Monday, December 29, 2008
Century, . Item, . About. " . And.
Century, . Item, . about. " . And. The reviewer: managing faculty of therapy Moscow medical Stomatologic institute it(him). N.D.Semashko, the doctor honey. Sciences., the professor CENTURY WITH. . I. ILLNESSES OF CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM 1. Classification of an arterial hypertensia () 1. On a level arterial pressure (HELL) 1.1. Normal the HELL - below 140/90 mm 1.2. A boundary level the HELL - 140-159/90-94 mm from 1.3_ Hypertensia - 160/95 mm hg and above. 2. On . 2.1. or a primary hypertensia (hypertonic illness - ). 2.2. Symptomatic arterial hypertensia : sharp and chronic ; chronic Pyelonephritis; a greenstone at a gout, ; Diabetic ; kidneys; nodular - and Others ; system red ; ; a kidney; and congenital defects of a kidney; Urolithic illness; obstructive ; ; ; a cancer; and some other new growths; Traumatic a hematoma, etc. traumas of a kidney. (): -muscular Arteries; arteries; nonspecific ; Thromboses and arteries; arteries from the outside (Tumours, , hematomas). : (primary an adenoma of a bark Adrenal glands, bilateral barks of adrenal glands, illness and Syndrome -; congenital , ); (), (), (), a syndrome.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Way Of Application And Dosage. For Preventive Maintenance
Way of application and dosage. For preventive maintenance appoint{nominate} the adult on 0,05-0,1 in day, to children - on 0,025 2-3 times a day. Medical dozes for adults - 0,05-0,1 3-5 times a day, fo Children - on 0,05-0,1 2-3 times a day inside after meal. Contra-indications. Thrombophlebitises, propensity to thromboses, diabetes. The form of release. Tablets on 0,025; 0,05 and 0,1 Is a part of polyvitamins ( , , etc.). ROUTINES (VITAMIN Action. Reduces permeability and fragility of capillaries, participates in Regenerative processes. Indications. -and avitaminosis , infringement of permeability of vessels, Diathesises, haemorrhages in a retina of an eye, radiation sickness, rheumatism Hypertonic illness, , a scarlet fever. Dosage. Appoint{Nominate} the adult on 0,02-0,05 3-3 times day. The form of release. Tablet on 0,02 of Routines is a part of complex tablets ( , ). ACID NICOTINIC (VITAMIN Action. Participates in -regenerative processes, reduces cholesterol i Blood. Indications.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
A Little Bit Later The Same Young Man,
A little bit later The same young man, within two years lived in village, has defined(determined) To itself the program already from eleven items(points) among which were also such: To study(investigate) jurisprudence, medicine and an agriculture, mathematics and Geography, history and statistics and . Item at the Level of a university rate. The same young man has made for itself rules of constant self-improvement. Among them, for example, such: every morning to appoint(nominate) to itself everything, that should To execute within the whole day, and strictly to aspire to execution(performance) The list; having begun(started) business to not throw its(his) not completed; a new idea, which To you has met, to compare to those ideas which to you are already known; under The abstract theses try to result(bring) examples; the arisen melancholy dispell not , etc. this Young man subsequently became known for entertainments, but work to all To globe as the ingenious writer and the thinker Lion Thick.
Friday, December 19, 2008
As If To Other Groups, At Rats-prisoners Parameters
As if to other groups, At rats-prisoners parameters have coincided with animals from a "sanatorium" room. A conclusion Their these supervision researchers have made such: that an environment Salutarily only passive contemplation of the world influenced a brain, not enough- Active actions on its(his) perception(recognition) and development are required. So arises The closed accrueing(increasing) cycle which should not be broken off: an active life Powerfully stimulates a brain - in turn, its(his) vigorous, diverse Activity allows to increase resources of viability and Abilities to live of an organism as a whole. The knowledge of this deep internal interrelation allows to understand a basis That surprising paradox with which collided(faced) (and secretly to it(him) was surprised) Practically each of us. It appears, long-livers pretty often People of difficult destiny, a life beaten-interrupted, passed(missed) are through Every possible millstones of misfortunes, and those who lived silently and safely, so Silently and safely leave(abandon) this world in the terms, the civilized person Unworthy.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Well, And The Future Of Its(her) "beloved" Was
Well, and the future of its(her) "beloved" was those: it(he) was a high hand The handicraftsman, the technologist, but not the master, and about what a little bit above Here it has been told, it(he) did not know also the resources spent carelessly. It(him) Vital forces fell down below any normal level and to support(maintain) Itself(himself) in the form of, it(he), being the physician, was pricked toning up, Means. And somewhere on 810-th number directly in the family way and Has died. We were convinced, in what confused ball are intertwined in family attitudes(relations) The important accompanying problems, however(as) it is a lot of forces and the life carries away them The incorrect decision. Solar hook lives, or To keep the last So, Anatoly Frantsevich assiduously works and really is The quite good, constantly encouraged worker. We observed, however, how many Pieces of the skin it(he) has already left on a barbed wire of life, on-mutton Senselessly, not knowing true, moving not those tracks which conduct to To happiness, and all time being broken under a slope.
