Friday, May 1, 2009

7.3. . 7.4. A Stenosis: Compensated; Subcompensated; .

7.3. . 7.4. A stenosis: Compensated; Subcompensated; . 7.5. . Examples of the formulation of the diagnosis 1. A stomach ulcer of a stomach in a phase of an aggravation, it is frequent Current, small ulcer of a corner of a stomach, normal function Stomach. 2. A stomach ulcer of a stomach in a phase of an aggravation, it is frequent Current, average ulcer a department, complicated compensated Stenosis of the gatekeeper. 3. A stomach ulcer of a duodenal gut in a phase of an aggravation, Moderately current, a greater(big) ulcer of a forward wall of a bulb Duodenal gut; normal function of a stomach. 4. A stomach ulcer of a duodenal gut in a phase of an aggravation, seldom current, . 5. A stomach ulcer localizations, it is frequent Current in a phase of an aggravation - average ulcers of a bulb and small curvature of a stomach. Chronic in a phase of an aggravation. . I 5. Classification symptomatic ulcers (531) 1. The basic kinds. 1.1. Stressful. 1.2. Medicinal. 1.3. (at Allison- syndrome, illness -, ).

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Avitaminosis Both A.Infektsionnye And Diseases ( Dysentery, Tracheitis,

Avitaminosis both A.Infektsionnye and diseases ( Dysentery, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonias). Diseases of a leather{skin} (wounds, it is compressed , , ). Some diseases of eyes (pigmentary , etc.). Chronic , a hepatites, a pancreatitis. Complex therapy of a rickets. Way of application and dosage. Preparations of vitamin A apply in the preventive and medical purposes. Dail The need{requirement} and vitamin A makes of 1,5 mg for the adult person. O 5 000 ; for pregnant women - 2 mg, or 6 600 ; for feeding women - 2,5 mg Or 8 250 ; for children till 1 year-0,5 or 1 650 ; from 1 year till 6 years-1 of mg Or 3 300 ; from 7 years also is more senior - 1,5. Or 5 000 , Medical dozes of vitami And at various degrees of insufficiency of vitamin A from 33 000 (10 mg) up t 50 000 - 100 000 in day for adults; for children from 1000 up to 20 000 i Day depending on age. The maximum{supreme} single doze for adults 50 000 The maximum{supreme} daily-100 000 ; for children the maximum{supreme} single doze 5 000 , the maximum{supreme Daily - 20 000 .

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

To Put It Briefly, Than Longer Our Receiver

To put it briefly, than longer our receiver works on The limited resources of this disposable complete set of energy, the more poorly a sound This receiver, the has more than rattles, and, means, opportunities are belittled our vital displays. Especially harmfully all this affects small children, which in Process of the growth should receive as much as possible energy,-how many it(her) It is required to an organism on course of all infinitely complex(difficult) processes, Causing and accompanying its(his) development. . I Shall afford now, having deviated for a short while from destiny the Shred, To make especially severe attack aside a fine half of sort Human, our lovely women. I perfectly understand, how much uneasy To put on it(him) fashionably and beautifully and at the same time in natural fabrics. But, Dear(Expensive) readers, I ask you, put(apply) all opportunities that To not carry even synthetic stockings or to carry them as small as possible or Less often. This synthetics blocks, first, additional charging The power center which is at the very bottom of a backbone, and, Secondly, closes from constant additional charging from the outside a reactor important vital The processes made in your female bodies.

4.2. Often (aggravations 3 - 4 Times A

4.2. Often (aggravations 3 - 4 times a year). 4.3. With constantly present semiology of a chronic pancreatitis. 5. Complications. 5.1. Infringement . 5.2. The inflammatory changes caused by damaging(injuring) action Pancreatic : (, "" a cholecystitis, , an abscess, a pleurisy, a pneumonia, , etc.). 5.3. infringements: a "pancreatic" diabetes, conditions, etc. 5.4. A portal hypertensia. Examples of the formulation of the diagnosis 1. A sharp pancreatitis, a hypostasis of a head of a pancreas, heavy. Collapse. 2 Sharp traumatic pancreatitis, destructive, , . The limited peritonitis; dynamic intestinal impassability. 3 Chronic pancreatitis, , it is rare Currents, a phase of an aggravation (-), complicated mechanical Jaundice. 4 Chronic pancreatitis, alcoholic, it is frequent currents, Phase of an aggravation (with primary defeat of a tail, ), Complicated by a portal hypertensia. V. ILLNESSES OF SYSTEM OF BLOOD 1. Classification of anemias (280 - 284) 1. Sharp . 2. . 3. Connected with infringement of synthesis and recycling .

These Points Of View Define A Direction Of

These points of view define a direction of treatment granulatin Surfaces. Treatment usually consists in aspiration to receive health Granular a fabric. A number of reasons is resulted in favour of it an The main thing from them is the belief, that the fabric represent Itself a reliable barrier from a secondary infection. As the centre of gravity at treatment of inflammations us has been transferred wit on , that, naturally, we have approached to a critical estimatio Granulations from other points of view. For us an important point was tha granulation is tomorrow's . And the cicatricial fabric is a scourg The surgeon and the patient. It is natural, that from this point of view development magnificen fabrics are the negative phenomenon as than it is more than i The volume, the is stronger processes at its atrophy, the it is more volum , the restriction of functions there is more. Methods applied by us, causing condensation of a connecting fabric Braked development of granulations. the layer very seldom reache Significant size, at the same time, weak influence on a fabri Did not stir to development cells.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Anti-inflammatory, Promoting Stones At Illnesses Means. Way Of

Anti-inflammatory, promoting stones at Illnesses means. Way of application. Appoint{Nominate} in a kind (10-15 raw material to 200 ml of boiled water) on 2 table spoon 3 times a day before meal. Action. Diuretic, anti-inflammatory, means. Indications. Apply for and removals{distances} of uric stones and simplification of their deducing{removing}. Way of application and dosage. Accept on 1 teaspoon in 1/2 glasses of the warm sweetened water 3 times i Day after meal. MEAN " Action. means. Indications. Chronic hepatites, cholecystitises. Way of application and dosage. Accept inside after meal on 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day. Collateral actions. Allergic reactions, diarrhea are possible{probable}. Contra-indications. Stomach ulcer, dystrophy of a liver " Action. The preparation possesses action and improves digestion. Indications. Hepatites, cholecystitises, gastritises. Way and a dosage. 1-3 times in a tribute after meal are appointed{nominated} inside on 1 tablet. Action. means. Indications.