming Character In Conditions Loadings. II

I - coming character in conditions Loadings. II class - partially . III class - partially irreversible. IV class - completely irreversible. Notes. Subclass I And - early prestagnant stage , is characterized Absence of complaints or infringements in rest, but physical and Emotional loadings lead to increase of pressure of filling in left and pressure in a pulmonary artery and to decrease(reduction) Intimate emission on 10 - 20 %. Subclass I - corresponds(meets) I to stage on classification . and X., . . It is characterized by occurrence of passing stagnation in Small circle in conditions of physical activity. II class - corresponds(meets) - II And stages. III class - Would correspond(meet) to II stage, . . Partially irreversible Stage () at which there are expressed developments of stagnation in big and Small circle of blood circulation, low intimate emission, significant Cavities of heart, but at adequate therapy modern medicinal Means possible to achieve appreciable improvement of a condition by patients, Reduction of hypostases, , stagnation in internal bodies.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

And On To Quantity(amount) Of Hours, And On

And on To quantity(amount) of hours, and on quality of teaching, substantially The children's age torn off from psychology, they serious roles to play not in a condition. It turns out so, that unhealthy Leaves school to the end of training much more, than to it(her) has come. Practically in school days at lessons of physical culture there is the same Killing never any more recoverable time and not repeating Opportunities, as at lessons of foreign language - by virtue of a technique, uniform For all age and equally removed from basic abilities human Perception(Recognition). There, where prospers instead of alive, with elements Improvisations, games to wait for successes is not necessary. But in fact and at other lessons the same . Instead of With enthusiasm to overcome collisions skilfully specified by the teacher and To untie real units of contradictions, instead of children's reason Independently overcame obstacles and consequently confidently and Would get into the essence of a subject hidden behind its(his) whole "wood" concrete Displays, the child receives the task to learn(teach), to remember, To learn by heart from here to here.

For Treatment Of Fungoid Diseases Of Mucous Membranes

For treatment of fungoid diseases of mucous membranes an Leather{Skin} the ointment containing in 1 100000 is applied . The form of release. Tablets on 250 000 and 500 000 , candles on 250 000 and 500 000 , ointmen . * PREPARATIONS * STREPTOCID Indications. Erysipelatous inflammation, quinsy, cystitis, , , an infection. Way of application and dosage. Inside the adult appoint{nominate} on 0,5-1,0 5-in once a day, all in day 3- The maximum{supreme} dozes for adults inside: single 2 , daily 7 to Children in the age o Till 1 year - on 0,05-0,1 on reception, from 2 till 5 years- 0,2-0,3 , from Till 12 years-on 0,3-0,5 At infectious diseases of a leather{skin} and mucou Environments of a nose, ear, at burns apply streptocide in a kind 10 %-s' ointments an 5 %-s' . Collateral actions. Headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, allergic reactions Tachycardia, changes from blood. Contra-indications. Diseases systems, kidneys, the illness raised{increased Sensitivity to . The form of release. Tablets on 0,3 and 0,5 ; 5 %-s' , 10 %-s' ointment.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

At The Heavy Form Of A Rickets To

At the heavy form of a rickets to a rate appoint{nominate} on 1 000 000 Within 40-60 days. At leather{skin} and mucous membranes accept o 100 000 in day. A daily doze divide into 2 receptions and accept during meal. Collateral actions. At reception of greater{big} vitamin 2 loss of appetite, a nausea are possible{probable} Headache, the general{common} weakness, irritability, infringement of a dream, increas Temperatures, increase of the maintenance{contents} calcium in blood and its{his} adjournment in kidneys Lungs, blood vessels ( Contra-indications. Care at purpose{assignment;destination} of a preparation is necessary for persons{faces} of old age an The bed patient. can promote development of an atherosclerosis Possesses ability to collect in lungs, a stomach ulcer an Duodenal gut, chronic diseases of a liver and kidneys. The form of release. Dragee on 500 ; solution 2 in oil{butter} on 500 or 1 000 i Capsules; solution 2 in oil{butter} on 25 000.50000 and 200 000 in 1 ml; solution In spirit of 6,5 %.

Monday, December 24, 2007

About Historical Changes In Our General(common) Destiny I

About historical changes in our general(common) destiny I shall tell very shortly: Each of us has appeared in a situation, when to the state not up to it(him), not up to it(him) Health. Rescue rolling(drowning) truly became a handwork rolling(drowning), and It is necessary to tell, that they with a considerable share of activity have borrowed(occupied) in it(this) more than Essential for preservation of a life and health a question. And one of curious and Certainly useful consequences(investigations) of a similar condition of a public situation Became surprising, hardly probable not filling of the book market The literature, devoted to preservation of a healthy way of life. It is recollected, As in an epilogue to 1- to the edition of " Three whales of health " I called citizens To unite efforts to induce publishers to print The products devoted to this theme. There is an introduction: " Your words yes in ears To the god! " Needs(requirements) of the validity have induced the book market briskly and Efficiently to respond to needs(requirements) of the validity.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Among Them Were Shar Cases And Chronic. In

Among them were shar Cases and chronic. In a significant part of supervision improvement has been receive Conditions, especially in sharp cases. In these cases number of diarrheas sharpl Has decreased. Applicatio Intravenous method at surgical diseases has yielded good results. We illustrate it extracts from some histories of illnesses. -t To-, 46 ., in II-th surgical clinic - operation in occasion of a hemorrhoids. In 5-6 days blood in . The bleeding amplifies. In a week continuou Blood. Mucous a direct gut it is inflamed, friable. Blood transfusion. The bleeding has amplified. The patient is exsanguinated, has weakened. A bleedin Proceeds. Intravenous injection is made. For the second day a bleedin It is less. To 4- to day has stopped. 12 days under supervision. In total it has been made Intravenous injections. It is written out in a good condition. -t Hell, 21 year. 15. III has fallen to the left hand. A haemorrhage. Strengthenin Pains. temperature. 10. IV has acted in II-t Clinic.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

2.4.5. Deficiency An Alpha-1-. 2.4.6. . 2.4.7. .

2.4.5. Deficiency an alpha-1-. 2.4.6. . 2.4.7. . 2.4.8. Wilson's illness. 249 overload iron (). 2.5. Consequences bilious ways. Secondary a cirrhosis Liver. 2.6. A secondary cirrhosis of a liver at passive venous stagnation (). 2.7. The unknown person (). 3. To clinical attributes. 3.1. Active. 3.2. Inactive. 3.3. Compensated, . 3.4. . Examples of the formulation of the diagnosis 1 Cirrhosis of a liver virus , active, . Portal hypertensia of II stage. Complication: a bleeding from the -expanded veins of a gullet. The note: in the clinical diagnosis it is possible to not specify the morphological form Cirrhosis if it(she) is not confirmed by results of a laparoscopy and Liver. 14. Clinical classification of a portal hypertensia Stage Attributes 1. Initial clinical displays. Weight in right and the stomach(belly), moderated(moderate) , the general(common) Indisposition. 2. The expressed clinical displays. Weight, pains in the top half of stomach(belly), the right , , complaints. Increase in the sizes of a spleen (correlation between it(her) Increase and degree of expressiveness of a portal hypertensia is not present).

Monday, December 17, 2007

) The HELL, Especially , Usually Considerably Decreases, And

) the HELL, especially , usually Considerably decreases, and it is frequent up to a normal level (" decapitated Hypertensia "). Examples of the formulation of the diagnosis 1. Hypertonic illness I a stage. 2. Hypertonic illness II stage with primary defeat Hearts. The note: in classification of an arterial hypertensia are considered Recommendations of committee of experts(auditeurs) the CART. 2. Classification dystonias () (306) Clinical types: 1. Hypertonic. 2. Hypotonic. 3. . On weight of current: 1. An easy(a light) degree - painful and syndromes are expressed Moderately (up to 100 . In minutes), arise only in communication(connection) with significant and physical activities. Vascular crisises are absent. Necessities for medicinal therapy usually are not present. Work capacity It is kept. 2. The average degree - an intimate painful attack differs stability(resistance). The tachycardia arises spontaneously, reaching(achieving) 110 - 120 in mines Are possible(probable) Vascular crisises.

Example Of The Formulation Of The Diagnosis 1.

Example of the formulation of the diagnosis 1. A diphtheria, sharp . 2. A burn of a gullet a hydrochloric acid, sharp . 3. Chronic a reflux-. 1.3. A ulcer of a gullet (530.2). Specify the factor: chemical, medicamentous, Fungoid, , etc. defeats; Current of disease: sharp or chronic; Quantity(Amount) of ulcers: individual or plural; Localization: the top, average, bottom third; Accompanying defeats of a gullet: a reflux-, a hernia Apertures of a diaphragm. Examples of the formulation of the diagnosis 1. Chronic a ulcer of the bottom third of a gullet, Reflux-. 2. Sharp medicamentous () ulcers of an average and bottom third Gullet. 1.4. Narrowing and a stenosis of a gullet (530.3). At formation of the diagnosis to specify the reason which has caused a stenosis of a gullet (Cicatricial changes after a chemical burn or a ulcer of a gullet, 3 - 4 degrees , good-quality or malignant tumours of a gullet and .). Degree of narrowing: I a degree - diameter of the narrowed site 0,5 - 0,7 sm, II - 0,3 - 0,5 sm, III - less than 0,3 see Example of the formulation of the diagnosis 1.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

The Quantity(amount) Separated Sharply Decreased, The Kind Became

The quantity(amount) separated sharply decreased, the kind became drier than a surface, the leather(skin) was represented slightly wrinkled, complications in sense and were observed extremely seldom. The best results have turned out at treatment of traumas, especially if this treatment was applied soon after wound. Inflammations of type , phlegmons, furuncules and have given medical result satisfactory, but is much weaker, than at traumas. If the inflammation extended superficially the medical result was better, than at a deep inflammation. One time we tried to change type of a bandage and instead of damp bandages a/gauze moistened by a solution , cotton wool and bandage/, - began to apply warming compresses, i.e. added between a layer of cotton wool and a damp gauze, an oilcloth or a paper. The clinical result became worse. For finding-out of the reasons of it(this), a number(line) of supervision on extensive granulating surfaces in a stage when the fabric was already on all surface same has been put.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Similar, On Ours A Sight, Belief Has

Similar, On ours a sight, belief has not prevented it(him) meanwhile and to see, and To distinguish(recognize) a lot of curious both on the Earth, and in open spaces Universe surrounding it(her). Has allowed them to see and open very much Essential, as we, later many centuries, do not miss a case sometimes To regale with their magnificent a table. We, the reader, we know, that our health depends from The diverse reasons, and when this book will come to an end, We shall be convinced, that behind backs of three primary whales whales the fourth loom already and The fifth and following them. But to begin to us it is necessary from a basis of bases - with The flat disk possessing magic beauty of stamping also it is firm Located on three reliable bogatyrs-giants. As since olden days it is known, Whales are found in the sea-ocean. Here also we shall direct we to their wonderful Monasteries. And the road on Ocean, difficult and twisting, will inevitably lead us It(Her). So, we address to searches of reserves of human health.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

8. Classification Infectious () (421) 1. Sharp Septic

8. Classification infectious () (421) 1. Sharp septic (arising, as complication of a sepsis, - Surgical, gynecologic, urological, -, and so Complication of injections, diagnostic manipulations). 2. septic (infectious) (it is caused by presence Intraintimate or to arterial vessels of the infectious center Leading , . 3. Long septic (caused a streptococcus Or close to it(him) , with absence of purulent metastasises, prevalence displays) Notes: depending on a previous condition The device all divide on two groups: - Primary, arising on not changed valves. - Secondary Cases of disease arising on changed valves Duration up to 2 months carry to sharp over this term - to . Clinical and laboratory criteria of activity infectious Criteria Degree of activity I (Minimal) II (Moderated(Moderate)) III (High) Temperature 36.5 - 37.5 WITH 37,6 - 38 ' WITH 38,1 - 40- No Shaking(Amazing,Tremendous) Raised(Increased) Formation of a heart disease Slow Slow Fast and heart attacks No Can be Are frequent Hemoglobin, / 120 - 150 119 - 110 109 - 90 , mm/? 10 - 20 19 - 40 More than 40 V - fraction, % 20 - 22 23 - 25 26 - 35 , / 11,7 - 14,6 14,7 - 16,9 17.

