Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Specially Pay To Foresters, That They Protected These

specially pay to foresters, that they Protected these secret glades. But wild boars "" about curative properties of it(this) Mushroom and not only eat away it(him), but also the snouts all that ground, Where there are its(his) disputes. Nothing remains to people. And if we have turned this business To own advantage? Great affairs (it(he) lived in settlement Uzhet under Alma-Ata) - the person who knew practically all about a ginseng and others Curative roots. It was the master capable within few seconds To run fingers on your wrist as on the keyboard, and to define(determine) with Absolute clearness a condition of any of your bodies, healthy and . Unnecessary, so, for it(him) there were multimonthly researches in Laboratories and huge expenses of time, which else it is not known, whether will bring Desirable result. by means of diagnostics not only Authentically specified that official medicine pretty often not Has noticed, but also treated to what it(she) in powerlessness while gives in.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

2. - It Is Bright Or Moderately Expressed

2. - it is bright or moderately expressed initial displays Illnesses. In comparison with a sharp variant development is more stretched(dragged more out) in time Clinical symptoms (duration of attack 3 - 6 months) with bent to To aggravation of rheumatic process. 3. Continuously- - the beginning usually sharp, more often on a background already Generated a heart disease. In the subsequent long (more 6 months) wavy presence expressed an aggravation and incomplete Remissions. 4. Long - development of clinical symptoms usually fast, brightly The expressed initial displays of illness, only in the subsequent In long process. Current chronic, monotonous, without precise remissions. Duration of attack over 6 months 5. Latent - initial clinical displays of illness can To be found out only in a part ill. In these cases rheumatic process in the chronic, clinical and laboratory not revealed form. Primarily latent it is possible to diagnose only in Cases, when initial uncertain attributes of rheumatic process Come to light already at the accompanying expressed heart disease or Defect is absolutely casual find, as consequence(investigation) long The latent development .

The Matter Is That Manufacture Of A Seed

The matter is that manufacture of a seed In a man's organism demands very much greater(big) expenses, including Power. Potential of the man - both its(his) muscles, and its(his) heart, and its(his) reason- Next day after emission noticeably below, than up to that. Not without reason The categorical requirement to climbers, for example, before an ascention, to To boxers before a match, to before responsible(crucial) performances(statements) Abstention is. With the years - we shall tell, after 40-50 years - restoration Energy potential from men demands increasing time. In these(it) Conditions, and in general irrespective of age, infinite waste of a seed, Moreover besides it is silly, criminally killed, not reaching an organism Women, are has put simply harmful in scales and personal, and National. And meanwhile there is a way to untie This uneasy unit. Here it is a high time to tell about on what basis, on what real The base all this book which lays before you, the reader is constructed.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

This Defect For A Society Is Burdensomest, As

This defect for a society is burdensomest, as smoke tens Millions person. It is difficult to understand man or the woman who dare To talk to people, their disgusting from a mouth. Than, As a matter of fact, it differs from public damage of air by other by, Which is considered - and it is fair - shameful? What here representations about To ethics? I any more do not speak about "right" to poison with a smoke in the name of the pleasure Those in what not people who appear, unfortunately, near to Smoking. I would like, that everyone who smokes though once has visited(attended) Dissecting room in which corpses for employment(occupations) of medical students prepare. Has visited(attended) to look lungs. Instead of -bluish environments it(he) Would see disgusting brown slime. Very impressing show Consequences of hobby for smoking which, unfortunately, is hidden(latent) from ours Sight! I wish to tell: when it is necessary to diagnose the person not Smoking, but with a pneumonia its(his) painful(unhealthy) signal undertakes hands From distance of centimeters of twenty-thirty.