Friday, March 21, 2008

Apparently, In A Life Of Community People If

Apparently, in a life of community People if it has set as to itself the purpose construction really reasonable The social device, there should be an essential change of priorities. Certainly, it is time to refuse such "order" when things are created for That they created new things (machine tools) that those created new Things which will create new things. It is asked, where in similar World order the person and its(his) radical interests? Yes somewhere on a roadside, for The structure of productive forces is those, that end in itself is the cycle " money- The goods - money ", instead of " money - the goods - the person ". And here we of Shreds has acted(arrived) in school. We shall recollect, with what interest, with what Pleasure go " first time to the first class ". Even that small Stock of physical and mental energy which was still kept at them to To six-seven years, represents truly bubbling nuclear reactor. But Why so quickly their this interest and their this greedy enthusiasm to the doctrine Vanish? Why so occurs(happens)? On problems of health I shall not be even To stop, for lessons of physical culture, to which practically only and The care of health of kids is reduced, these are lessons of pseudo-culture.

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