Look ( Again Measures An Apple.): 6 Turns(Turnovers).

Look ( again measures an apple.): 6 Turns(Turnovers). Now allow to check up and you. (measures potential "Volunteers".) the same were kept 6 and 7 turns(turnovers). I thank you. I think all told and shown here was evident and Obvious! (the Strong prolonged applause.) to the frog who has jumped out from with milk, or Why ours Activity includes on full turns(turnovers) magic to iron, Developing(Producing) up to five hundred hormones So, the resume which for the sake of practical use should be taken From the previous section and which is capable to lift considerably and our general(common) The condition, and condition of associates, looks(appears) approximately so: those impulses of ours Sincere admiration, whether that we send people, whether to subjects, whether to minerals, Whether to plants, etc. (completely not necessarily advertising it), considerably Improve their condition and in an even greater degree - our own. The one who Trains the sincere benevolence, constantly and, moreover, for Whom it(she) not simply habit - the second nature, and a primary nature, that, Hence, is a constant source of health and vivacity for Associates both itself finds the powerful and eternal internal generator sincere and Corporal forces.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

It Is Defined(determined) By What It(he) Will Organize

It is defined(determined) by what it(he) Will organize and rallies together the general(common) system of our ability to live. That To sense to treat particulars, so far as exists in the center? Therefore The problem(task) number one also is creation such us supervising Kernel which is -complete in the aspirations. Before To treat our perishable flesh, earlier than to be engaged , it is meaningful To reconstruct work of the supervising body, closely(attentively) to understand, and those Whether it(he) gives commands(teams), and whether there it(he) in general conducts us. To put it briefly, first(all over again) - Spiritual clarification, and then - corporal treatment. What bases of this strategy? What those stimulus that are capable To rally together all staff workers? It is a little of them, and first of stimulus The important vital purpose which has been born(which has been taken out) far is high , Forward. On idea, cannot be at the person of the greater purpose, than realize all The opportunities incorporated inside of it(him) than to grow up from the grain High-grade, sound-hundred ear.

Hence, Presence Of Active Search Changes Of A

Hence, presence of active search Changes of a situation wakened in an organism such emotions, which, in the Turn, reserves of health have mobilized. A is passive-defensive position, Refusal of search have been connected with growth of destructive forces in an organism. That it was not created impressions as if made observation concern(touch) Only experimental - animals, instead of the person, I wish to tell here about Conclusions of the International symposium on problems of the ageing which is taken place in Florence in 1987 As was informed with the newspaper "", on a symposium Representatives of various areas of knowledge have convincingly shown, that work Our brain, carrying character, stimulates so or Otherwise activity of an organism as a whole. And, hence, depression, Apathetic condition conduct to deterioration of health, active own Search of means of recover is, on the contrary, the true assistant to health. And, on the contrary, passivity, idleness influence a condition Brain.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Our Clinical Supervision Allow To Consider That ""

Our clinical supervision allow to consider that "" and medical actions practically themselves have justified the diagnosis, as repeatedly in cases where kliniko-morphological diagnoses and the methods of treatment approved by statistics could not help, these forms of the account of a status of the patient and natural medical actions defined by them have given good effect. CHAPTER(HEAD) I APPLICATION AND CHROME AT THE LOCAL INFLAMMATION. The modern medicine has a significant amount of means and receptions for treatment of inflammatory processes. Also the preconditions defining(determining) the indications to application of this or that action are various also. At the same time, in a medical practice uncertainty of action of our medical receptions, and feebleness of the most various methods - the inevitable satellite of medical work is often observed. Consequence(investigation) of it(this) are searches of new medical means and creation of new theoretical preconditions. The beginning of our researches it has been caused by similar motives and the working precondition was defined(determined) by following reasons.

. We Have Passed(have Taken Place) In A Hall,

. We have passed(have taken place) in a hall, and fine dialogue with graceful has begun French Natalia Vladimirovnoj to whom on the person(face) you will give a maximum forty Years, and which figure - an ideal body of the woman of years of thirty. Then we Have passed(Have taken place) with it(her) in a sports hall where it(she) has shown us the and plastic Exercises. And so, madam Natali - seventy years, it(she) mother of seven children and The grandmother of innumerable quantity(amount) of grandsons. Its(her) credo: through mentality we build The body, and through a body we clarify mentality. And this harmonious idea, as Blazing banner, it(she) through continents and bears(carries) decades to make a life as it is possible greater number of people. Also looks younger thus unlike Lena which as I have learned(have found out) from it(her) after, lives myself, for myself. Here so On one scrap of space and time there were two is paradoxical The opposite type, two principles of the attitude(relation) to, and so, to the To own health, and their collision with brightness of dazzling explosion Has lit up in practice resolutely, that there is a way of true, and that - a way in anywhere.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

About High And Far Positive As About One

About high and far positive as about one of guarantors Our health we shall speak now rather particularly. And I quite Meaningly the reader, attention that a circuit would like to turn yours, The below-mentioned facts and arguments it will be built on quite certain To principle. It(he) consists not only that each of them will be and in Quantitative, and in a qualitative sense to develop the general(common) idea, but also in Volume, that these examples will be as though : on absolutely equal rights Before us both people well-known, and people usual, such, as All. It means, that the choice and scale of the purpose, but an essence differs only "Working" is uniform for all. Yes, a flesh and soul are uniform, nevertheless the captain of our ship is On the to a post in cabin, and to a head, to consciousness we address first of all. And People are however diverse and various, so various can be and them , but in all these unlike cases their kernel is presence The purposes remote and whenever possible remote.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

2. Active. 3.3. . Examples Of The Formulation Of

2. Active. 3.3. . Examples of the formulation of the diagnosis 1. Chronic a hepatites, unstated . 2. A chronic active hepatites, medicamentous. 3. Chronic a virus hepatites In (-- Positive). 4. A stomach ulcer in a phase of an aggravation (a duodenal gut, The chronic form, small (0,3 sm). A ulcer of a bulb duodenal Guts (back wall). a gastritis, . Continuously current. A chronic jet hepatites. The note: the given forms of a hepatites were included into the International classification Hepatites. , Mexico, 1974, the CART - 1978. 13. Classification of a cirrhosis of a liver (571.5; 571.6; 571.2) (The world association on studying a liver, 1974; the CART - 1978) 1. On morphology. 1.1. (). 1.2. (). 1.3. Mixed -and (incomplete ). 1.4. Primary . 2. On :. 2.1. Virus (a virus of a hepatites In, With,). 2.2. Alcoholic. 2.3. Toxic (medicines and chemical substances). 2.4. Connected with congenital infringements of a metabolism. 2.4.1. . 2.4.2. Illnesses of accumulation . 2.4.3. . 2.4.4. Congenital intolerance of fructose.

Monday, December 3, 2007

The Temperature Of A Hand Is Raised. A

The temperature of a hand is raised. A brush and a joint - swelled up. Mobilit a joint, the third, fourth and fifth fingers are limited. Rea Brushes of crimson color. Fluctuation. 11. IV roentgenogram: figure of bone Wrists and the bases bones. defeats are not present. 14. IV puncture - 7 sm3 of pus, . Pu It is imparted : it was lost 11. V from a tuberculosis. 17. IV puncture - . The tumour is more. Pains grow The bandage soaks through. The condition is worse. 30. IV pains have grasped all forearm up to an elbow. Shar Deterioration of the general condition. 5. V 2 fistulas on rear and 1 on a palm at the basis . Condition bad. 8. V the roentgenogram: the phenomena around of 4-t bones, and the center of underpressure in the field of . A bony rarefication of all visibl Bones. 10. V hurt more. Weakness the general. The hypostasis is stronger. The patien All time lays. 11. V the first injection - intravenous. 17. V pains are not present absolutely. The general condition is much better. Injections are stopped.

Friday, November 30, 2007

A Reflux-gastritis (postoperative, Type). The Additional Characteristic. 1.

A reflux-gastritis (postoperative, type). The additional characteristic. 1. On to a picture: Superficial; Hypertrophic; . 2. On a morphological picture: Superficial (poorly, moderately and strongly expressed); (moderated(moderate), expressed with the phenomena of reorganization-- Intestinal , , ); COO<o??N?�?-hyperplastic; Hypertrophic. 3. On a condition functions of a stomach: With raised(increased) function; With normal function; With moderated(moderate) and expressed insufficiency. Phase of disease. 1. An aggravation. 2. Remission. Examples of the formulation of the diagnosis 1. A chronic gastritis with primary defeat of a body of a stomach, with Expressed insufficiency of a stomach, 12 - a scarce anemia. 2. Chronic a gastritis (- with Raised(Increased) function of a stomach, a phase of an aggravation). 3. A reflux-gastritis (postoperative, type). 3. Classification chronic 1. On a morphological picture. 1.1. Superficial. 1.2. Deep (). 1.3. (moderated(moderate), expressed). 2. On a condition - functions 12- guts.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

To Destroy Concrete Carriers(bearers) Of A Harm On

To destroy concrete carriers(bearers) of a harm on which place others will come? So it will be - a way of infinite destruction, for structure Reproduces cancer cells(cages)? No, our way of creation of a worthy noosphere not Should conduct to a contamination of an environment of our distressful planet. From what To begin? Particularly I believe so: the politician cares of voices, the politician - about The future generations, about children. Who lives by a principle " after us - though a flood ", To that, certainly, all the same. But we, those who lives really on reason who Thinks of promotion of earthmen forward, should begin with transformation of a life, with Children. Ours efforts should be directed on Spirit and structure of the person at those who follows us. Otherwise we very long Let's revolve. I shall not develop this theme, as it(she) is obvious, but At parting, already leaving from a tribune, I wish to tell: that we Have turned out, it not . Both an apple, and the person store(keep) this(thus) received Admiration very long.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Supervision Consist In The Following: The Part Of

