Wednesday, September 17, 2008

6.1. Spontaneous . 6.2. Spontaneous . 6.3. Spontaneous

6.1. Spontaneous . 6.2. Spontaneous . 6.3. Spontaneous . 7. Depending on character distinguish. 7.1. . 7.2. -. 7.3. Serous. 7.4. Purulent. 7.5. Putrefactive. 7.6. . 7.7. Cholesteric. 7.8. . 7.9. a pleurisy. Phase of current of a pleurisy: - Sharp; - ; - Chronic. On localization distinguish and : - Top (); - (); - ; - (); - ; - Intershare (). Examples of the formulation of the diagnosis 1. a pleurisy, link sided, tubercular, -. 2. A chronic pneumonia in a phase of an aggravation, (VI - VII Segments), staphylococcal, a right-hand pleurisy, , , purulent, staphylococcal. 3. Flu 2, . A bilaterial dry pleurisy. 4. a posttraumatic pleurisy. Respiratory insufficiency (), connected with chronic Diseases of lungs (on. Century and K.Bulatovu's Item, 1975) 1. Functional infringements are absent (BOTTOM). 2. Respiratory insufficiency I of a degree (the BOTTOM - the short wind arises Only at the physical pressure(voltage), exceeding ordinary, i.e. averages. Parameters of function of external breath in rest correspond(meet) due.

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