Friday, July 18, 2008

In Our Disposal There Were Many Same Burns

In our disposal there were many same burns which current was standard. In various stages of process the given treatment stopped, replacing or indifferent fatty bandages; solutions of aniline paints, were applied also, spirit, etc. In most cases there came the relative deterioration sometimes so obvious that paid attention of patients. But these methods have not given the present(true) satisfaction, as was not on the person(face) of a continuity of improvement. The difference in current of superficial inflammations and deeper was observed and, at last, current of traumatic processes in many respects depend on the moment of the beginning of treatment. If treatment began at the inflammation which has developed already the medical effect was incomparable more poorly. It specified weakness of action of applied means. The analysis of these data and studying of a technique "red" in tanning manufacture, have led to the following conclusion. Insufficiency of results can be explained doubly: the first is where communicates only with an amino group and the second is a short duration of action .

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