Supervision consist in the following: the part of a surface became covered by a usual damp bandage, and other part - the same bandage, but with addition oilcloths. Through 1-1,5 . A bandage removed. Appearance of granulations has been distinguished(various). The part of a surface covered by a damp drying up bandage, was more chilly and more faintly. has shown, that in the first part the number of visible capillaries and diameter from were less, than in the second. In some minutes this difference has disappeared. For check the form of researches has been then a little bit changed. It was made various sites at different patients and there where there was a same capillary surface, imposed bandages: drying up and , then removed them. Results of survey and were the same and we have refused damp bandages of type of compresses. Estimating(appreciating) results of supervision of this period, it is necessary to note, that efficiency of treatment was doubtless. There were many control supervision, especially at burns.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

And Have Received The Vigorous Answer: " And

And Have received the vigorous answer: " And here it(this) you from me will not wait!. " In other words, you spend for me the time, forces and health, and I shall be Still to satisfy those needs(requirements) which have already led to catastrophic consequences. If to speak without , It was a case of the cleanest(purest) classical parasitism, which, unfortunately, The great bulk free of charge and hurting professes: I shall hurt(shall be ill,shall be sick), and you Dance- around of me, correct that I have already bungled because of the Way of life also I am going to spoil further. And let to me in both of an ear repeat about Precepts ostensibly Christian mercy in this occasion, I believed and I shall believe what to multiply number similar, only on myself Egoists - business immoral. To tell to the patient about everything, that to it(him) Stirs(Prevents) to show a way which will help(assist) to come to elimination of the reasons Diseases, is necessarily, it is indispensable, but to patch its(his) consequences Unwillingness devoutly and sincerely to struggle for themselves? For this purpose exists Official medicine.

Friday, November 23, 2007

There To It Has Been Impose Plaster Bandage

There to it has been impose Plaster bandage corresponding instructions concerning a food also are given an General regime. In February the patient has seemed again. The swelling has increased, pain Have amplified. The conclusion of Rentgeninstituta from 13.II-1929. For No 1986 "Roentgenograms find out infringement of integrity of the basis by 2nd Bone and the small many-sided. In March the condition of the patient has worsened, it wa By me it is directed on consultation to the regional adviser of prof. Schegolev. The conclusion was the following: "At - now there is a mixe Infection of tubercular process, visible, microorganisms. Inflammatory process already grasps axillary glands and there is an absces On brush back. Immediately operative help is necessary to liquidat The further distribution of an infection. It is necessary treatment ". - remained under our supervision and it was applied Technique. The condition began to improve and in 4 months hand function wa It is restored completely; swellings were not, only on a place of pricks remaine Small dot hem.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Fortunately, Ours The Shred Has Not Concerned(touched) Public

Fortunately, ours the Shred has not concerned(touched) Public prejudice according to which the thick child is the certificate Well-beings of parents. It is the same vestige of public backwardness, What was observed in Russia in XVIII century at very young girls-bills of sale: if at Them was a white, healthy teeth they smeared with their black pitch. Why? Yes because sugar then was very dear(expensive) product and if who had Opportunity on a regular basis to consume and spoil it(him) the teeth, that, Hence, its(his) spoiled teeth were an attribute "". And Now: pretty often the thick child who has hardly appeared to the public, but already The received infringement of a metabolism, is the certificate "" it(him) Parents. Really, the certificate, but not well-beings, and depressing . My God, how many we bear(carry) losses of health already at a level of a day nursery! Therefore, first, that not tempered, but already from the earliest Months as a result children in instantly negative image React to adverse circumstances for their weakened(easied) organism; Secondly, because the system of a payment of workers of a day nursery is constructed so In the wild image, that it(she) does not depend at all on health entrusted by it(him) Children.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

It Was Necessary To Me In A Life

It was necessary to me In a life to meet people of similar sense. What to tell about them? Unless To result(bring) the resume of a "bearded" joke: " In the seventy years the dead man Looked(Appeared) no more than on sixty eight ". By the way speaking, people, Concentrated exclusively on itself, a sound health and Do not differ: by virtue of their spirit and by virtue of nonparticipation in public The movements directed on strengthening of the same health. Similar attention to To the health understood besides it is especially incorrect, is Really unethical. But in fact it is possible to approach(suit) to the given problem and with another The parties(sides). I would like to assimilate here health to means, only owing to To which the person will appear is capable to reach(achieve) really high aim- Realizations of all internal opportunities incorporated in it(him). It is possible to receive from The nature the magnificent genetic mechanism which it will be permissible To compare to the strongest modern car, for example with "".

Saturday, November 10, 2007

. Here This All Also Was My Life. Having

. Here this all also was my life. Having thought, I have come to conclusion, that it(she) cost that it(her) to live. If To me would suggest to begin anew, I would live my life in the same way ". Yes, certainly, a life Siberian Anastasii Tsvetaevoj Strikingly differed from a life of English lord Bertrana Russell- Differed externally. Inside - both in that and in other, both in the third, and in The fourth, and in set of other cases are lives which are similar one on Another in the main thing: in aspiration to live it(her) it is true humanly - how It of adequately person feeling the unity with all other people on To planet. Not separateness of the hut with edge(territory), and the responsibility for all in This original world. Partnership in destiny both near, and distant. Absence on cares exclusively about itself favourite. When the correspondent of the newspaper " the Soviet culture " has asked a question known To the businessman, the American public figure how it was possible to it(him) To reach(achieve) phenomenal working capacity and mobility in so advanced Age (and Hammer - an alive embodiment of the history, for this person still in The first years of revolution repeatedly met Vladimir Ilichem Lenin), That Hammer has answered very precisely.

It(she) With Bewilderment Sees And Hears, How Its(his)

It(she) with Bewilderment sees and hears, how its(his) wife periodically and sharply stops it(him) Publicly. So to say, puts on a place with full comprehension master's The rights to it. To it(her) it is absolutely clear, that in similar angry conditions About warm attitudes(relations) between spouses to speak it is not necessary. Accidentally (and in practice all this was truly ingenious her(it) It is thought up) Anatoly once has appeared at her place. Whether owed something on To road from work to take, whether still something insignificant to make- Unimportantly. Obviously, it was its(her) unique and last chance, because it(she) Was more senior than it(him), it(she) was sincerely that is why it is valid It is fine, as though someone in it(her) a magical bulb from within. It(she) Has shown a maximum of a step and in all corresponded(met) to it(him) ideally, that it(he) not Could by contrast with the wife not feel. For the first time in a life it(he) has understood, that it(he) The man.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

., I Entirely Remained In Intestines. Already Next Day

., i Entirely remained in intestines. Already next day the general condition of children became better; � has decreased The chair has decreased till 20-30 time a day. All other symptoms have weakened. Agai The given liquid and - considerable improvement has been entered next day. was normal or slightly raised. A chair of 10-12 times a day. Improvemen The general symptoms. Blood has disappeared for 4-5 day and in a week children wer The healthy. Once I had to apply these methods in case of a dysentery on the secon Month of illness. It was in a nursery b-tse. At us the child of Dr. .th lay 2th years. The chair at it was not frequent, 8-12 times a day, without blood, with smal Quantity of slime and small ; � was normal, but the genera The condition of the child was extremely bad. The child has been sharply exhausted. The perso The suffering. A persistent anorexia. A condition of the child, despit Insignificance of local symptoms, invariably worsened and becam The hopeless. I have offered mother the given method.

What Here Health. Hence, From Positions Public Reserves

What here health. Hence, from positions public reserves of health here are enormous. I at all against a sunstroke in attitudes(relations) between the man and The woman, against violent passion. Stresses of the similar plan Decorate our life, sate(saturate) with its(her) wonderful emotions, enter unforgettable Pages in the book of a life. But why it is necessary to oppose with one to another? With One party(side), the help of society leaning(basing) for work professional Institutions, with another - a sunstroke? In those already numerous successful Experiences on the organization of family happiness, which are available (and they were spent, And in mass scales), the percent(interest) getting divorced in 20 time is less, than there, where All was instinctively. The question is put so: proceeding from objective data, here To you five candidates with whom you can receive required and so desirable Sunstroke, with what at you for all subsequent life The best possible(probable) combinations of all major qualities.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

And This Picture Truly Planetary: According To The

And This picture truly planetary: according to the World organization Public health services for 1989, for last 65 years number of neurotic patients Has increased in 24 times! Truly not a civilization, and an anticivilization extremely, Thoughtlessly erects mankind. But if from mankind to address to ours To the country rather impresses following comparison: on tiny Cuba worked About 500 medical psychologists; at us, in our huge country, it is so much . In the meantime, passing from group in group , Shreds has come nearer Already to the first class of an elementary school, having missed not less than 90 % primary Health and having lost up to 90 % from the reserves of Development of its(his) intelligence released(let off) to it(him) And mentalities. That it(he) has lost also that already never will pick up, gone and for It(Him), and for a society forever. Deaf(indistinct) indifference, absolutely not clear, but Traditional inattention to ingenious opportunities of the child of that time, when It(He), , is capable to learn(teach) not only the language, but also a little others, As it happens in multilingual families when miracles of development are subject to it(him) and Technics(Technical equipment), and the computer letter, both in sports, and in music, and in any of Crafts if only all this was made not power(force) , and in view of Bases of plastic self-adjusted(self-regulated) and self-improved mentality, - all These incalculable costs are an attribute of that we are at a stage still Backgrounds of a civilization.

I Have Chosen From Hundred Examples Of This

I have chosen from hundred examples of this sort only two, they concern to people The old age suffices - it(him) it is far for hundred. Wherever remarkable agriculturist Nikolay Sergeevich Plashchinsky worked, To which in 1985 it was executed hundred years, the ground gave rise to something wonderful, Unknown. Always it(he) aspired to bring to people kindly, but it(him) did not accept Men of science. The surprising grades deduced(removed) by it(him) named a casual mutation, and Everywhere there was it(he) drive malicious envious persons. It(him) considered(counted) as the loser, it(him) regretted Friends, it(he) felt itself(himself) as the creator, the person happy. In scale Unusual by quantity(amount) of events and shocks of a life it(he) not Exchanged the high spirit for complaints in occasion of a harm, infinitely Caused to it(him). It(he) contrary to envious untalented persons worked and surprised the world New grades. When celebrated its(his) centenary, it(he) has said, as The correspondent of " the Literary newspaper " Lydia Grafova, writes a toast: " The divergence of death is similar! " valiantly danced on this holiday with Young lady.