Bon Figure . Crisis On Anatomic A Shoulde
Bon Figure . Crisis on anatomic a shoulde (Spontaneous). On bottom the phenomena wit Small . The condition of the patient is little bit better. Then new ris Temperatures, the condition worsens. 4. VI. Blood transfusion. The temperature gives at 2-30. A sharp anemia. 11. VI. Blood transfusion. temperatures 3-50. Pus is allocated a lot of. 19. VI. New in the field of a shoulder. 20. VI. Operation: a cut. Drainages. . A bleedin From a wound. 22. VI. A bleeding. The top layers vary onl Bandages. A condition very heavy. It is exsanguinated. Cannot move. Speec . Exarticulation of a shoulder is offered. But defeat i Intervention. 23. VI. The general condition heavy. Are begun intravenou Injections. 24. VI. The condition is better. Bleedings are not present. Are cleane Tampons, drainages. 27. VI. The condition is better. Temperature within the limits of 36,6-37,50. 1. VII. Deterioration has begun. In the evening temperature 380. 2. VII. The condition is worse. In the evenin Temperature 39,40.
Certainly, On A Summer Residence It(he) Carries Family
Certainly, On a summer residence it(he) carries family on own "Zhigulis". And here now, being pleased with this safe destiny of the worthy person, Let's have a look, what level of its(his) internal viability. That is essential, it(he) Is not able to renew at all the energy, to reproduce the worker Force. Even existence of ways of restoration of intellectual forces and Attention within the working day for it(him) secret for family press(seals), I have told , " the chest for family locks ", but this image would be unsuccessful, as it(he) and Chest in eyes did not see where here to consider(count) locks! When we work though physically, though intellectually, we thus Inevitably mentally and corporally we get tired. Anatoly Fedorovich only it is abstract Knew, that since morning it is necessary to charge well itself, really(rather) "to get"(start"). At It(Him) and in a factory within day was not constant to support(maintain) typed(collected) High level. The elementary example of that, however(as) is not enough time and means can To borrow(occupy) similar additional charge: when the man has a shave or the woman in the morning Directs a make-up, they really cannot simultaneously with it(this) be trambled down in flat Box, in which large salt or pebble, to waken Active zones in and to involve to ability to live internal Systems? At us sell rubber with sticking out , that To make active, walking on them, all the vital zones.
Monday, December 15, 2008
To These Requirements Satisfy Tests Of A Functional
To these requirements satisfy tests of a functional conditio Physiological system of the connecting fabric, developed by schoo A.A.Bogomoltsa, and sizes of functional volume, lability an The excitabilities of nervous system defined on a method of V.P.Kuznetsova. Thes It is possible to express tests in numerical sizes and to reduce to a common denominato Our display sheet. The account of physical and chemical infringements has allowed to define naturall Qualitative structure of medical actions. A question on natural definitio Dose sizes, a place of the appendix medical razdrazhitelja and time of the repeate Influences remained opened. The purpose of the further researches consists i Illumination of this party of medical business, and the preliminary data receive Us, allow to think that indication of a functional conditio Physiological system of a connecting fabric and nervous system, can hel In it. Finishing the review of last stages and planning the purpose of further researches We would like to underline the following: inclusion in the schedule of display sheet Numerical indicators of a functional condition of these physiological system Does not change essence of the given diagnostic form.
Friday, December 12, 2008
. Hence, Prime Attention Of A Society To The
. Hence, prime attention of a society to The most defenceless and most perspective human life, which while, Let's directly tell, on expenses of attention costs(stands) at us somewhere on a 100-th place, Will allow to make qualitative revolution. But, naturally, through changes On vital, intellectual, spiritual, intellectual, physiological Levels of each separate person to which it will be applied unique Scientific, but already originally the humanistic approach. In children's to a garden with were not engaged neither drawing, nor music on already To techniques existing to amazing efficiency. And these techniques, children to true perception(recognition) of the world, lead to what even, It would seem, worthless, unpromising children receive gold medals on The greatest international children's competitions. Nobody was engaged with , with its(his) contempoparies studying of foreign languages on methods, Which even to the adult, allow the become numb brain literally , in Current of several weeks to master at a decent level foreign language in it(him) Colloquial variant.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
It(he) Has Told That Floats Every Day, Not
It(he) has told that floats every day, not Drinks alcohol, does not smoke, constantly travels, also all this much works Supports(Maintains) its(his) vivacity. But the main thing for it(him) was - aspiration to achieve and to realization of two great dreams, which yet Have come true: to achievement of the steady world on the Earth and to healing of mankind from Cancer. Aspiration not only to live till that day when these dreams become Reality, but also own efforts to help(assist) them to become a reality - here The great stimulus which has imperously mobilized all internal forces of this person on Active life within more than ninety years. It is fine, when The person puts problems(tasks) more itself and above itself present. Similarly to an arrow, Let out(Released) from a hard onions(bow), it(he) flies forward, all further and all above. And Its(His) spirit when it(he) aspires to that is especially fine and active The person realized(has realized) itself completely, for the good of all people of the Earth.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
That Concerns(Touches) Boundless And Romantic Sphere Of Power
That Concerns(Touches) boundless and romantic sphere of power (it(she) is the second Basic whale in this book) which the organism is capable to receive as a result The every possible impellent loadings, correctly put breath, Constant dialogue with the nature, at our Anatoly Firsovicha whether a hand up to In total it(this) did not reach, whether in general it(he) concerned to it(this) with irony. In reply to kind, constructive offers of members of family and Colleagues it(he) declared pathos pioneer words: " the Sun, air and Water - our best friends! " - and then thoughtfully savoured a rhyme "Water-friends", than completely stopped the further hunting to propaganda for it(him) Healthy way of life. So, we sum up Anatoly Fridrikhovicha's state of health, the person with The strong genotype, living in a kind family atmosphere, in a good apartment, Borrowed(Occupied) by interesting work carrying away it(him) which never knew any Discrimination humiliations. And this safe person hardly probable, in everyone Case with greater(big) work, will live even till 60 years.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
It(she)-our Native Land. And We For It(her) Answer.
