Thursday, June 19, 2008

As Informs Nature Researchers From Rockefeller's University In

As informs Nature Researchers from Rockefeller's university in New York (Rockefelle University in New York) have found out a gene which does people capabl To perceive a smell of substance , containing in sweat and presumably being . The smell of a body of any person is individual It is coded in genes and dominating all life. With the years thi The smell amplifies and changes a little. Some change of a smell of a body can achiev By means of a diet, but more often a dominating individual smel The person remains. Some kinds of infringements of a metabolism For example a syndrome , more often at adult and accompanied the expressed dysfunction of enzyme Destroying amino acid . A smell of a body and breath at suc Patients are reminded with a smell of a rotten fish. Other syndrome causing a unpleasant smell of a bod It is connected with the special bacteria living on a leather and . The bacteria occupying a leather, decompose a liquid an Allocate a smell of decay. At patients with a syndrome it is frequen Arise reddenings of a leather () and from this cente Distinctly the smell of decay proceeds.

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