Thursday, March 29, 2007

Way And A Dosage. Ointment Is Put{rendered} A

Way and a dosage. Ointment is put{rendered} a thin layer with 2 times a day, at a strong peeling of a leather{skin} - unde a bandage. Before drawing of ointment on cracks and other defects of a leather{skin Them process antiseptics. Collateral action. At sharp inflammatory diseases of a leather{skin} smears to be observed strengthening{amplification} an itch an Redness. In these cases a preparation temporarily cancel before decrease{reduction} in an acuteness{a witticism Process. Contra-indications. Individual intolerance, And, , reception . It is necessary to be careful at sharp inflammatory diseases of a leather{skin} Pregnancy. OIL{BUTTER} " Action. renders , anti-inflammatory, antimicrobic an Recycling action, possesses activity, promote To maintenance of concentration of electrolits, restoration -alkalin Balance at defeats of a leather{skin} and mucous membranes. Indications. Apply as means. Way of application and dosage. Depending on a degree of weight and localization it is possible for a surfac To spend treatment by the open way by a daily toilet of wounds and greasing Them or imposing of bandages.

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