It(she)-our native land. And we for it(her) answer. Now to me necessity to rise on a new level is especially clear Thinking as in questions of mutual relation between the countries, people, and in Choice of a way which the mankind will go further. On value on evolutionary Ways I would name break of people in Space equivalent to an output(exit) of a life from ocean On a land. " I not only trust, I precisely know, that the person with similar "", With similar , high understanding of general communication(connection) The phenomena and people for long-long years will keep indestructible spiritual and Physical health. Perfectly I remember, that in this chapter(head) speech should go not only about The well-known people, whose destiny in something is especial, exclusive (but with another The parties(sides), maybe, these people became well-known just owing to Great ?). Also I wish to tell now about the person, which Yet did not become world famous, though consequences of rise of its(his) spirit truly Are amazing and unique.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
If Beethoven In Forty Seven Years Could Tell
If Beethoven in forty seven years could tell to friends, that only now it(he) Knows how to compose music among scientists could not name Such, it is eternal on basic novelty. Why people of art can create during all life, developing New ideas and qualitatively improving skill, and scientists this property not It is inherent? Business in that, is obvious, that the people who have made in young years Basic opening in any area of a science, start to believe, as if They have already comprehended(overtaken) absolute true which always provides with it(him) correctness, Though secrets of a universe on the depth much more-much more(-much) surpass Opportunities of the most powerful reason, fairly considers(counts) . Here Why scientists pretty often become victims of own ambitions. believes more productive constantly and actively to solve one Problem for another, deepening as a whole the general(common) understanding of system of a universe, Constantly again and again straining itself in development unknown to it(him) earlier Continents of knowledge.
Very Important In Business Of Healing Of Wounds
Very important in business of healing of wounds the following: , on its condition Growth and a feed, is not an independent fabric. It has n Blood and lymphatic vessels, and eats due to . Clinical supervision continually show, that development At traumas and other defects of a surface in many respects depends on a conditio A subject layer feeding it. If this layer, that is granulations, grow violently does not come. Very small on a surfac a fabric, for example, " wild meat " at , ca To exist weeks and to not become covered . It is necessary to weaken thi a fabric, for example, cauterization and then healing goe Quickly. On the other hand, excessive weakness of granulations too brakes developmen . It and is clear, as presence languid fabric Shows insufficiency of its feed most and, by virtue of it, n Opportunities for a feed additional fabrics. The clinical practice shows, that ulcers with languid, wea Granulations, for example, at expansion of veins on a shin ca To exist months and years, not becoming covered .
Friday, November 28, 2008
To Children Till 3 Years Appoint{nominate} O 0,005
To children till 3 years appoint{nominate} o 0,005 (5 mg) in a day, 3-8 -on 0,005 3 times a day in a day 8 years-on 0,01 1-3 times a day are more senior. Collateral actions. Allergic reactions. Contra-indications. Allergic diseases and medicinal intolerance. The form of release. Tablets chloride on 0,002; 0,005 and 0,01 of the Tablet bromid On 0.00258:0,00645 and 0,0128 is a part of some combine Polyvitamins (, , , , , an .). (VITAMIN 2 Action. Participates in processes of an albuminous, carbohydrate and fatty exchange, visua Functions of eyes, in synthesis of hemoglobin. Indications. -and , , it is long not healing wounds and seams Radiation sickness, . Botkin's illness and other diseases of a liver Infringements of function of a gastroenteric path. an anemia. Way of application and dosage. Accept in the preventive and medical purposes. Daily need{requirement In vitamin 2 for the adult makes about 2,5 mg. A single medical doze a Intake makes for adults 0,005-0,01 (5-10 mg) in day. At mor Heavy cases - on 0,01 3 times a day.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
It(he) Was Not Simply Artist. It(he) Constantly Invented,
It(he) was not Simply artist. It(he) constantly invented, invented, searched, its(his) creative The heritage is the talent multiplied by huge work. Certainly, greatness of the artist is not measured by number created by it(him) Products. The same specified fairly, that for creation " Barge haulers on Volga " months of the intense work, for carefully were required Details left all, the plot was repeatedly altered. Picasso worked In other manner: it(he) instantly embodied an image which is born at it(him) in mind(wit) (For example, it(he) could draw the woman only six-family lines, having traced Rather characteristic, even its(her) unique shape). It(he) could outline hundreds Sketches within one week, but it(he) weeks wrote the "Guernica", Months sat in an ancient chapel, painting a triptych " the Earth and The world ", and simultaneously created in the neighbourhood ceramic plateaus with The figures. I shall not recollect now neither , nor , also left After almost century life a huge creative heritage.