At Phenomenon Can Be Display Of Attack Or

At phenomenon can be display of attack or spontaneously to arise in the period. Local and night pains also are characteristic for dark blue spongy . Dark blue spongy - a version with primary localization on a trunk and the top finitenesses. There are messages on occurrence loca in areas of an arrangement , around . Mechanisms of occurrence at these condition Are unknown. (sm of an illustration and a photo on CD Except for that superfluous it is expressed a The following peripheral nervous system: diabeti Independent ; at ; sharp and Independent ; and ; Senile primary ; senile touch independen ; illness Fabry; syndrome Triple A (=Allgrove'); Navajo Indian; illness Tangier'a; plural Type 2b; independent in connection with infections; toxi , etc. Questions which should be set to the patient at revealing Whether carries characte Or it is limited by area of armpits, palms and soles? Whether It is reflecte Raised on your private life? For example, whether it is necessar Often to change clothes or to take a shower some times in day? Whether marke Members of family, friends or employees, what you strongly sweat? Whether stir to performance of professional duties or employmen Sports (for example, whether difficultly to keep in hands tenni or a ball)? Whether Carries constant or periodi Character? Whether there is no dependence from stress or nervou Pressure? Whether arises only at night or in day tim Time of day? Whether It Is marked raised at someone from member Your family? Whether happens to you when others conside Ambient temperature comfortable or even test a cold Whether you behind yourselves noticed the periods of catalepsy, infringement of coordinatio Movements, a tremor? Whether you marked a fever, cough o Increase in lymph nodes? Whether other symptoms (head Are marke Pain, inflow, deterioration of sight, etc.

The Seventh:, Etc., And . Item To What

The seventh:, etc., and . Item To what I speak about it(this)? Only emphasizing, for Readers, that that rate which we have moved which have selected(elected) is no time,- As it appears more recently, - on a way of mastering by " Three whales of health " Is real, reliable and practically useful. And in summary about the most important: I hope, that readers remember - beginning(starting) From the very first edition, the book came to the end with " the Concept of the Temple of Health ". So Here, the Temple of Health is constructed, works, truly works wonders! Any Sponsors at me were not, yes, maybe, it and to the best, that money Any "" have not polluted those emanations that proceed from it(this) High, almost constructions from a pine bar, Put in a place of starting with Earth of fertile force. This temple already It is now capable to transform, repeatedly to improve health of those who There is inside of it(him), and a space around of itself. When it(he) will be completed Construction up to the end, these influences become even more and Significant.

Friday, November 2, 2007

16. Classification Of A Sharp Pancreatitis (577.0) 1.

16. Classification of a sharp pancreatitis (577.0) 1. On character of morphological changes. 1.1. (a hypostasis of a head of a pancreas). 1.2. Destructive: ; fatty . 1.3. Purulent. 2. Complications. 2.1. Sharp vascular insufficiency (a shock, a collapse). 2.2. -or : a peritonitis (limited, poured), Pleurisy, . 2.3. A heart attack of a myocardium. 2.4. Dynamic intestinal impassability. 2.5. A hematoma of a belly cavity. 2.6. Abscesses: interintestinal, , , . 2.7. . The diagnosis sharp a pancreatitis is put , Full morphological and functional restoration is marked(celebrated) Pancreas. 17. Classification of a chronic pancreatitis (577.1) (Ordering . A pancreatitis at IV congress , . And ., 1990) 1. On . 1.1. . 1.2. Alcoholic. 1.3. . 1.4. Infectious. 1.5. . 2. To a morphological attribute. 2.1. -. 2.2. . 2.3. o?iO<??<-sclerous (). 2.4. Hyperplastic (). 2.5. . 3. On clinical displays. 3.1. Painful. 3.2. . 3.3. . 3.4. Latent. 3.5. . 4. On character of clinical current. 4.1. Seldom (aggravations no more than 1 - 2 yearly).

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Organicheskie Defects: Rheumatism, Bacterial , -, An Atherosclerosis, A

Organicheskie defects: rheumatism, bacterial , -, an atherosclerosis, a syphilis, a trauma, etc. Defects the valve. Defects the valve. Defects the valve. Defect of the valve of a pulmonary artery. -. I - insignificant II - moderated(moderate) II - sharp Insufficiency of blood circulation (I, HII, HIII), an intimate asthma, Infringement of a rhythm of heart, thromboses and . "Relative" inorganic defects: () shutters, Relative insufficiency or stenosis of the valve at the changed volumes Cavities of heart and the main vessels, infringement of a tone muscles. -, -- defects, And also their combination to insufficiency of the valve of a pulmonary artery. The note: according to the given classification in the diagnosis of defect Hearts it is necessary to reflect it(him) , the anatomic characteristic, Degree of expressiveness defect, a functional condition Cardiovascular system and available complications. 11. Classification of chronic insufficiency of blood circulation () (428) (On N.D.Strazhesko and Century ) 1.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

When Those Appears, The Person Can Forget About

When those appears, The person can forget about meal, about drink, about every possible vain affairs. It(he)- Lives, it(he) - burns, and burning such, apparently, at the certain exhaustion Material resources, proceeds nevertheless not years, and decades, It is a lot of decades. Absence of similar feelings or fading similar Comprehensive desires there is an attribute come(stepped) or already closely The risen old age. An old age not in sense of biological age, but in Sense of attenuation of fire of a life in the person. Yes, the purposes inspiring on long and strong burning human The person, can be various. But I would like "to charge" now on Opportunities of each of those who reads these pages, such representation, Which will appear necessary not only to it(him), but also all to us. On mine The sight, similar powerful and long-term spiritual charge is extremely necessary To people, especially now when there has come(stepped) the period certain moral and mass confusion when former ideals have appeared Are discredited and blackened criminal pretty often by forms and means Their achievements, and new values still require definition.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Beginning Of Our Researches It Has Been

The beginning of our researches it has been caused by similar motives and the working precondition was defined(determined) by following reasons. inflammations, i.e. the mechanism of its(his) development, composes of finiteness of the phenomena among which the important role belongs to vascular infringements. Researches Kuss' r, Lander', V.V.Voronina, I.V.Murasheva, , and A.A.Bogomoltsa's doctrine about a role of physiological system of a connecting fabric, have shown dependence of vascular changes and dependence of development of all inflammatory complex on a condition - the device. On the other hand, the review of the medicinal substances used at treatment of inflammatory processes, shows, that, irrespective of their chemical structure, a red string passes(takes place) the general(common) much of them property - to condense fibers. This property preparations of copper, zinc, , bismuth, calcium, , chlorine, an acid, spirit, derivatives, tannins . possess. It was represented to us, that applying , we shall condense the connecting fabric surrounding a network of the inflammatory center therefore there can come(step) reduction of their gleam and reduction of a filtration through walls.

Monday, October 22, 2007

. We Come Back To Our Remarkable : To

. We come back to our remarkable : to wrapped up, Preserved, at , aunts, , at the personnel - and at All this it(he) starts to hurt(be ill,be sick) quite often. It(he) will hurt(be ill,be sick) necessarily - in fact It(He) is not tempered absolutely not, to float earlier, than to go, it(him) did not learn(teach), Its(His) small organism is already hammered by slags from . Natural Reaction of an organism to any adverse circumstances is flash This or that disease. And here here the kid is trapped with a horrifying trouble: On it(him) doctors attack and start to stuff with its(his) medicines, especially Being zealous in application of antibiotics. That is it(he) starts to receive The medicines created, as well as synthetics, mainly artificial, Chemical by. Its(his) small organism, already synthetics from Life-giving external world outside, starts to receive this synthetics and Inside. How write out medicines when it appears, that they not Help(Assist)? " We shall give it. Ah, does not help(assist)? Well, then we shall give it.

Anatoly Fadeevich At All Has Not Heard, And

Anatoly Fadeevich at all has not heard, and if heard, perceived as Exotic , that it is possible to lay down on needle on ten or Fifteen minutes to be disconnected(be switched-off) from the world and completely to restore the Working capacity, also is not known to it(him), that the ionizer put on a table Would allow to give out during one working day ideas and decisions, Equivalent to labour expenses of two working days. Anything it(this) and to that Similar it(he) does not know. And if knows, as jokes on a theme " them Customs ". It(he) practically does absolutely not know, that there are receptions The auto-training, allowing perfectly to correct(adjust) in a desirable direction and The , and the mentality. Yes, it is possible to encourage itself on work "", it is possible also strong tea, it is possible nicotine, it is possible to beat itself on a liver, It is possible to destroy the lungs to a full disgrace, but in fact it is possible To support(maintain) itself auto-training or in other useful ways mental Restoration! However it is necessary though to know about them for the beginning.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Contra-indications. The Raised{increased} Sensitivity To: To Penicillin. Infringements

Contra-indications. The raised{increased} sensitivity to: to penicillin. Infringements fro Gastroenteric path. The form of release. Tablets on 0,1 0,25 ; a powder for preparation of suspension. SAL Indications. , pneumonias, abscesses, phlegmons, an osteomyelitis. Infected burns infections. Way of application and dosage. Inside appoint{nominate} 1 hour prior to meal or in 2-3 hours after meal. A single doz For adults and children 8 years average are more senior makes 0,25-0,5 , daily 3 to Children in the age of up to 3 months appoint{nominate} on 200 mg/kg day, from 3 month Till 2 years-1 in day, from 2 till 6 years - 2 in day; a daily doze divide o 4-6 receptions. Collateral action. Allergic reactions, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Contra-indications. The raised{increased} sensitivity penicillin, allergic diseases. AMPICILLIN Indications. Pneumonia, , abscesses of lungs, quinsy, a peritonitis, a cholecystitis Sepsis, intestinal infections, postoperative infections of soft fabrics, infection Uric ways.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Instead Of A Holiday For Which It Is

Instead of a holiday for which it is necessary to prepare in good time, we arrange, being Are preliminary strongly tired by the previous day time cares, a certain person on duty Ritual and, thus, instead of a feast is content only Poor meal of the poor man. All is no time us, and is passable all life, even Not having glanced in the brightest, magnificent halls of a palace which to us has been allocated . Yes, intimate relations - business of a two. But, however, the leading part - for The man. At unconditional support of the woman it(he) should create that Psychological atmosphere in which it(she) both will want, and it will be capable Completely to reveal. To tell, that in this sphere of attitudes(relations) we are illiterate,- Nothing means still to tell. I could hear somehow performance(statement) The visible sexologist in occasion of interrogation which has been lead among five thousand Safe pairs, that is spouses which have in common lived five and more Years in home life and to break off with it(her) did not gather.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

But Whether There Is An Especial Necessity To

But Whether there is an especial necessity to search for these reserves? Well-known, that In the developed countries average life expectancy now in that or Other party(side) upwards and downwards from a mark of 75 years, rotates around of it(this) The highest limit reached(achieved) by means of medicine and the Civilized image Lives. By the end of this term the person feels, as a rule, already nasty. So what for to prolong its(his) tortures? Has lived up to 75, well and it is good. But here Question: it is a lot of it or a little - 75 years? From the point of view of the linear schedule, Certainly, it is not enough and insufficiently: it only half released(let off) to us Genetically term. Number of 150 years whence has undertaken? From the elementary Physiological calculation: the age almost all mammals is defined(determined) The age of a full maturity reached(achieved) by the man's individual, increased on 6. Central European the man completely ripens and opens all incorporated in It(Him) potentialities by 25 years.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

I Had To Go Somehow Abroad And With

I had to go somehow Abroad and with one very clever Hungarian woman, Coming back from the Union. I, naturally, have asked it(her) about impressions of ours The countries. There is Enough and critically having responded about our economic Circumstances, it(she), nevertheless, with delight has exclaimed: - What beautiful people! I have asked: - More beautifully, than at you? - it is unconditional! In fact we already one thousand years - ours Small people - is on one geographical saucer. We practically With anybody it is not mixed up, we are not updated almost. Ours very much greater(big) internal The care about which we, the truth, speak aloud a little, is related marriages(spoilage). At You - such constant improvement, enrichment both all and all!. In the fine book " the Abkhazian long-livers " on a plenty The facts, with attraction of rather solid statistics it is shown, how this Tiny in scales of our country people has been very seriously protected and It is nowadays protected from genetic degeneration.

