Saturday, April 7, 2007

. In What Business? Dear Speak About Traditional Character

. In what Business? Dear speak about traditional character for Russia similar Verses, but I dare to believe, that they near at hand found cadet Lermontov Some kind of protective function: tender the grandson of fourteen years from To sort has got in cadet school and it has appeared in the environment of customs truly Zoological. And the beginner to pay off from enormous, Severe, obscenely neighing stallions, wrote for them verses under to become them To perception(recognition) of a life. Michel avoided thus their violations. Yes, it(he) could To stand up for itself and in another way. But the poet used also specific Opportunities. " Well also what? - ask .-Well, there was such period. So for what It(Him) to recollect?. " And for that to recollect, that its(his) consequences Are traced and further. When the poet was released(exempted) from this oppression, heavy The complex of humiliating inferiority strengthened besides painful Opinion on the ostensibly physical unattractiveness which it is constant Oppressed its(his) subconsciousness, it(he) aspired all time and by all means To overcome, constantly wished as the person.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

. Hence, The We Are Physiologically Purer(cleaner), The We

. Hence, the we are physiologically purer(cleaner), the we are quieter and More benevolently. Here it is necessary to specify, that our Anatoly Feokritovich was not So we shall excite(raise) and it is rough, as the writer. It(he) Just basically was constrained and correct, and only red spots(stains) acted At it(him) on cheekbones minutes of indignation. At it(him) this continuous a background, This exhausting internal buzzer caused other reaction - inadequate Weariness from work, for those irritating signals that went from within, Were imposed at it(him) on usual general(common) loading and sounded similarly to going From the outside, as though from strained(intense), but as a whole it is far not emergency loading. Nevertheless its(his) internal perception(recognition) all time submitted signals about Superoverloads, that, certainly, led constant unmotivated To feeling of the psychological overfatigue, not passing(not taking place) feeling of weariness and Depression. That dense, almost a centuries-old dirt which was postponed At it(him) in joints, in vessels, in some major bodies, beat not only On them, but also generated constantly low general(common) tone of an organism and mentality.

It(he) Has Rescueed(saved) One Popular Actress, On

It(he) has rescueed(saved) one popular actress, On presence already oncological a metastasis, then it(she) seven more or eight Years perfectly lived, even has learned to drive the car and all more widely and more widely Opened for itself this fine world. And then I have exclaimed: - Ivan Grigorevich so you do not share with the people Knowledge?! It(He) has lifted, as , the and has asked: - And you are assured, what us, , will not pursue any more?- No, I , Ivan Grigorevich. - And you are assured, that if I aloud shall tell about The grasses, them immediately not also will not trample down ignorant Hordes? - is not present, Ivan Grigorevich, I is not assured(confident) of it(this). - and so, - it(he) has told,- I shall continue to work in own way and to keep mum. But in fact here reserves of our health are concealled! What opportunities! Here Example: only on two wood glades in the Europe (one in Belarus, another in East Prussia) the surprising mushroom , capable, if it(him) grows To remove and pound(take off and pound) before full maturing, to become a powerful component Antineoplastic ointment.