Friday, September 26, 2008

IV. Vascular Diseases Of Intestines. 1. Chronic An

IV. Vascular diseases of intestines. 1. Chronic an ischemia. 2. Ischemic . 3. A heart attack of intestines. Examples of the formulation of the diagnosis 1. Illness the Crone with defeat areas and -th Department of a thick gut, the sharp form complicated by toxic expansion Thick gut. 2. A syndrome of the angry thick gut, caused. 3. Chronic postdysenteric (mainly ) with the expressed hypermotor dyskinesia with a syndrome of locks, Phase of an aggravation. 8. Classification of a dyskinesia of bilious ways (564.8) 1. By origin. 1.1. Primary: neurotic, psychogenic, medicamentous (from Preparations , opium, , etc.). 1.2. Secondary or symptomatic: at a sharp hepatites, cholecystitises, illnesses, a pancreatitis, functional diarrheas, Chronic gastritises, and , a stomach ulcer Duodenal gut and stomach, functional frustration of intestines, Chronic , , after , etc. 2. The clinical form on prevailing frustration. 2.1. Hypermotor. 2.2. . 2.3. Mixed Examples of the formulation of the diagnosis 1.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

And On A Number(line) Of Parameters (endurance, Working

And on a number(line) of parameters (endurance, working capacity, speed Reactions, etc.) is at a level and in general -postgraduate. The similar structure of an organism already represents something really Significant, representing not only interest, but also the direct proof Fidelity of the selected(elected) way. The third: the Lord sees, never I was engaged especially hair Cover, and, it is necessary to tell, that for last decade it(he) absolutely already on To head was it was reduced, but here and I and many of associates of steel with Surprise to mark(celebrate) occurrence most that on is the present(true) head of hear on Very long time ago the grown bald author of " Three whales of health ". Obviously, a condition Bulbs of hair has reflected much increasing in the course of time the general(common) vital Potential of the person. Should tell, that in my field of vision not so it is a lot of People with a similar direction of a course of vital processes. To same item(point), Possibly, it is necessary to carry and much improved homeostasis - a course Exchange processes in an organism, owing to which my weight contrary to The widespread practice with the years opposite has less Postgraduate on 8-10 kg.

Ratser Whence Have Left, Written There The Wonderful Play

Ratser whence have left, Written there the wonderful play three day I held windows opened(open) Wide open, freezing the extreme tobacco stench which has densely impregnated after them Furniture and walls. When L.Emelyanov, mine the neighbour on the house and the employee on To the Pushkin house, sat down to write scheduled scientific work, it(he) daily cooked To itself on a huge saucepan of strong coffee, within three sleepless nights Got a light one cigarette from another and "to have a bite", almost Continuously chewed a chunk behind a chunk and a stick behind a stick sausages. As a result on light its(his) bright clause(article) under the theory of the literature was born, and in To immediate prospects followed withdrawal of a bilious bubble and multimonthly Hospital, and in a little bit more remote - the old woman with slanting!. I write these lines in the late autumn of 1996. Certainly, any Quantity(Amount) of people under influence of compulsory force of a reality now Has addressed to a healthy way of life: in fact the unique medicinal there is sometimes a little not , and a price of bad habits now where Above cost notorious " a food basket ".