Friday, October 12, 2007

For Greasing Gums And Rinsin Mouth - In

For greasing gums and rinsin Mouth - in the form of tincture (30-40 drops on a glass of water). The form of release. a grass, tincture. THE ALDE Indications. As knitting means at sharp and chronic and i Kind of broth. Way of application. To accept inside broth (2 teaspoons of raw material on a glass of boiled water) on 1 dining roo To the spoon 3-4 times a day. FRUITS OF THE BILBERR Indications. As knitting means at a diarrhea. Way of application. Accept inside in the form of or broth (1-2 teaspoons of raw material on a glas Boiled water) on 1/2 glasses 2-3 times a day. FRUITS OF THE BIRD CHERR Indications. As knitting means at a diarrhea. Way of application. Appoint{Nominate} inside in the form of broth or (10 raw material to 200 ml of boiled water) o 1/4 - 1/2 glasses 2-3 times a day. GRASS TURN Indications. Apply at a children's diathesis, as diuretic and mean At cold. Way of application. Use in the form of (7,5 raw material on a glass of boiled water) for baths in a nurser To expert{practice}.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

ERYTHROMYCI Indications. Pneumonia, Pneumopleurisy, Sepsis, Erysipelatous Inflammation, Mastitis,

ERYTHROMYCI Indications. Pneumonia, pneumopleurisy, sepsis, erysipelatous inflammation, mastitis, peritonitis Purulent otitis and other pyoinflammatory diseases. apply i Kind of ointment at pustular defeats of the leather{skin}, the infected wounds, , . Way of application and dosage. For intake a single doze for the adult 0,25 , accept through everyon 4-6 hours for 1 - 1,5 hours up to meal. The maximum{supreme} single doze for adults 0,5 Daily 2 to Children till 14 years appoint{nominate} in a daily doze of 20-40 mg/kg (in ), 14 years - in a doze for adults are more senior than reception. Collateral actions. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, allergic reactions. Contra-indications. Individual intolerance, heavy diseases of a liver. The form of release. Tablets on 0,1; 0,25 , ointment , containing in 1 10 000 UNIT Indications. Pneumonia, bronchites, quinsy, sinusites, an inflammation of an average ear, , a cholecystitis, a pancreatitis, a peritonitis, , an osteomyelitis Inflammatory gynecologic and urological diseases, a gonorrhoea.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Hence, The Normal And Perfect(absolute) Attitudes(relations) Between The

Hence, the normal and perfect(absolute) attitudes(relations) between the man and The woman make one more, very big reserve of human health. In To the big book " the Man and the woman. A way human - a way star " given I aspired to consider(examine) a problem in a context and the high theory, and Concrete practice. As it was possible, to judge to the reader. Anyway The first edition has disappeared suddenly and is now a curiosity, museum Rarity. Soon we speak Kohl about sphere of family attitudes(relations) should turn Attention as well on necessity of ordering of our life. On all To statistical data, women so choke on work, in house Efforts and cares, that it(him) already neither up to what, nor up to love, up to any intimate Lives. I shall not begin to develop this theme, only I shall tell an old joke. A certain husband Laughed at the wife, what, say, at you care on the house? It(she) has answered To it(him): and you try to get into my skin. And here it(he) five days was engaged it(her) House, family affairs, and for the sixth day, laying down in the evening hardly alive in Bed, the copper pestle from a mortar has taken with itself and has declared, who will approach(suit) to me - I shall beat!.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

The History Of A World(global) Science Stores(keeps) Remarkable

The history of a world(global) science stores(keeps) remarkable names of women-scientists(-scientific). And If to address to a policy(politics), unless not its(her) obvious tendency is Sharp, increase of quantity(amount) of women on the very first posts In the governments of the different countries and different continents? Probably, and the rights large The Soviet scientist Efroimson believing, that blood of outstanding women-leaders Contains absolutely certain chemical compound, which to a thicket, However, meets at men of a heroic warehouse of character. But business, on mine Sight, not in it(this). However(As) an outstanding head this or that is The woman, for all that it(she), similarly to Jeanne ' or , remains The woman also sees the sanguineous life in the union and at support of the man, The husband, the close friend or the beloved. A magnet with one pole - the phenomenon Abnormal and impossible. And dominating functions of floors in human Community about what there was a speech earlier are.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

III - High. Remission. 5. A Radiological Stage

III - high. Remission. 5. A radiological stage (). I - a bony rarefication; II - a bony rarefication, narrowing of an articulate crack (can be individual ). III - a bony rarefication, the narrowing of an articulate crack plural . IV - the same and bone . 6. Functional insufficiency () the -impellent device: No. I - professional work capacity is kept. II - professional work capacity is lost. III - ability to self-service is lost. Examples of the formulation of the diagnosis 1. a polyarthritis, , II degree of activity, Slowly progressing current, -II, -. 2. an arthritis of knee joints, , I a degree Activity, current without appreciable progressing, -1, -1. 3. a polyarthritis with system displays: , Pseudo-septic syndrome, , , III degree The activity, quickly progressing current, -II, -. III. ILLNESSES OF BODIES OF BREATH 1. Clinical classification of a flu and others sharp respiratory Diseases (487,465) 1.1. . 1.1.1. A flu of type And. 1.1.2. A flu of type of Century 1.1.3. A flu of type With.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Applicatio Intravenous Injections Of Solutions Of -sour Chrome

Applicatio Intravenous injections of solutions of -sour chrome at processe Not inflammatory character has given in some cases good medical effect. That circumstance, tha Application of the same medical structures at variou Diseases quite often gave good effect, testifies tha Identical or close mechanisms are inherent in various processes. It, i The turn, pulls together us with methodological position A.D.Speranskogo. Addition to solution ????<-sour chrome - chloride calcium (in these cases -sou Chrome prepared not from bichromate , and from bichromate of sodium), has give Positive medical result in cases, when a solution -sou Chrome from bichromate those gave medical effect. It has been reveale Interrelation between: presence -and bivalent metals i Medical structures, quantity -and bivalent metals i To whey of blood and medical result. Addition to solution chrome - salts of metals, which concentration in whe Blood it is rather lowered, raises their maintenance and improve Condition of the patient.

3. VII. Intravenous Injection. 5. VII. The Condition

3. VII. Intravenous injection. 5. VII. The condition is better Temperatures falls. 9. VII. A condition good Temperature - norm. 16. VII. In view of closing of clinic In a good condition it is written out in II-th clinic. Has stayed there 10 days and has been written out home. Has seemed in the autumn. It is healthy. Has very much recovered. Restriction of mobility of a hand. 8 -, 36 years. 24. IX has acted in IV-t Surgical clinic. an abscess. Temperature 38,80. 25. IX operation. A resection of two edges. A drainage. Temperatur Falls up to 36,5 Then starts to rise and in 3 days reaches up to 390. 1,5-20. 6. Temperature in the evening 39.40. 7. Temperature in the morning 37,2 - in the evening 39,50. A dream bad. Appetite is not present. A condition raised. Picture of a heavy sepsis. The question on recurrence of operation - searches has rise The latent center. 8. It is broken to intravenous injections. Up to 15/ - temperatures in 10, limits 37,5-38,50. 15. X injections proceed. Temperatur In the evening decreases up to 380.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Several Years Ago, When I Have Published The

Several years ago, when I have published the book " Frank conversation ", I in Kind of a metaphor has named women " gold fund of mankind ". With what Pleasure later I have learned(have found out) from magazine " Chemistry and a life ": Polish Researcher Kalabrodsky has found out, that a chemical structure of a body of men and Women variously enough and in an organism at women Gold contains in six-seven times more, than at men (the truth, and such Poisons as mercury, in body of daughters also contains six times It is more). Great function of a female is concluded in keeping that Valuable, that is found by representatives of an advance party. Here is not present any Oppositions, but only harmonious interaction of two greatest Forces of the nature. I wish to be correctly understood: women at all times showed to the world and always Will show not only remarkable executors, but also outstanding leaders. In history of mankind forever there was Jeanne ', carried away for itself people And thus completely not not lost neither female appeal, nor female Feelings.

The First Introductions Of Sharp Improvement Not Distances,

The first introductions of sharp improvement not distances, but iso-day at date of the phenomeno Intoxications began to decrease, the chair has decreased to 3-5 times a day, and At last, there was an appetite. To this child 12 injections in a straight line have been mad Gut. In one case this technique has been applied by me at Lambli intestinalis. "In a family of doctor - two children were sick of this serious illness. To on The child was 3 years old, the second 4,5 years. The first was treated from [????] an ohm in second In view of futility of treatment, I began to apply injection And, besides, gave three times a day per os on a table spoon of the sam Structure. The effect has turned out for the third day. The chair has decreased to 6 times instead o Former 10-12 times days. Treatment was made daily within a week. For this period the chair became normal, appetite has improved, the child has freshened up. T To the end of this term the child has recovered. still were in i Current of 5 days and then have disappeared ".

I Do Not Meet Something Now Corresponding(meeting) Abundances

I do not meet something now corresponding(meeting) Abundances of materials about movement - young, essentially healthy people, Purposefully using reasonable efforts owing to To rational, healthy way of life to achieve full realization of the Internal opportunities and, hence, as much as possible successful Realization of the vital program. " Their customs " - so long time The venomous heading in a press(seal) referred to at us. It would be desirable to wait Its(Her) present revival - in the constructive plan. With a narration about that, to To example, that the insurance companies cause payment considerably smaller Percent(Interests) to the suffered or ill clients in the event that they Smoke, vigorously "strike" and are not active members any Sports club. I would not recommend to hope entirely and for applied medicine as on The institute capable sharply to add to us of pleasure of a life. In no way I not I wish and do not dare to blacken fair, remarkable, talented, Highly professional doctors.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

And Here It(he) Brings Up The Another's Child.

