Monday, October 22, 2007

. We Come Back To Our Remarkable : To

. We come back to our remarkable : to wrapped up, Preserved, at , aunts, , at the personnel - and at All this it(he) starts to hurt(be ill,be sick) quite often. It(he) will hurt(be ill,be sick) necessarily - in fact It(He) is not tempered absolutely not, to float earlier, than to go, it(him) did not learn(teach), Its(His) small organism is already hammered by slags from . Natural Reaction of an organism to any adverse circumstances is flash This or that disease. And here here the kid is trapped with a horrifying trouble: On it(him) doctors attack and start to stuff with its(his) medicines, especially Being zealous in application of antibiotics. That is it(he) starts to receive The medicines created, as well as synthetics, mainly artificial, Chemical by. Its(his) small organism, already synthetics from Life-giving external world outside, starts to receive this synthetics and Inside. How write out medicines when it appears, that they not Help(Assist)? " We shall give it. Ah, does not help(assist)? Well, then we shall give it.

Anatoly Fadeevich At All Has Not Heard, And

Anatoly Fadeevich at all has not heard, and if heard, perceived as Exotic , that it is possible to lay down on needle on ten or Fifteen minutes to be disconnected(be switched-off) from the world and completely to restore the Working capacity, also is not known to it(him), that the ionizer put on a table Would allow to give out during one working day ideas and decisions, Equivalent to labour expenses of two working days. Anything it(this) and to that Similar it(he) does not know. And if knows, as jokes on a theme " them Customs ". It(he) practically does absolutely not know, that there are receptions The auto-training, allowing perfectly to correct(adjust) in a desirable direction and The , and the mentality. Yes, it is possible to encourage itself on work "", it is possible also strong tea, it is possible nicotine, it is possible to beat itself on a liver, It is possible to destroy the lungs to a full disgrace, but in fact it is possible To support(maintain) itself auto-training or in other useful ways mental Restoration! However it is necessary though to know about them for the beginning.