6. Is Hereditary-family Diseases (a Muscular Dystrophy,
6. Is hereditary-family diseases (a muscular dystrophy, ). 7. Alimentary. 8. At the closed traumas of a thorax, influence of vibration, radiation , etc.). Examples of the formulation of the diagnosis 1. with an outcome in , Blinking of auricles, stages. 2. A climax. . . 3. Alcoholic , blinking of auricles, stages. 6. Classification (425) (the CART, 1983) 1. (stagnant). 2. Hypertrophic. 3. () The note: to it is necessary to carry defeats intimate The muscles which are not carrying inflammatory, or sclerous character (not Connected with rheumatic process, , , pulmonary heart, Hypertensia of the big or small circle of blood circulation). Example of the formulation of the diagnosis 1. . Blinking of auricles. . 7. Classification of infringements of a rhythm and conductivity (427) 1. Infringements of function unit. 1.1. a tachycardia. 1.2. a bradycardia. 1.3. . 1.4. A stop unit. 1.5. Migration the driver of a rhythm. 1.6. A syndrome of weakness unit. 2. impulses and rhythms. 2.1. Rhythms from and connections.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
To Children Appoint{nominate} On 0,002-0,005 An Up To
To children appoint{nominate} on 0,002-0,005 an Up to 0,01 in day depending on age. The form of release. Tablets on 0,002; 0,005 and 0,01 is a part polyvitamini Preparations (. , , , etc.). (VITAMIN 6 Action. Plays a greater{big} role in a metabolism, it is necessary for norma Functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system, is a par Enzymes. Indications. 6-, toxicoses of pregnancy, an anemia, , Radiculitises, , neuralgias, sea and aeroembolism, sharp an Chronic hepatites, , surrounding deprive, a neurodermatitis, Diathesis. Way of application and dosage. For preventive maintenance 6- appoint{nominate} the adult on 0,002-0.005 To children - on 0,002 in day. Medical dozes at intake for adult 0.02-0.03 1-2 times a day. For children a doze reduce according to age. Collateral actions. Allergic reactions. Contra-indications. To apply with care at sick of a stomach ulcer and a duodenal gu And at heavy defeats of a liver. The form of release. Tablets on 0,002; 0,005 and 0,01 is a part Preparations (, , , , , an .
During Training At School To Ours The Shred
During training at school to ours the Shred has very much carried, on what we Should To pay special attention. The society or knows nothing, or and to know not Wants about the terrible, severe, awful party(side) of a life of our children. I speak about Injuriously-animal, zoological, absolutely similar themes that are characteristic For jungle, attitudes(relations) in some collectives between children, especially Boys where rough physical strength where in full dominates Conformity with fascist morals the principle " force above the right " is professed. To sociologists and researchers it is already enough clear, that there where arises Revelry of similar cave attitudes(relations), there, behind backs of teenagers, entirely yes Beside though and not always, are hidden serious forces, there, in the distance, Criminals whom it is unique flicker and it is required to create a zone of attitudes(relations) Between people on the customs and the law, in the name of own enrichment. Awfully, when oppress, gather, humiliate the person, when at small People create an inferiority complex, powerlessness, constant threat To undergo humiliating stress.
Friday, November 21, 2008
The Maximum{supreme} Dozes For Adults Inside: Single 0,1
The maximum{supreme} dozes for adults inside: single 0,1 , daily 0,2 Collateral actions. The dizziness, headache, dryness in a mouth, a nausea, drowsiness are possible{probable} The general{common} weakness. The form of release. Tablets on 0,02; 0,03 and 0,0 Action. Antiallergic means. Indications. , hypostasis , allergic rhinitises, , allergi The complications connected with reception of medicines. Dosage. Doze for adults 0,025-0,05 3-4 times a day. To children till 3 years appoint{nominate} o 0,005 2-3 times a day, from 3 till 7 years - on 0,01 2 times a day, from 7 up to 1 -on 0,01-0.015 2- in day, is more senior 12 -on 0,025 2-3 times i Day. Collateral actions. Are possible{probable} dryness in a mouth, . Contra-indications. Heavy diseases of cardiovascular system, -intestinal path The liver, the first 3 months of pregnancy. The form of release. Tablets on 0.01 0,025 and 0,0 Action. Antiallergic means. Indications. Various allergic diseases. Dosage. Appoint{Nominate} the adult on 0,05-0,1-0,2 1-2 times in a tribute after meal.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tannins Influence On These(it) And At That So,
Tannins influence on these(it) and at that so, that there comes stronger linkage of separate circuits with the main valencies among themselves; owing to it(this) resistibility of structure raises(increases) and a medical problem(task) is indemnification of abnormal swelling of fiber. That is why with the medical purpose weak concentration should be applied only. High degrees of concentration will give excessive condensation of fibers, that in turn, reducing permeability capillary . Can lead dry to a fabric. During researches in our disposal there were many the traumatic cases complicated by an inflammation, and other inflammatory processes. As researches were conducted(ordered) with 1923 on 1932. the quantity(amount) of supervision was measured by thousand. Within three years were experimented on various representatives "red" . Having begun(started) with , we send(have passed) to extracts barks, , willows and a chestnut, applying their various concentration and mixes. Results were satisfactory.