And Here it(he) brings up the another's child. And the - unfortunate, made destitute: in it(him) Consciousness that was firm as terrestrial has failed. The frenzied wife brings up in the child hatred to the former husband, all That it(she) speaks complains everywhere, and, in general it is fair. Time To it(her) did not give, on the house it is not enough in what helped(assisted), and as the man and in general is not enough of that Cost. That it there was a stupid woman, follows from the following: it(she) Constantly sets the child on the father, will cripple and so deeply injured Fragile children's soul. Still when the son with it(him), with the father, will meet and still when They will understand all circumstances and the son will understand the father and, in turn, Will start back from mother, not having forgiven it(her) of the destroyed, defective childhood! But Since that time when the father has left from the house, both to its(his) mentality, and health will be already Nothing is put(rendered) a loss.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

And Here Have Appeared It Is Artificial Created,

And here have appeared it is artificial created, qualitatively Alien to all alive substances, which , practically without the slightest screen us from this enormous power ocean. They Isolate us from Space which vibrations constantly recharge us, Spare us an active life. I shall afford comparison: imagine, the reader, that you - the receiver. Let's admit(allow), the stereoreceiver of the maximum(supreme) class working, as is known, and from Batteries, and from a network. A feed(meal) from an external network is ours practically Boundless power resources from dialogue with the Universe. But here we from This station were disconnected(switched-off), and all our translations go by means of . Under we shall understand an internal potential available everyone. Trouble, however, that the complete set of these(it) is pawned in us once And for ever, and regeneration, their restoration during translation from a network- Business ineffective. Putting on itself synthetic clothes, we as though We are cut down from a network and we pass exclusively on independent, constantly A weakening feed(meal).

Sunday, September 23, 2007

If There Is An Inflammation, We Apply Them

If there is an inflammation, we apply them before its liquidation, an Then it is necessary to apply additional to strengthen growt Granulations and to make them for a covering . Usually, in suc Cases we use a rivet or a solution of 10 % NaCl i suspensions - or gelatin. Often at greater traumas, at burns of a third degree the fabric is separated very slowly, sometimes by weeks, especiall At sinews and . If to apply in these cases our Technique, braking of development of a line of demarcation, owing to reductio Developments of stagnation slows down these the centers in suc Cases in the first 2-3 days it is applied a usual technique and as soon as it is reache Decrease in an inflammation it is stuck a surface . I Strengthens the phenomena and sites it is accelerated. Certainly, if the phenomena of an inflammation it is necessary to lower them again. Pattern here it is developed cannot be and each case it is necessar To individualize. Total estimations of the received results we will add with several privat Examples.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

From It(this) At It(her) The Sanguineous Pleasure Is

From it(this) at it(her) the sanguineous pleasure is kept The lifes, causing accordingly and constantly joyful mood. Qualitatively the level of health at the man rises also: there, where it(he) earlier It(He) paid for pleasure significant, but at times a dangerous expense of forces, now Receives also constant, rather appreciable, and sometimes and their enormous inflow. After the hot, emotionally sated(saturated), repeatedly repeated meeting it(he) not Lays, as the dead(sickly) goose, but can on rise of all forces after that to run 20 kilometers for energy will hold apart it(him); and to it(him) simply physically It is necessary it is required to realize, spend it(her). And those ours Predecessors who hid this method as the biggest secret Exclusive caste, these Chinese tangerines, they till 90 years also are more senior Looked(Appeared) pink-checked young men, were constantly fresh, possessed The big undying potentiality also were capable to conceive if necessary High-grade children at any stage of a life.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Dosage. Accept Inside On 0,005-0,01 (1-2 Tablets) 3

Dosage. Accept inside on 0,005-0,01 (1-2 tablets) 3 times a day. Collateral actions. The hypotension, tachycardia are possible{probable}. Contra-indications. Heavy ischemic diseases of heart, heavy , pregnancy. The form of release. Tablets on 0,00 * MEANS * Action. Vasodilating and means. Indications. Spasms of muscles of a belly cavity, bronchial tubes, peripheral vessels and vessel Brain. Way of application and dosage. Inside adults accept on About, 04-0,08 3-4 times a day. -3-4 times i Day: in the age of from 6 till 2 years-on 0,005 on reception, 3-4 years-o 0,005-0,01 , 5-6 -on 0,01 , 7-9 -on 0,01-0,015 , 10-14 years-o 0,015-0,02 on reception. At vomiting or difficulty of swallowing appoint{nominate In the form of candles on 0,02-0,04 2-3 times a day (adult). The maximum{supreme} dozes fo Adults inside: single 0,2 , daily 0,6 the maximum{supreme} dozes for children insid In the age of from 6 months till 1 year -0,005 , -0,01 ; i Age 2 -single 0,01 , daily - 0,02 ; 3-4 years - single 0,015 Daily 0,03 , 5-6 years - single 0,02 , daily 0,04 ; 7-9 years - singl 0,03 , daily 0,06 ; 10-14 years single 0,02 , daily 0,1-0, Collateral actions.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Its(her) Direction Ideas And Feelings Obviously: Time It(he)

Its(her) direction Ideas and feelings obviously: time it(he) goes on such mad expenses, time so It is gentle, means, it at it(him) thoroughly. Then it(he) has managed to show it(her) in Beds, that it(she) present(true), and the talented woman. For the first time in a life it(she) Has learned(Has found out), that such the man and that itself bears(carries) in itself huge female Opportunities. Till that time it(she) was absolutely chaste, as the girl, it(she) Even declared in due time to the husband indignantly, that it(he) the debauchee, when it(he) Shy offered, asked it(her) to accept in bed a -elbow pose, about Which it(he) heard once from comrades on army. Earlier it(she) of anything from this Sphere did not know, even approximately did not assume, and here has personally shown it(her) everything, that can be inexpressiblly strong and Bright in intimate relations between the man and the woman. It(she) shouted, it(she) Cried, it(she) left herself, groaned, was scratched and again ran into ecstasy.

Yes, Here The Powerful Public Company Is Necessary

Yes, here the powerful public company is necessary On radical reorganization of the given branch of medicine, on it are necessary time and Means. But here other example where only one knowledge is required. Speech Will go about maintenance, preservation and even increase so important Functions, as a sexual potentiality of the man. Let's look narrowly at clothes of kids-boys. That do(make) with them Loveful mummies? I mean at all these(it) painfully faceless in which them carry, suppressing impellent activity. No, Let's talk about clothes. It is enclosed(laid) , it(she) is wrapped up by an oilcloth, from above Shorts are put on, all this is filled in stockings which trousers are put on, and All together it is placed in breeches. Thus, it is created present(true) the unit. Mummies do not know, that they that apply a way, Which the Australian farmers sterilize the rams. To not spend Mass bloody operations, farmers put on on rams warm fur , and after a while " the warmed ram " becomes modest, The mild eunuch.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Applications And . Appoint{Nominate} To Adults And Teenagers

applications and . Appoint{Nominate} to adults and teenagers on 1-2 dragees of time in day, to children schoo Age on 1 dragee of time in day up to or during meal. Indications. Chronic hepatites, dystrophy and cirrhosis of a liver, toxic defeats of a liver. The preparation reduces a jaundice, improves function of a liver. Way of application and dosage. Appoint{Nominate} inside on 2 capsules 3 times a day. OIL{BUTTER} OF THE DOGROS Way of application and dosage. It is applied at , trophic ulcers of a shin, , at nonspecific ulcer prick (in ). Moistened gauz Napkins impose on the amazed{struck} sites of a leather{skin}. At moisten tampon Also enter them into a cavity of a nose 2 times a day. At treatment nonspecifi Ulcer oil{butter} of a dogrose enter by means of on 50 ml dail Or in a day. At alongside with local treatment a preparation accep Inside on 1 teaspoon 2 times a day. OIL{BUTTER} Indications. - at burns, , radiation injuries of a leather{skin}, , erosio a uterus. Inside - at a stomach ulcer and a duodenal gut.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

) III Stage - Defeat Of Two And More

) III stage - defeat of two and more groups of lymph nodes on both The parties(sides) diaphragms (III) which can be combined with defeat Lymphatic body (1115), or with local defeat body or a fabric () or with defeat of that and another (15). IV stage - or defeat of one or more body or a fabric at presence or absence of defeat Lymph nodes and lymphatic bodies (any defeat of a liver or Bone brain gives the basis to an establishment of IV item). Each stage contains two subgroups - And and And-subgroup - patients with absence of symptoms of the general(common) intoxication. Allocate attributes of biological activity of tumoral process at : increase over 30 mm/?, increase of a level Activity alkaline ; , -, . -subgroup - patients with presence even one of symptoms of the general(common) Intoxications: a fever not clear with I bodies 38 � and above In not less than week, night , losses of weight of a body On 10 % and more for last 6 months. Presence even two of these attributes would be designated by a symbol, Absence of attributes of biological activity or presence of all of one It is designated by a symbol "and".

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Cases Undertook Onl The Heavy. I Will Stop

Cases undertook onl The heavy. I will stop on the description of 4 cases of a dysentery at children age 1-2 years. � has been raised till 38-39 �. A chair - continuous blood and slime, And pains to spasms, a relaxation anus'. Tones of heart deaf persons, the general Bad, a look suffering, colour of a skin the pale. A chair from 40-60 tim A day. Children for 2-4 day of disease arrived. The technique has been develope The following: thin rubber it was entered into back pass on 18-20 the item an Through it, Cautiously Dzhanetovsky , it was entered in first two case On 80 ., and in the subsequent two 40-50 . Slightly warmed solutio (Chromic salts with buffer additions etc.). it was quickly taken out Back pass was clamped by buttocks and the child remained in lateral positio 10-12 minutes. Then the child cautiously wrapped in bed-sheets. In first tw Cases when it was entered 80 ., a small part of the entered liqui It was allocated outside. In the subsequent cases when it was entered 40 .

