Monday, January 22, 2007

And What Was Further? As I Shall Hypothetically

And what was further? As I shall hypothetically tell, as there was a life The first wife. The vein-lived one and - has dug(run). On whom? We shall name it(him), Let's assume, that nobody has guessed the prototype. By the first trade - the doctor, and later - the free artist. It(he) has put Before itself the purpose during a life to have affinity with one thousand women. Such was Its(His) manic passion. It is possible to tell, that in an absolute degree it(he) has seized(has taken possession) Technology of the given craft. What is necessary for the lonely woman? Has regretted, Has sympathized, has invited in restaurant without any impudent claims, but with hardly Hidden admiration. Has treated, has still sympathized, the imperial gift has given: Look, say, as you have amazed(struck) me! And that to it(him) and to not do(make) such Gifts - in fact those previous 780 thew from it(him) and in every possible way it(him) loaded with presents! So why to it(him) to not amaze(strike) imagination of the next victim such here with gesture: The bath(bathroom) of a champagne poured for its(her) bathing! Yes, has amazed(struck).

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