Monday, November 17, 2008
* * The Analysis Of Action Of Our
* * The analysis of action of our methods of treatment has allowed to consider that they influenc On an organism in two directions: kationnyj the push normalises relation Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, and adstringenty an sulfgidrilovye groups create an impulse normalising and stimulatin Functions of physiological system of a connecting fabric. Normalisatio Parities of one and bivalent metals in blood whey, increase Eh i Blood, and, at last, the clinical result, is already a consequenc Normalisation of functions of these physiological systems. Till now our drawing reflected physical and chemical sides of processes. However, these sides indirectly reflected a condition of vegetative nervous system As kaly on character of the influence on an organism has similar lines wit Wandering nerve, calcium - with sympathetic nervous system. Howeve To speak about identity of these factors it is impossible. Precisely as well size Eh Though depends on a functional condition gemato-parenhimatoznogo a barrie And to some extent its condition, but this form of indication display Too the general.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
The Quantity(amount) Separated Sharply Decreased, The Kind Became
The quantity(amount) separated sharply decreased, the kind became drier than a surface, the leather(skin) was represented slightly wrinkled, complications in sense and were observed extremely seldom. The best results have turned out at treatment of traumas, especially if this treatment was applied soon after wound. Inflammations of type , phlegmons, furuncules and have given medical result satisfactory, but is much weaker, than at traumas. If the inflammation extended superficially the medical result was better, than at a deep inflammation. One time we tried to change type of a bandage and instead of damp bandages a/gauze moistened by a solution , cotton wool and bandage/, - began to apply warming compresses, i.e. added between a layer of cotton wool and a damp gauze, an oilcloth or a paper. The clinical result became worse. For finding-out of the reasons of it(this), a number(line) of supervision on extensive granulating surfaces in a stage when the fabric was already on all surface same has been put.
Here To You And A Particular!. There Is
Here to you and a particular!. There is a question: can be, considerably It would be more rational to put in the state scales of more money Here, than on creation of scientific research institute and other cogitative institutions, in which Act to work people on obviously truncated opportunities Intellectual feedback? In those countries, where value of the given problem By managing medical faculties and professors it is already realized, to the child In all accessible ways help(assist) to leave in the world so that has not been mentioned(touched) Neither its(his) brain, nor other important bodies. I wish to turn yours, the reader, attention to comparison of that ideal female Beauty which dominated two with superfluous thousand years ago, with ideal The modern woman. If we shall compare with a sculpture of Venus - Unconditional ideal of beauty of former times - with present beautiful and healthy The woman we shall see, that at our contemporary the basin is much wider, Proportionally it is more, than it was the millenium ago.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
90 % Of The Lost Opportunities. Yes, Here
90 % of the lost opportunities. Yes, here already is above what To reflect. Actually, however, business(affairs) are even worse: if we this The plane schedule we shall transfer(carry) to three-dimensional space and from a zero mark On a high and abrupt arch we shall construct a hemisphere, which cut it(she) represents Themselves, and then inside of this fine hemisphere we shall recreate which projection to a plane is this pity handle, about With which went speech what part of a harmonious hemisphere will make on volume This pity ? One 100-th! Also it will appear, that EFFICIENCY of a steam locomotive, which Reached(Achieved) only 4-6 % and consequently has been handed over in archive of progress Mankinds, is for our health for the present unsteady, tempting and Unattainable dream. In a word, we sustain losses absolutely monstrous. Comprehension of this To tragical absurdity allows to answer unequivocally negatively on Question with which so often it is necessary to collide(face): instead of it is immoral, not Whether to deal with problems of health? Certainly, immorally, If to concentrate only on these cares and, egoistically having become isolated on Service of the body, anything else in the world to not notice.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Articulate Diseases, Expansion Of Veins, A Hemorrhoids, Hematoma
articulate diseases, expansion of veins, a hemorrhoids, hematoma Traumatic origin. Way of application and dosage. Of a tube to squeeze out 1 sm of gel and to put{render} easy{light} rubring movements o The amazed{struck} sites 2 3 times a day. Contra-indications. With precaution to apply at the physician allergies, a stomach ulce Stomach and a duodenal gut, , a diathesis. Action. Anti-inflammatory, soothing. Indications. , Arthritis, . A dosage. Accept inside during or after meal on 0,02 At the certain o'clock once in day. Collateral actions. Frustration of a digestive path, hypostases are possible{probable}. . Stomach ulcer and a duodenal gut, a bronchial asthma, pregnancy Feeding by a breast. The form of release. Tablets on 0,01 and. 0,0 * , PREPARATIONS * Action. and means. Indications. Sharp and chroni Bronchites, conditions. Dosage. The adult: inside on 1 table spoon 3-4 times pass, to children 3 years are more senior On 1 teaspoon 3 times a day, to children are more senior than 10 years on 2 teaspoons 3 time In day.