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

The Form Of Release. 4 %-s' Solution. *

The form of release. 4 %-s' solution. * PREPARATIONS OF CALCIUM * CALCIUM CHLORID Action. It is necessary for realization of processes of transfer of nervous impulses, reductio Skeletal and cardiac musles, for formation of bone fabrics, curtailin Blood. Indications. Insufficient function , the raised{increased} allocation of calcium fro Organism, allergic diseases and complications, skin diseases (an itch , ), as the means reducing permeability of vessels, a means at pulmonary, gastroenteric, bleedings, at toxic defeats of a liver, a greenstone. Us As antidote at a poisoning with salts of magnesium, an acid. Way of application and dosage. Inside accept after meal on 10-15 (the dessert or table spoon) 2- tim In day 5 10 %-s' solution. To children appoint{nominate} on 5-10 ml (tea or desser The spoon). Collateral actions. The heartburn, pain in areas is possible{probable}. Contra-indications. Propensity to the thromboses, the expressed atherosclerosis, the raised{increased} maintenance{contents} of calciu In blood.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

The Doctor Of Medical Sciences Of Century Together

The doctor of medical sciences of Century together with the candidate Biological sciences of Century have created the harmonous concept of dependence Recover of a sick animal from it(him), an experimental animal, behaviour. The group of rats catches the certain disease, and then animals Periodically subject to stresses and observe of development In them illnesses. It has appeared, that at some animals the condition worsened, at others There were all attributes of improvement. In what here has put? A key to understanding of this The riddle were given with behaviour of animals. If during experiment in reply to Stress the animal aspired to change the arisen conditions - bit, scratched Cell(Cage), snatched on the researcher or undertook active attempts To escape or break an electrode, - in such cases pathological process in Organism it was slowed down. And on the contrary, if the animal was hammered into a corner of a cell(cage) and Did not do(Make) any attempts to get rid of inconvenience, - then all Pathological processes in an organism blossomed double color and sometimes even Brought an animal to ruin.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Tannins Influence On These(it) And At That So,

Tannins influence on these(it) and at that so, that there comes stronger linkage of separate circuits with the main valencies among themselves; owing to it(this) resistibility of structure raises(increases) and a medical problem(task) is indemnification of abnormal swelling of fiber. That is why with the medical purpose weak concentration should be applied only. High degrees of concentration will give excessive condensation of fibers, that in turn, reducing permeability capillary . Can lead dry to a fabric. During researches in our disposal there were many the traumatic cases complicated by an inflammation, and other inflammatory processes. As researches were conducted(ordered) with 1923 on 1932. the quantity(amount) of supervision was measured by thousand. Within three years were experimented on various representatives "red" . Having begun(started) with , we send(have passed) to extracts barks, , willows and a chestnut, applying their various concentration and mixes. Results were satisfactory.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A Chronic Pneumonia In A Phase Of An

A chronic pneumonia in a phase of an aggravation, , Right-hand (IX - X segments), complicated chronic Obstructive bronchitis with component -1. 2. A chronic pneumonia in a phase of an aggravation, link sided (II segment) with I and III segments at the left, complicated . 4. Classification of a chronic bronchitis (491) 1. On - virus, bacterial, from influence chemical and Physical factors, dust. 2. On morphological changes - , purulent. 3. On current - a stage of remission, a stage of an aggravation. 4. On functional changes - not obstructive, obstructive. 5. On complications - respiratory insufficiency (), intimate Insufficiency (), chronic pulmonary heart, lungs. The note: by criteria the CART it is possible to diagnose chronic Bronchitis if cough with branch proceeds 3 months in a year and More, repeating annually not less than two years on end and if thus is not present Other diseases which can cause these symptoms (?<O-BODIES, etc.). Example of the formulation of the diagnosis 1.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Contra-indications. Feverish Conditions, Infectious Diseases. TINCTURE Indications. Physical

Contra-indications. Feverish conditions, infectious diseases. TINCTURE Indications. Physical pressure{voltage}, the physical and intellectual weariness raised{increased Drowsiness. Way of application and dosage. Appoint{Nominate} inside till 20-30 drops on an empty stomach 2-3 times a day. TINCTURE Indications. Hypotension, . Way of application and dosage. Appoint{Nominate} inside till 30-40 drops 2-3 times a day. * ANESTHETIZING, FEBRIFUGAL AND ANTI-INFLAMMATORY PREPARATIONS * Action. Febrifugal, soothing and anti-inflammatory an effect has. Indications. Apply at a headache, neuralgias, arthritises, , shar Articulate rheumatism. Way of application and dosage. Apply inside on 0,25-0,3 3-4 times a day. To children i Dependences on age appoint{nominate} on 0,025-0,15 to reception. The maximum{supreme} dozes fo Adults: single 0,5 , daily 1, Collateral actions. Possible{Probable} oppression , a skin rash. The form of release. Tablets on 0,2 ANALGINU Action. Possesses anesthetizing, anti-inflammatory and febrifugal properties.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Pretty Often Traditions To Which We Follow, Conditions,

Pretty often traditions to which we follow, conditions, in which we Are put, habits which go from time immemorial from generation to generation Or are valid a firm axiom or an absolute postulate, are destructive For our health, are pernicious for us. Nevertheless at a household level they Are represented us because of the general prevalence almost invincible Barrier. Long time I went around of indestructible, ringing, as concrete, This burdensome paradox, yet has not found the decision - unexpected and also Paradoxical. After a touch of a magic wand of the given decision to Leaving in heavenly to a fortification of household prejudices they on Eyes were showered, as a heap of unknown dust, and, released(exempted) from heavy dogmas, a clear idea in the simplicity. I now shall state it(her) is with full Readiness to listen to a refutation. But it is thought to me what to overthrow The below-mentioned thesis it will be difficult enough. So, here it(he): I do not find any Other historical expediency in this terrible order, besides that It is a kind of selection, a way to reach(achieve) the accelerated alternation of generations and by that- The accelerated progress.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

1.1.4. . 1.1.5. . 1.1.6. -. 1.1.7. .

1.1.4. . 1.1.5. . 1.1.6. -. 1.1.7. . 1.1.8. . 1.1.9. . 1.1.10. Bacterial. 1.1.11. Mixed. 1.1.12. -virus. 1.1.13. -. 1.1.14. -bacterial. 1.1.15. -bacterial. 1.2. The form of clinical current. 1.2.1. Asymptomatic (0). 1.2.2. Easy(light) (I). 1.2.3. (II). 1.2.4. Heavy (). 1.2.5. Extremely-heavy (IV) - hypertoxic. 1.3. Prevalence of a syndrome. 1.3.1. . 1.3.2. Intoxications. 1.4. Complications. 1.4.1. A pneumonia. 1.4.2. A bronchitis. 1.4.3. An antritis. 1.4.4. An otitis. 1.4.5. A syndrome groats. 1.4.6. Defeat of cardiovascular system. 1.4.7. Defeat of nervous system. Examples of the formulation of the diagnosis 1. A flu of type And, current. 2. , the easy(light) form. 2. Classification of sharp pneumonias (480 - 487) On On On -- to attributes On current 1. Bacterial (with the instruction(indication) of the activator). 2. Virus (with the instruction(indication) of the activator.) 3. (with the instruction(indication) of the activator) 4. Allergic 5. Caused by physical and chemical factors 6.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Besides It(she) Closely Brings Us Alongside With High

Besides it(she) closely brings us alongside with high to one making that spirituality, that without fail to us. Benevolence of a social atmosphere and its(her) value in development Noospheres The stenogram of public performance(statement) on the scientific readings devoted To the 125 anniversary from the date of a birth of Century of I.Vernadsky, in Institute of geological sciences in Kiev on March, 10th, 1988. Dear comrades! My performance(statement) will be constructed under laws Literary work and consequently it(he) will be preceded with an epigraph. The epigraph will look(appear) as follows: here I take out and I put on edge(territory) , turned to an audience, this magnificent apple. Further to me it is necessary There will be someone from present, capable vividly and emotionally to react On arising circumstances. Certainly, it is necessary, that I with it(this) The person was not familiar at all that there was no also an idea on ours Preliminary arrangement. (revival in a hall. Forward there is young a man with Appreciable head of hear.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

In A Day Nursery And Kindergartens Exist For

In a day nursery and Kindergartens exist for some reason coded (I managed to get them on To essence in that way which has been so expressively represented Once in a film " the Feat of the scout ") instructions about, that in Children's diet it has been daily stipulated up to five hundred-six hundred grams Milk. Well it or is bad? From the point of view of official, expressing all-round Care of the child, it is magnificent, it expresses care of a society of the Young successors. And from the point of view of real health? It is monstrous, it Terribly!. We shall look a unbiassed sight: what of mammals Uses milk, was above chest age? Any! Very simply: when The kid is above chest age, at it(him) manufacture of those dies off Enzymes which are capable of 100 % to split got in gastroenteric Path milk for the nature in the evolution is economic and expedient and Therefore has quite reasonably cleaned(removed) from an organism that in natural conditions After chest age never it is not useful to it(him) any more.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

- 600 And Above. A Class - Attacks

- 600 and above. a class - attacks of a stenocardia arise at walking in an equal place On distance more than 500 m, at rise more than on 1 floor. Probability Occurrence of an attack of a stenocardia increases at walking in cold Weather, against a wind, at emotional excitation or at the first o'clock after Awakenings. - 450 - 600 . a class - the expressed restriction of usual physical activity. Attacks arise at walking in normal rate in an equal place on Distance 100 - 500 m, at rise on 1 floor, can arise rare Attacks of a stenocardia of rest. - 300 - 450 . IV class - a stenocardia arises at small physical activities, At walking in an equal place on distance less than 100 m. Are characteristic Occurrence of attacks of a stenocardia in rest. - 150 or not It is spent. The note: classification of functional classes of a stenocardia stable It is made in view of the recommendation of the Canadian association of cardiologists. Sudden coronary death - death at presence of witnesses Come(Stepped) instantly or within the limits of 6 hours from the beginning of heart attack.

Eventually The Kid From A Pain Has Begun

Eventually The kid from a pain has begun to cry, and with happiness its(his) father, because this has begun to cry Plaintive crying has specified that the insensible child before has begun To feel any signals from the outside. And. Item Babich has delayed the departure for day and For the next day this has still worked with the child, and next day switched off of The slice of a life has started already something to mutter lives, and in a week has already spread on , that is it(he) has entered into a stream of life, and this stream, wide and Free, has incurred(carried) it(him) forward. But in fact in overwhelming majority of cases Similar consequences of the patrimonial trauma caused besides by physicians and Not opened by physicians, are not found out, unfortunately! And similar At us units, and on faculties of medical high schools Preparation of similar talented healers is not carried out! My purpose at all is not the increase in quantity(amount) of examples of mistakes(errors) Medicine for which to pay off it is necessary patients, that is us.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

" Large Lack Of This Manual, - Was

" Large lack of this manual, - was It is in black and white written to reviews, - that analyzes is The best products of the Soviet writers, instead of what are specified in school To the program ". I have kept it(her) (though, basically, I try archive not ), because this document, in my opinion, - original Classics. To put it briefly, alive force of our brain develops at school absolutely Unsatisfactorily. Whether it refers to health? Direct! The developed, powerful intelligence is one of defining(determining) guarantors of health The person as a whole. It is known, that the academician was left is brought down and killed By lorry, it(he) was practically . On all physiological norms(rates) it(he) Could not live. On all and to trade-union norms(rates) the person was dead, But it(he) lived! Due to what? Due to reserves which have been hidden in it(him) Enormous intelligence. In other words, if the school developed strong, Bright intelligence in the person, even in small, it(she) would do(make) it(him) much more Is more viable, substituting development of intelligence and spirituality mechanical Saturation of a brain of any sort the information, not developing "Muscles" of active thinking, the school does not aspire to increase in potential Health of the pupils.

