Saturday, September 20, 2008

Why? Yes Because People In Advanced Age, As

Why? Yes because people in advanced age, as Rule, are conservative and that movement of mankind nevertheless It was made, a wild feed(meal) of a society is constructed thus, and household The behaviour so that is as much as possible people of an average and Advanced age as soon as possible died. Another internal I in it(this) do not see sense: works the automatic mechanism of clarification Populations - in the name of preservation and progress of the population. The mechanism, Severe in relation to separate individuals, but noble under the attitude(relation) to To all people, to mankind as a whole. When further at us speech will go about A feed(meal), we shall see, for example, that terrible inherently products, Rather tasty, steel an original national relic - in the name of named Historical expediency: faster alternation of generations for the sake of Updatings and movements of ethnos. I repeat and repeat: great reserves of our health are hidden in reasonable Refusal of that "is accepted".

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