Yes, For The First Time In A Life
Yes, for the first time in a life it(she) has understood those volcanic opportunities that were Are hidden in it(her) and only waited for the hour for eruption. It(she) without mind(wit), all Nature has fallen in love with it(him) and by all essence it was pulled to it(him,them). And to it(him) that It was necessary? It(He) has received 781-st photo, has brought in the album all data The next woman and the supervision on this concrete episode. It(he) conducted Some kind of research work, seriously Analyzed, what women how are better warmed up. It(he) it is fine Knew, that each woman is a unique tool, and that on the piano, to To example, silly to try to play, as on a flute. To put it briefly, it(she) to it(him) was It is not so necessary. Very roughly it(he) has got off it(her). Chilly and indifferently, not hiding Neglects. It(she) has been injured not as an example more rigidly and more deeply, even than At leaving(care) from it(her) the husband. We shall agree, that two similar traumas, one for another Almost successively, for a long time, if not for ever, are capable to mutilate human Mentality.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Having Some Attitude(relation) To Publishing, I Dare To
Having some attitude(relation) to publishing, I dare to think, that it is an example Truly longevity of a journal note. In the first years after its(her) issue squall of letters and calls, a stream Visitors accrued(increased) so landslidely, that I have been simply compelled(forced) - in rescue - To write the book with the same name. In the mass edition it(she) for the first time was The Physical culture and sports " in the spring of 1991 is printed in the Moscow publishing house ", But - paradox! - workers publishing houses the book so Never also have not received: ordered by them for itself the container completely has disappeared and Then has appeared far in the south where the book have safely sold on ten Face values for a copy. Adventures with it(her) proceeded meaning that, Alongside with known to me, the stipulated reprintings, for the expired period in To conditions present legal light have seen also supermass " Piracy editions ", and me are consoled only with that idea, that publishing thieves- People prudent and to steal a bad thing not begin.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
But What Reaction Of Press To The Similar
But what Reaction of press to the similar phenomenal person? I read one of , devoted to it(him): " you enter into a dirty court yard. Under a canopy you will see Two dark spheres, one on other; one of them, big, is a belly of the sorcerer, And the second is, less, - its(his) head. " Here and all portrait ingenious , the clairvoyant, pride of the nation which not only was capable To create, but also in practice created original miracles. It was necessary to me already and in public performances(statements), and in a press(seal) to tell About surprising with which the destiny needed to acquaint me. My nonfictional, despite of its(his) all irreality, a narration " New " (magazine " Star ", 1990, No 12), it is devoted surprising To healer Tatyana Aleksandrovne Burevoj, which more than twenty thousand The person has saved from various diseases and long time was the enemy Number of one Ministry of Health because it(she) does not have medical diploma. Long Years Valery Pavlovich Malyshev recovered health to much of those, from Whom, having made a helpless gesture, the medicine has turned away.
DRAGEE " Indications. , Recover After Heavy Illnesses,
DRAGEE " Indications. , recover after heavy illnesses, infectiou Diseases, for increase of stability to physical and intellectual loadings. Dosage. Accept inside on 1 dragee in day. DRAGEE " -. Indications. , infectious diseases, recover after illness Surgical intervention, pregnancy and feeding by a breast, stric Dietary mode, bad mastering peep, physical activities, weariness. Dosage. On one dragee in day. (????????<-MINERAL Indications. It is intended for children at loss of appetite, overfatigue, at treatmen Antibiotics as the -mineral additive to food. Way of application and dosage. should thaw in a mouth. It is recommended to children of preschool ag 4-5 in day, to children of school age - 5-7 in day. DRAGEE " Indications. For strengthening heart, blood circulation and nervous system, at lon Overloads and pressure{voltage}, protects from lack of iron and vitamins For restoration after the transferred{carried} diseases, at , a The raised{increased} need{requirement} for vitamins during pregnancy, in transitiv Age.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
In Them The Inventory Contained 1876 Pictures Of
In them the inventory contained 1876 pictures of the artist, 7089 figures, 4659 figures in notebooks, 18 095 Engravings, nearby 10 000 -and , 1355 sculptures, 2880 products Ceramics (it is possible to inform on destiny of a heritage, that all six successors Send(Have come) to the consent that best of the products which have got by it(him,them) they Transfer(Transmit) in Picasso's National museum). Naturally, I talk not about the mercantile problems connected by it(him) Fund, but first of all about this mighty talent. I talk about that Amazing intensity of creativity which defined(determined) a life great Masters. Its(his) working capacity and fury in work led to that It(He) drew, wrote, moulded always and everywhere, that did not recognize any Respites and breaks in the work. Jean Tossel, the artist personally known Picasso, recollected, that it(he) could for an easel, hardly having come up from Pool, that it(he) could draw even during bullfight so favourite by it(him), that it(he) Caught at a brush, at times having interrupted a dinner or conversation with friends.
