Saturday, December 22, 2007

Among Them Were Shar Cases And Chronic. In

Among them were shar Cases and chronic. In a significant part of supervision improvement has been receive Conditions, especially in sharp cases. In these cases number of diarrheas sharpl Has decreased. Applicatio Intravenous method at surgical diseases has yielded good results. We illustrate it extracts from some histories of illnesses. -t To-, 46 ., in II-th surgical clinic - operation in occasion of a hemorrhoids. In 5-6 days blood in . The bleeding amplifies. In a week continuou Blood. Mucous a direct gut it is inflamed, friable. Blood transfusion. The bleeding has amplified. The patient is exsanguinated, has weakened. A bleedin Proceeds. Intravenous injection is made. For the second day a bleedin It is less. To 4- to day has stopped. 12 days under supervision. In total it has been made Intravenous injections. It is written out in a good condition. -t Hell, 21 year. 15. III has fallen to the left hand. A haemorrhage. Strengthenin Pains. temperature. 10. IV has acted in II-t Clinic.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

2.4.5. Deficiency An Alpha-1-. 2.4.6. . 2.4.7. .

2.4.5. Deficiency an alpha-1-. 2.4.6. . 2.4.7. . 2.4.8. Wilson's illness. 249 overload iron (). 2.5. Consequences bilious ways. Secondary a cirrhosis Liver. 2.6. A secondary cirrhosis of a liver at passive venous stagnation (). 2.7. The unknown person (). 3. To clinical attributes. 3.1. Active. 3.2. Inactive. 3.3. Compensated, . 3.4. . Examples of the formulation of the diagnosis 1 Cirrhosis of a liver virus , active, . Portal hypertensia of II stage. Complication: a bleeding from the -expanded veins of a gullet. The note: in the clinical diagnosis it is possible to not specify the morphological form Cirrhosis if it(she) is not confirmed by results of a laparoscopy and Liver. 14. Clinical classification of a portal hypertensia Stage Attributes 1. Initial clinical displays. Weight in right and the stomach(belly), moderated(moderate) , the general(common) Indisposition. 2. The expressed clinical displays. Weight, pains in the top half of stomach(belly), the right , , complaints. Increase in the sizes of a spleen (correlation between it(her) Increase and degree of expressiveness of a portal hypertensia is not present).

Monday, December 17, 2007

) The HELL, Especially , Usually Considerably Decreases, And

) the HELL, especially , usually Considerably decreases, and it is frequent up to a normal level (" decapitated Hypertensia "). Examples of the formulation of the diagnosis 1. Hypertonic illness I a stage. 2. Hypertonic illness II stage with primary defeat Hearts. The note: in classification of an arterial hypertensia are considered Recommendations of committee of experts(auditeurs) the CART. 2. Classification dystonias () (306) Clinical types: 1. Hypertonic. 2. Hypotonic. 3. . On weight of current: 1. An easy(a light) degree - painful and syndromes are expressed Moderately (up to 100 . In minutes), arise only in communication(connection) with significant and physical activities. Vascular crisises are absent. Necessities for medicinal therapy usually are not present. Work capacity It is kept. 2. The average degree - an intimate painful attack differs stability(resistance). The tachycardia arises spontaneously, reaching(achieving) 110 - 120 in mines Are possible(probable) Vascular crisises.

Example Of The Formulation Of The Diagnosis 1.

Example of the formulation of the diagnosis 1. A diphtheria, sharp . 2. A burn of a gullet a hydrochloric acid, sharp . 3. Chronic a reflux-. 1.3. A ulcer of a gullet (530.2). Specify the factor: chemical, medicamentous, Fungoid, , etc. defeats; Current of disease: sharp or chronic; Quantity(Amount) of ulcers: individual or plural; Localization: the top, average, bottom third; Accompanying defeats of a gullet: a reflux-, a hernia Apertures of a diaphragm. Examples of the formulation of the diagnosis 1. Chronic a ulcer of the bottom third of a gullet, Reflux-. 2. Sharp medicamentous () ulcers of an average and bottom third Gullet. 1.4. Narrowing and a stenosis of a gullet (530.3). At formation of the diagnosis to specify the reason which has caused a stenosis of a gullet (Cicatricial changes after a chemical burn or a ulcer of a gullet, 3 - 4 degrees , good-quality or malignant tumours of a gullet and .). Degree of narrowing: I a degree - diameter of the narrowed site 0,5 - 0,7 sm, II - 0,3 - 0,5 sm, III - less than 0,3 see Example of the formulation of the diagnosis 1.