Under, 33 L., The Worker Of Jute Factory,

Under, 33 l., the worker of Jute factory, worked on the stea Irons. These irons represent two big cylinders, in diameter it is mor Metre, they rotate on horizontal axes, like rollers, and between the There is extremely small gleam. The panels of jute removed from weaving looms are inserted into this gleam. Problem of ironing cars is fibres of jute and pressur Between shaft about 1000 poods. There was an accident. Fingers of the right hand have got to the car. The ca Has been instantly braked, but nail phalanxes of 2nd, 3rd and 4th finger Have already been flattened absolutely out. By the ambulance of the patient has been delivere In hospital where amputation of these phalanxes has been offered. The patient has disagree And in two days has arrived on treatment in polyclinic to me. In 10-15 day The become lifeless skin of phalanxes, nails and parts of bones have departed. Has shown presence of weight of bone splinters. Through two and a half a month of a woun Have begun to live and by the end of the third month function of fingers has been restore Completely.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Dissolve Tablets In A Full Glass Of Water.

Dissolve tablets in a full glass of water. --SPARKLING TABLET The structure of a tablet includes aspirin, a citric acid and soda. Way of application and dosage. Tablets to dissolve in a glass of water. -on 1-2 tablets on reception, up to Tablets in day. To children in the age of from 3 years - on 1/2-11/2 tablets on reception an Up to 1-4 tablets in day. Action. , febrifugal and anti-inflammatory. Indications. Rheumatism, a polyarthritis, a gout, thrombophlebitises. Way of application and dosage. Accept inside during or after meal. A single doze for adults 0,1-0,15 Within day{bottom} the preparation is accepted with 2-3 times, a daily doze 0,45-0,6 to Children fro 6 months appoint{nominate} 3-4 times a day on 0,01-0,1 depending on age. The maximum{supreme} dozes for adults inside Single 0,2 , daily 0,6 Collateral actions. The nausea, vomiting, pains in a stomach, skin are possible{probable} a delay of a liquid in an organism Rash, changes in structure of blood. Contra-indications. Stomach ulcer and a duodenal gut, disease bodies Liver, kidneys, insufficiency of blood circulation, infringement of an intimate rhythm.

Friday, July 27, 2007

A Purpose Of Mentality On Activity, For Example,

A purpose of mentality on Activity, for example, is capable to cause additional, and rather Significant, reserves of an organism. I shall begin with an example. As is known, rise in temperature on The degree or, my God, on two already puts the person to bed. It is known Also, that falling of sugar in blood twice leads to such condition, That it is time to cause "first aid". Increase of palpitation Is known also, that And sharp increase of pressure up to two hundred and more millimeters of a mercury column Are fraught with set of the heaviest illnesses, down to a heart attack and an insult. But As from positions of similar unconditional data it is possible to explain vigorous Condition of the skier which by the end races runs with In temperature under 40 � With, with the maintenance(contents) of sugar in blood less than half Necessary norm(rate) and at pulse up to two hundred impacts in a minute? Runs, and anything Thin to its(his) health does not occur(happen), and, moreover, having passed(having taken place) this Competitive distance or, even better, having found an Olympic medal, it(he) not Only does not send to hospital, but, on the contrary, exults, even more also it is capable of even greater(big) loadings, overloads and deviations(rejections) from Average norm(rate)! Hence, it is a question not simply of changes physiological Functions, but also about substantial increase of limits possible(probable) for the person, Charged on a victory - on a victory over self or contenders.

And Appreciable Easing Universal Health As On All

And Appreciable easing universal health as on all terrestrial has begun To sphere, and across Soviet Union. However, have very quickly thought suddenly, in To America synthetics now - clothes for the poorest color, chronic The unemployeds, already deprived grants(manuals), and also for tourists, which, as Locust, all in shops at sale of the out-of-date goods. In what nocuity of external synthetics consists? I shall not be now To deviate aside the general(common) ecology and to speak about that monstrous paradox, According to which for manufacture of a synthetic fabric it is required approximately in One thousand times more waters (for ever after that deduced(removed) from a turn(turnover)), than for Manufactures of such magnificent valuable natural material, as flax, For example, which does not kill water. No, we shall talk about synthetics To its(her) direct influence on people. The matter is that during millions Years of our evolution we, children of Solar system, Space as a whole, developed From associates us of substances, received meaningly or the information From the Universe surrounding us, bathed in waves and radiations The world surrounding us.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

). ACID FOLI Action. Participates In Amino Acids, Acids,

). ACID FOLI Action. Participates in amino acids, acids, it is necessary fo Normal formation{education} of blood cells. Indications. Anemia at pregnant women, the anemias caused by medicinal substances and radiation Anemia at a chronic alcoholism, chronic , a tuberculosi Intestines. Way of application and dosage. For preventive maintenance appoint{nominate} on 20-50 mkg daily. With the medical purpose the adul Appoint{Nominate} on 0,005 (5 mg) in day. Collateral action. Allergic reactions. The form of release. On 0,001 the Folic acid is a part of a tablet Preparations (, , . , etc.). ACID ASCORBIC (VITAMIN C Action. Participates in regulation of oxidation-reduction processes, carbohydrat Exchange, curtailing of blood, normal permeability of capillaries, formations{educations hormones, synthesis of collagen. Raises{increases} stability of an organism t To infections. Indications. Avitaminosis and With, diathesises, a scurvy, bleedings Infectious diseases, intoxication, diseases gastroenteri The path, raised{increased} intellectual and physical activity.

Mixed 7. Not Specified 1. Primary 2.

Mixed 7. Not specified 1. Primary 2. Secondary 1. 2. 1. 2. Long Examples of the formulation of the diagnosis 1. a pneumonia, , right-hand, . 2. a pneumonia, staphylococcal, bilaterial, long. 3. Flu 2, heavy current. a pneumonia, e?OO??<-streptococcal, right-hand. 4. A sharp pneumonia in 8, 9 segment on the right, -bacterial ( + ). 3. Classification of a chronic pneumonia (496) (Minsk, 1964) 1. On - virus, bacterial, , from The influences of chemical and physical factors mixed. 2. On current - a stage of remission, a stage of an aggravation. 3. On localizations. 4. On functional infringements - changes, Obstructive changes. 5. On - respiratory insufficiency (), development Pulmonary heart, insufficiency of blood circulation (). Notes. 1. Development of a chronic pneumonia grows out not resolved For whatever reasons a sharp pneumonia. 2. As a morphological substratum the pneumosclerosis leading to more or serves Less expressed cicatricial the amazed(struck) site of a pulmonary fabric and Accompanied inflammatory changes in a corresponding(meeting) department Bronchial tree.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Matter Is That Damp, Drying Up Bandages

The matter is that damp, drying up bandages gave a numbe x the phenomena. These negative moments consist, in the first, in brevit Actions of a bandage in time. Though chrome for display of the actio Time demands less time, than representatives red , bu Actions of the bandage, to equal 2-3 hours, definitely it is not enough. The secon The negative moment consists that the dried up bandage dried t To wound and, therefore, at change of bandages, occured Surfaces. At last, the third minus consist that the dried up bandag Owing to salts, became very rigid and, densely adjoinin To a wound, was an alien irritating body. It is natural, that these negative parties of a damp bandage in the perio reduced the size of positive results. It was necessary to eliminate these minuses, i.e. to renew some chrome To destroy bandages to surfaces and to change characte The dried up bandage in sense of reduction of its irritating properties. The practical decision meeting all these requirements, wa The following: on a surface put 3-4 layers of the gauze plentifully moistene Solution of chromic salt with additional inclusions.

With Another The Parties(sides), The Similar Method Of

With another The parties(sides), the similar method of personal approbation allows to speak about mentioned(touched) Therein subjects with a sufficient degree of confidence and definiteness. Now I come back to that unit of challenges about which it was spoken Hardly earlier. First we independently send(have come) to not which paradoxical To technique if permissibly to use this term in so thin sphere Human attitudes(relations), and later some years after that have found its(her) description In Chinese descriptions deeply coded during centuries. So, There is an opportunity which exists also which was used by a top The Chinese dignitaries (it(she) is included and in some high steps of yoga), To satisfy the woman it is so much times, how many it is required to it(her), and to receive Pleasure most, not spending each time of a seed. I am not assured completely not that a degree of an openness and development The civilized approach to health of the person in our society very much it is fast Will rise up to that the similar practice will enter into a daily life The person.

Weakness Accrues. Grows. 2. III Cut To The

Weakness accrues. grows. 2. III cut to the right from ches Bones. The temperature does not fall. o . 10. III condition continuously worsens. Picture of a heavy sepsis. 13. III with 13. III-31. III - five intravenou Injections. Temperature by this time Has passed in a zone 36-370. Dream, appetite good. In weight has added. Goes independently. Wounds almos Have begun to live. Suppurating it is few. 5. IV in current of illness were the Small rises in temperature, but the menacing phenomena were not also the patient in goo Condition it has been written out. 7 -, 16 years. Was ill 30. IV. A han Has swelled up. Temperature, the general weakness. The phenomena accrue. 22. V. Has acted in IV-t Surgical clinic. Temperature 38,50. The shoulder has swelled up, painfully, a leathe Red, movement are impossible because of pains. Fluctuation of the top third of shoulder. 23. V. Operation. A cut The counteraperture. The bone is strongly damaged, . 25. V. The roentgenogram: Heads of a shoulder, the top part and a shoot .

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Our Form Of The Account Of A Status

Our form of the account of a status of the patient partially meets these requirements. The preconditions which have created it is association to signs, the general for the diversified illnesses is an antithesis of the preconditions which have created and kliniko-morphological forms of the diagnosis the basis for which is opposition of distinctions. So various preconditions, naturally, were reflected both in the form and on ideological sense of these kinds of diagnostics. In the conditions of the kliniko-morphological diagnosis each clinical or morphological symptom of illness is connected with representation about it. Illness symptoms characterise it. Intensity of symptoms usually serves as an indicator of intensity of processes. Indicators of this form of the diagnosis establish initial the moments and the subsequent kliniko-morphological results of processes, but reflect dynamics illness developments insufficiently. Therefore and the kliniko-morphological diagnosis is usually stable for the given process, i.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

- Better .-And Seeing, That I Cost(stand) In

- Better .-And seeing, that I cost(stand) in full , monotonously so Has explained: - your cold - a vegetative origin: from nervous Overstrain(Overvoltage). Your organism does not have not enough calcium. Calcium most of all in Cottage cheese from area Roshchinskogo. Following!. It(He) has not registered to me any drops, any chemistry inside. I Cottage cheese, and this unpleasant binding has really included in a regular diet, The saddened life, has very quickly disappeared. But, unfortunately, we should collide(face) with the phenomena is much more often Opposite property. However(As) it is a lot of around of us doctors who smoke which are irritable and Are sick. What can be belief obviously unhealthy from The patient? And whether often happens, that the doctor has salutarily worked on The patient the benevolent attitude(relation)? Treat the person outside of understanding That it(he) is the most complicated set of the most different interactions. For example, treat for oncological disease any separate body, Not wishing to understand, that the oncology is general(common) disease of all organism, that It is all immune system punched at any level.