For Baths Take 1 Glass. Inside Accept On
For baths take 1 glass. Inside accept on 1 table spoon in the mornin And in the evening. The form of release. The crushed raw material, briquettes. LEAVES OF THE SAG Indications. Apply as local anti-inflammatory means to rinsing a mouth an Throats. Way of application. Use in the form of (1 table spoon of raw material on a glass of boiled water). Action. Knitting, local anti-inflammatory, antimicrobic. Indications. Chronic inflammatory diseases of an oral cavity, , stomatitises Parodontosis. Way of application. Appoint{Nominate} in the form of 0,1-0,25 %-s' spirit solutions which prepare fro 1 %-s' spirit solution cultivation (at 4-10 time) the distilled water. Apply in the form of greasings, , applications. The form of release. 1 %-s' spirit solution. CAMOMILE Action. Possess anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, Properties. Indications. Spasms of intestines, , a diarrhea, at cold as Means, - for rinsings as antiseptic means. Way of application. Inside accept in the form of tea or (1 table spoon of raw material on a glas Boiled water) on 1-5 table spoons 2 - 3 times a day.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
An Itch, Sharp And Chroni All Kinds, Allergic
An itch, sharp and chroni all kinds, allergic , hypostasis , medicina Rash, contact , a neurodermatitis, allergic . Dosage. The adult appoint{nominate} on 1 tablet (0,001 2 times a day. To children in the age o From 6 till 12 years appoint{nominate} on 1/2 - 1 tablet 2 times a day. Collateral actions. Sedative effect, headache, nausea, dryness in a mouth, locks. Contra-indications. Pregnancy, feeding by a breast. The form of release. Tablets on 0,00 * KNITTING, ENVELOPING AND MEANS * BARK OF THE OA Indications. As knitting and anti-inflammatory means at inflammator Diseases of a mucous membrane of an oral cavity, pharynx, drinks, throats , stomatitises, for treatment of burns. Way application. Use in the form of water broth (20 raw material on 200 ml of boiled water) for rinsing 6-8 times a day; for treatment of burns (40 raw material on 200 ml of boiled water). GRASS Indications. As knitting and antiseptic means at , for greasing gums an Rinsings of a mouth. Way of application. At to accept inside in the form of broth (10 raw material on 200 ml of boiled water) o 1/3 glasses 3 times a day half an hour up to meal.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Dosage. Accept Indometacin Inside After Meal. The Adult
Dosage. Accept indometacin inside after meal. The adult appoint{nominate} on 0,025 2-3 time In day. By-effects. The headache, dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, loss are possible{probable Appetite, allergic reactions. In rare cases - in a stomach an Bleedings from a gastroenteric path. Contra-indications. Stomach ulcer and a duodenal gut, ulcer processes in intestines an Gullet, a bronchial asthma, pregnancy. The form of release. Tablets on 0,025 , tablets of the prolonged action on 0,075 (Indometacin-, -), tablets on 0. OINTMENT OF INDOMETACI Action. Anti-inflammatory, anesthetizing. Indications. Sharp and chronic polyarthritises, , radiculitises Thrombophlebitises, . Way of application and dosage. The total of ointment for adults and day should not exceed 15 sm Squeezed out from a tuba, and quantities{amounts} for children. ???<?????-GE Contains and . Action. Anti-inflammatory and anesthetizing action. Improves blood circulation i The amazed{struck} fabrics. Contra-indications.
To Childre 6-12 Years - On 1 Tablet
To childre 6-12 years - on 1 tablet up to 4 times a day. A powder "". One packin To dissolve in very hot water. To accept on one packing up to 4 times a day. Contra-indications. Tablet "" to not give children till 6 years. A powder "" no It is recommended to children till 12 years. The form of release. Tablets, powders. - SPARKLING TABLET Action. Means anesthetizing and neutralized an acid. Indications. The headache, the raised{increased} acidity of gastric juice, , acceptanc Excessive doze of alcohol Way of application and dosage. Tablet to dissolve in a glass of water. Within 24 hours to accept no more than Tablets not more often, than in each 4 hours. Contra-indications. To not accept to children till 18 years. ACID (ASPIRIN Action. Anti-inflammatory, febrifugal and soothing. Indications. Rheumatism, head, a toothache, , a neuralgia, feverish conditions Thrombophlebitis, preventive maintenance of heart attacks of a myocardium. Way of application and dosage. Preparation accept inside after meal.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
And Nevertheless Its(his) First-born Was Born, I Repeat,
And nevertheless its(his) first-born Was born, I repeat, and subsequently the development, to put it mildly, Did not shine. Why? To answer this question, we should address to perfect(absolute) To unique reserves of our health which till now are in Bad, unfortunately, hands of Ministry of Health. Its(his) mother as the lying-in woman was already Elderly, and, figuratively speaking, a gate in the world through which there was a first-born, Were very narrow and not elastic. The head of the first-born at sorts was It is damaged(injured), anything for its(her) preservation it has not been undertaken, and mothers about it(this) Have told nothing after sorts, ever then. And meanwhile The neglect to this question causes to a society a loss so enormous, that On losses of a mental potential it(he) is quite comparable with cumulative Intelligence of all without exception of our scientific research institutes as academic, and Branch. On it(this) as though insignificant aspect of occurrence of the person on Light we lose hardly probable not half of future joint national Reason.
