Saturday, January 27, 2007

We Shall Ponder: In Some Weeks Instead Of

We shall ponder: in some weeks instead of ten fruitlessly The spent years!. And nobody corrected(adjusted) developments of its(his) mentality by means of Specially harmonized music, nobody learned(taught) creative principles Autohypnosis which allows each of normal people sharply to lift Ceiling of the opportunities. In group of my "collective farmers" with us the ordinariest children were engaged, And we were convinced, however(as) easily and creatively they master similar receptions. In fact If for adults they represent themselves something unusual, essentially New for children of all this costs(stands) in the same number(line), as development of all Others equal and equal in rights between itself of the parties(sides) of the validity. Happened(Was possible) and so, that without attributes our pressure(voltage) gave out To adult aunts and such new recommendations and modes of work with Fancies which we, for example, with pleasure used in ours To the further practice. Progressive teachers approve(confirm) and prove, that it is impossible to develop The person only through one, even very important channel of education - through Sight.

I Experiments On 28 Dogs It Is Established,

I Experiments on 28 dogs it is established, that healing infecte And tightly sewn up wounds under influence of intravenous injections -sou Chrome, occurs as a primary tension in a counterbalance Where the picture of a sharp purulent inflammation develops. Made by u ?????<?<-histologic researches have shown on preparations shar Inflammatory reactions at and their almost full absence a Skilled dogs. Crops of an internal part of silk seams gave growt and a streptococcus in all cases. I Series of experiments on 55 rabbits with treatment by intravenous injection ????<-sour chrome after infection with hypodermic introduction staphylococca Cultures from 50 % the solution of chloride calcium, establishes destruction of al and a survival of 1/3 skilled rabbits. Researches of blood have shown sharp at and normal figures at skilled animals. Made by u The experimental researches given , studyin Histologic preparations, researches of blood and clinical supervisio Allow to admit, that the way of treatment of inflammations applied by u Influences not directly on the moment (bacteria) an It is not based on bactericidal and action, and change Reactance of an organism, normalizing most inflammations.

Friday, January 26, 2007

For Comparison Purposes I Will Result D.Devidsona's Opinion

For comparison purposes I will result D.Devidsona's opinion () Applying at treatment of burns of 5 % a solution . He considers tha Clinical effect of treatment the shining. A negative side i Morbidity and it, some patient, has been forced to inject morphine. We have familiarised with its work after have passed from the re to chromic also we consider that results received now it is incomparabl Better, than at using 5 %-s' , with which we at one tim Worked. However, such sharp morbidity it was not observed, but a to a technique, applying solutions 1:1000 and 1:2000, w Received very sharp pain that I have tested and on myself personally. Last structures described above, at give to a techniqu Burning sensation only during the first instant and, then, unpleasant sensatio Passes. Application of the described damp bandages at treatment of burns, traumati Damages and the opened purulent centres without serious consequences, especially sinc Introductions of an additional vaseline layer. Till now, at treatment of inflammations, we applied damp bandages an Occasionally used injection of the given solutions in the inflamed fabrics.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Preparation For It(her) Demands From Partners Certain Psychological

Preparation for it(her) demands from partners certain psychological And physical training also leads to that at the man comes to the end Not ejection of a seed, and flash of the pleasure grasping all mentality, All organism. Feedback of enzyme necessary for the woman occurs(happens), say, Once from five or ten contacts that is quite enough for normal Physiological functioning of an organism and at the same time it is not harmful for Man's. Distinctly(clearly) I imagine, however(as) sincere indignation, with similar both in press, and from the highest tribunes Is capable to cause this infringement of traditionally antiquated attitudes(relations) between The man and the woman!. If there was a nursery sexual The encyclopedia with its(her) elementary statement of century trues here it is necessary to wait Impact become serious. But I think of other. I think of that considerable blessing, Which arises in a life of the woman because the spouse begins it(her) and Continues to execute faultlessly during decades assigned on It(Him) the nature in relation to it(her) a duty - and by way of physiological, and By way of psychological.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

In 4. VI Evening An Attack Of A

In 4. VI evening an attack of a malaria. Temperature 40 �. Hea Pain, the general weakness. In blood: leukocytes 2900, With - 47, - 34, M - 19. In 5. VI evening the second attack. Temperature 40,6 �. The genera Condition very bad. The spleen acts on 3-4 fingers. Leukocytes 1200. 2, WITH - 81, - 13, M - 4. In 8. VI morning injection. In the evening temperature 36,6 �. 10. VI leukocytes 3000. - 2, with - 50, - 32, M - 16. 15. VI general condition good. Goes much. A tumou Has strongly decreased. Pains are not present. Moves fingers and a brush. 23. VI it is written out. In October fistulas were closed. Movemen By fingers it is restored on 70-80 %. The general condition good. Two years unde Supervision. Relapse is not present. 5) M-, 41 year. 10. X in IV-t . To clinic. Operation on in occasion of the expanded veins of a shin and a hip. 11. X temperature 38,5 �. Next days keeps within the limits of 37,57-38 �. 16. X in the bottom corner of a wound - a suppuration. 2x2 see In pus a streptococcus.

