Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Way Of Application And Dosage. For Preventive Maintenance

Way of application and dosage. For preventive maintenance appoint{nominate} the adult on 0,05-0,1 in day, to children - on 0,025 2-3 times a day. Medical dozes for adults - 0,05-0,1 3-5 times a day, fo Children - on 0,05-0,1 2-3 times a day inside after meal. Contra-indications. Thrombophlebitises, propensity to thromboses, diabetes. The form of release. Tablets on 0,025; 0,05 and 0,1 Is a part of polyvitamins ( , , etc.). ROUTINES (VITAMIN Action. Reduces permeability and fragility of capillaries, participates in Regenerative processes. Indications. -and avitaminosis , infringement of permeability of vessels, Diathesises, haemorrhages in a retina of an eye, radiation sickness, rheumatism Hypertonic illness, , a scarlet fever. Dosage. Appoint{Nominate} the adult on 0,02-0,05 3-3 times day. The form of release. Tablet on 0,02 of Routines is a part of complex tablets ( , ). ACID NICOTINIC (VITAMIN Action. Participates in -regenerative processes, reduces cholesterol i Blood. Indications.