Friday, February 22, 2008

And So, From Five Thousand Only Units Knew

And so, from five thousand Only units knew men-spouses; that the wife before time The joyful affinity should caress preliminary!. Such category, as "", for overwhelming majority of these kind people was " the ground Not known ", unknown. Psychology of these(thus) good, but especially ignorant People it was in own way focused in the puzzled statement of one of them: " When looked after, certainly, caressed. And now the own wife what for To embrace-entice?. " But if to add and a corresponding(meeting) level of development Women in the similar plan all will according to that rough joke when The wife during the certain moment efficiently argues about itself on a theme " it is not time Whether to borrow(occupy) in whitewashing of a ceiling ". The life introduces in our health such factors destroying it(him), about Which the overwhelming majority of the population simply also does not know. But this The complex of problems, certainly, requires the decision, and in the prompt. I want To tell, that in our country on a joint 20-30- years were printed wise, Rich on the facts, the written grants(manuals) about attitudes(relations) Men and women.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Conclusion Of Rentgeninstituta From 14.VI-1929. For No

The conclusion of Rentgeninstituta from 14.VI-1929. For No 1986 following "The roentgenogram finds out almost full consolidation of crisis". Suc In the image, no structural changes in bones any more existing. - was under supervision within the next two years. Fel It of it is good, carried out all homework, cooked, erased, etc. Complaint Was not. Application of these methods of influence is worthy at an inflammatio Mucous . Supervision in this area were spent by the Dr. V.M.Voloshinovym. We quote the author's abstract of its performance in March 1932. O Plenary session of the Odessa Medical Society. "Working in one polyclinic with the lecturer, I saw results Received by it in cases of the inflamed wounds. Wounds almost became at onc The pure. Purulent allocation stopped. began quickly Sometimes in mild cases, for the second day of treatment. I began to apply these method At itself in children's consultation at grazes and small at children. I Has given good effect. After that, in the summer in a heat of epidemic of a dysentery I becam To apply these methods on heavy dysenteric children.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

No, As Any Present(true) House, It(he) Demands Constant

No, as Any present(true) house, it(he) demands constant updating, completions, Reorganizations - in a word, constant care and perfection. Solidary work of a family command(team) on construction spiritual At home will lead to its(her) such monastery where the best propensities will be dear Everyone where the gratification and understanding will accompany any Individualities and where everyone will be together happy. The extremely important condition of this happy and long joint life The knowledge not only psychological, but also deep sexual is Distinctions in behaviour of the man and the woman. So the nature has arranged - and, Apparently, not casually, - that the highest peak of pleasure at men, as The rule, at an intimate meeting arises earlier, than at the woman. On the schedule It looks(appears) as a two-humped camel. A difference between these(it) two peaks I dare To name an interval of humanity. The man which is rather developed, Will make all that these peaks to shift one to another.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I Shall Adher Chronological Sequence Concerning The Order

I shall adher Chronological sequence concerning the order of stage Researches, and treatment of the facts and conclusions I shall try to subordinat The subsequent, instead of to the preliminary points of view. Local application of solutions (5 Solution , an extract barks, , willows and a chestnut) fo Treatments of local inflammatory processes, has resulted on our material As a rule to decrease in quantity separated, to reductio Hypostasis, to reduction of quantity of complications (, ). Solutions chrome, on our data, have faster anti-inflammatory an effect, rather than solutions . For preventio Transition of -sour chrome in insoluble, effectless connectio ( chrome) under influence separated, it has appeare Necessary addition of buffer mixes from which the best wa The dairy-sour buffer. At treatment Surfaces damp bandages with a solution of -sour chrome u The technique the layers extending validity of chrome is applie And reducing granulations. Bacteriologica By check by us it is established, that applied solutions -sou Chrome antiseptic and action on culture .

Monday, February 18, 2008

Distribution Of Fate Has Been Objectively Predetermined By

Distribution of fate has been objectively predetermined by that, That people after heavy premilitarians, military and post-war years, when they Have been constantly mentally clamped, certainly, required relaxedness. Emotional relaxedness both has arisen, and has extended in such kind, Which mismatches a genotype of the person of northern breadthes. Rhythms ritual Dances and other tribes are quite natural to the Subcultures, but it is necessary to consider, that there these actions are made extremely Seldom, time or two in a year, during concourses, when leaders of tribes Or priests, leaning(basing) on the emotional excitation created rhythmic Music, achieve uniform mood. In America, and then and in the Europe these(it) The rhythms accompanied by a roar overwhelming consciousness, have started to take root not Two times a year, and daily and during twenty-four hours straight through means The mass information, through electronics, through audiovisual technics(technical equipment). A rate By wise leaders and priests of the West has been taken on, that, figuratively speaking, pairs, Accumulated in public boilers to let out(release) not through pistons (concrete Social movements), but through a whistle ( outside of all feelings Displeasure).

Sunday, February 17, 2008

3. At Radiological Research Changes Are Found Out

3. At radiological research changes are found out , segmentary, share character, less often changes grasp all Lung. Most often there is a -share form, Both are mainly amazed the top share on the right, bottom, and from segments - VI and VII. Outside of a stage of an aggravation the radiological picture is characterized Attributes of a pneumosclerosis. Changes are expressed in strengthening(amplification) and deformation Pulmonary figure, presence of blackouts of non-uniform character, reduction Volume of the amazed(struck) site of a lung. 4. Clinically chronic pneumonia is characterized repeated Flashes of inflammatory process in the same parts of a lung. 5. In classification the characteristic of current of disease is stipulated: Aggravations have sporadic character or take place frequent (more than 2 - 3 Yearly) long aggravations. 6. An indispensable condition is reflection in its(his) diagnosis Functional part, presence of respiratory and intimate insufficiency. Examples of the formulation of the diagnosis 1.