Monday, January 22, 2007

And What Was Further? As I Shall Hypothetically

And what was further? As I shall hypothetically tell, as there was a life The first wife. The vein-lived one and - has dug(run). On whom? We shall name it(him), Let's assume, that nobody has guessed the prototype. By the first trade - the doctor, and later - the free artist. It(he) has put Before itself the purpose during a life to have affinity with one thousand women. Such was Its(His) manic passion. It is possible to tell, that in an absolute degree it(he) has seized(has taken possession) Technology of the given craft. What is necessary for the lonely woman? Has regretted, Has sympathized, has invited in restaurant without any impudent claims, but with hardly Hidden admiration. Has treated, has still sympathized, the imperial gift has given: Look, say, as you have amazed(struck) me! And that to it(him) and to not do(make) such Gifts - in fact those previous 780 thew from it(him) and in every possible way it(him) loaded with presents! So why to it(him) to not amaze(strike) imagination of the next victim such here with gesture: The bath(bathroom) of a champagne poured for its(her) bathing! Yes, has amazed(struck).

A Stage - (final, Dystrophic). Insufficiency Of All

a stage - (final, dystrophic). Insufficiency of all heart, The expressed phenomena of stagnation, significant infringements of a metabolism and function Other bodies, presence of deep irreversible dystrophic changes with Outcome in in all bodies, mainly in lungs and a liver. 2. Classification of chronic insufficiency () (on . , 1978) 1. By origin. 1.1. An overload pressure. 1.2. An overload in volume. 1.3. Primarily- (metabolic) 2. On an intimate cycle. 2.1. insufficiency. 2.2. insufficiency. 2.3. The mixed insufficiency. 3. A clinical variant. 3.1. Mainly . 3.2. Mainly . 3.3. Total. 3.4. Hyperkinetic. 3.5. . 3.6. Kept a rhythm; a bradycardia 4. On stages. 1 - the period And; the period. II - the period And; the period. III - the period And (partially irreversible stage); The period (completely an irreversible stage). 3. Classification ("-", the American association Cardiologists) I a class - compensated in which allocate two subclasses: I And - a hypertrophy of a myocardium at normal hearts, absence frustration in the rest, revealed at special Tool research in conditions of loading.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

And Though It Will Be Safe, I Repeat,

And though It will be safe, I repeat, the biography, we shall be amazed(struck) by its(her) end What all the same in the image managed to our hero to live till 60 years, not Speaking already about inconceivable 70 years. So, was born as we shall conditionally name it(him). More truly, it(he) yet Was born, but to it(him) already has very much carried. Why? Because it(he) has been conceived in Soviet Union. That was for it(him) the great blessing and extreme success, for This country possessed a huge and various genofund. It was Enormous boiler, in which owing to ethnic processes all time Actively weights of the population mixed up and has been practically excluded The danger really existing in the small countries and the nations, living The closed life to impose against each other as parental two Related branches, that inevitably conducts to degeneration of posterity. It is thought, that Our genofund both now and henceforth - the most diverse all over the world. If to take, for example, one only Russian nation it is infinite Differing representatives live it(her) on is boundless stretched The territory covering a uncountable variety of natural zones, occupied As well many other things people and nationalities(national characters).

Daily Doze For Adults 0,4-0,8 , For Children

Daily doze for adults 0,4-0,8 , for children 0,1-0, Collateral actions. The nausea, vomiting, heartburn are possible{probable}. release. Tablet on 0,1 Is a part of the combined polyvitaminic preparation (, , , ). TOCOPHEROL ACETATE (VITAMIN E Action. means. Participates in biosynthesis of fibers, in fabri Breath. Indications. Muscular dystrophies, threat of interruption of pregnancy, , Spasms of peripheral vessels, a liver, . Dosage. Accept inside at diseases of nervously-muscular system of 15-100 mg a day At an atherosclerosis and diseases of peripheral vessels of 100 mg day, a To threat of interruption of pregnancy of 100-150 mg day. The form of release. For intake solutions in oil{butter} 5, 10 and 30 %-s', capsules on 0,1 and 0,2 m 50 %-s' solutions. Vitamin E is a part of preparation (, , , , ). (VITAMIN Action. Participates in formation{education} , promotes normalization of curtailin Blood. Indications. Bleedings at jaundices, a hepatites, wounds, surgical interventions To stomach ulcer and a duodenal gut, long bleedings.