Monday, December 17, 2007

) The HELL, Especially , Usually Considerably Decreases, And

) the HELL, especially , usually Considerably decreases, and it is frequent up to a normal level (" decapitated Hypertensia "). Examples of the formulation of the diagnosis 1. Hypertonic illness I a stage. 2. Hypertonic illness II stage with primary defeat Hearts. The note: in classification of an arterial hypertensia are considered Recommendations of committee of experts(auditeurs) the CART. 2. Classification dystonias () (306) Clinical types: 1. Hypertonic. 2. Hypotonic. 3. . On weight of current: 1. An easy(a light) degree - painful and syndromes are expressed Moderately (up to 100 . In minutes), arise only in communication(connection) with significant and physical activities. Vascular crisises are absent. Necessities for medicinal therapy usually are not present. Work capacity It is kept. 2. The average degree - an intimate painful attack differs stability(resistance). The tachycardia arises spontaneously, reaching(achieving) 110 - 120 in mines Are possible(probable) Vascular crisises.

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