Sunday, April 8, 2007

So To Do(make)? Than To It(him) To Help(assist)?

So to do(make)? Than to it(him) to help(assist)? That is than to help(assist) each of us? I Deeply I hope, that that reader who together with me has walked along this The typical biography of the successful person, strictly on To the road leading on Ocean, on that ocean in which three whales float, bearing(carrying) On the mighty ridges our health. It seems to me, each of us should understand necessity personal and Constant participation in struggle for its(his) finding and maintenance on appropriate, Worthy the person a level. It is thought, it is not still lost by Anatoly for worthy the person of a life though for its(her) destruction it is made It is a lot of. So, dear(expensive) Anatoly Filippovich, we have passed(have taken place) with you so short, Alas, a life, but here we at Ocean where the pleasure of acquaintance waits for us with Healthy life. That, give with you and with readers we shall plunge into it(him) Salutary abysses and by swimming we shall head to first of whales.

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