Monday, October 20, 2008
A Gauze Bandage Before Imposing On A Woun
A gauze bandage before imposing on a woun Completely becomes impregnated with oil{butter} . Oil{butter} at the open wa Treatments it is recommended to put{render} on a surface a thin layer (0,1-0,5 m On 100 sm3 of the area of defeat). Procedure it is possible to repeat 2 times a day. Chang Bandages it is possible to carry out in 2-3 days, at plentiful bandagin It is carried out daily. * THE FERMENTAL PREPARATIONS IMPROVING PROCESSES OF DIGESTION * TABLETS "- Indications. Frustration of digestion at -and gastritises, , . Way of application and dosage. For adults: 1 tablet on 0,5 3-4 times a day; for children from 1/4 tablet (In weight 0,25) up to 1 tablet (0,25) depending on age 3-4 times i Day. Tablets before reception dissolve in 1/4--1/2 a glass of water. Accept i Time or after meal. The form of release. Tablets on 0,5 and 0.2 JUICE GASTRIC NATURA Indications. Insufficient function gastric , , gastritises . Way of application and dosage. Appoint{Nominate} inside the adult on 1 - 2 table spoons, to children in the age of till 3 year On 1/2-1 teaspoon, from 3 till 6 years on 1 dessertspoon, from 7 yes 14 years o 1 dessert - 1 table spoon 2-3 times a day during or after meal.
2.2. A Rhythm. 2.3. . 2.3.1. . 2.3.2.
2.2. a rhythm. 2.3. . 2.3.1. . 2.3.2. . 2.3.3. from and connections. 2.3.4. Returnable . 2.3.5. from bunch(beam) (). 2.3.6. with complex 8. 2.3.7. Blocked . 2.3.8. . 2.4. tachycardias: 2.4.1. a tachycardia. 2.4.2. A tachycardia from and connections with simultaneous excitation Auricles and or with previous excitation . 2.4.3. or Tachycardia. 3. Infringements of carrying out of impulses (blockade). 3.1. blockade ( blockade). 3.1.1. Incomplete blockade with periods (II degree I type). 3.1.2. Incomplete blockade without periods (II degree II type). 3.2. Delay conductivity (incomplete Blockade): 3.2.1. Full blockade. 3.3. Incomplete and blockade I of a degree (delay and conductivity). 3.4. And blockade of II degree (type I) with the periods --. 3.5. And blockade of II degree (type II). 3.6. Incomplete and blockade far come, a high degree 2:1, 3:1,4:1,5:1. 3.7. Full and blockade of III degree. 3.8. Full and blockade with migration of the driver of a rhythm in . 3.9. Phenomenon . 3.10. Infringement conductivity.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
-o 0,02-0,05 1- In Day. The Maximum{supreme} Dozes
-o 0,02-0,05 1- in day. The maximum{supreme} dozes for adults: single 0,3 , dail 0, Collateral actions. The irritation of a mucous membrane of a stomach is possible{probable}. Contra-indications. Stomach ulcer and a duodenal gut, inflammatory diseases Intestinal path. The form of release. Dragee on 0,05 and 0, Action. a preparation. Indications. Allergic , a rhinitis, a fever, Hypostasis , medicinal rash, bronchial asthma, allergic disease Leather{Skin}, . Dosage. The adult appoint{nominate} on 0,025 2-3 times a day during meal. Children's dozes: fro 1 till 12 months - on 1/4 tablets 2-3 times a day: from 1 year up to 6 -on 1/ Tablets 2-3 times a day; from 7 till 14 years - on 1/2 tablets 2-3 times a day. Collateral actions. Drowsiness, the general{common} weakness, gastroenteric frustration are possible{probable}. Contra-indications. Glaucoma, hypertrophy , a stomach ulcer. The form of release. Tablets on 0,02 Action. a preparation. Indications. Sharp and chronic allergic diseases of the top respiratory ways , and an allergic rhinitis, symptoms of a bronchial asthma Accompanied an itch and a hypostasis of a mucous membrane.
Way Of Application And Dosage. Accept Inside Irrespective
Way of application and dosage. Accept inside irrespective of reception write. A single doze for 0,5 Daily 2-3 to Children appoint{nominate} at the rate of 100 mg/kg day. A daily doz Divide into 4-6 receptions. actions. Allergic reactions. Contra-indications. The raised{increased} sensitivity penicillin, infringement of functions of a liver. The form of release. Tablets on 0,25 ; 0,5 ; granules for preparation of suspension. Indications. Bronchitis, pneumonia, quinsy, , a cholecystitis, , a pyelonephritis The cystitis, the infected wounds. Infections of a leather{skin}. A sepsis, a postnatal infection Preventive maintenance and treatment of infections at newborns. Way of application and dosage. At intake a single doze for adults 0,5-1,0 , dail 2-4 to Children from 3 till 7 years appoint{nominate} on 100 mg/kg day, from 7 up to 14 50 mg/kg day, are more senior than 14 years - in a doze of adults. A daily doze divide on -6 receptions. Collateral actions. Nausea, vomiting, allergic reactions.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Superfluous At Patients Usuall Begins In The Childhood
Superfluous at patients usuall Begins in the childhood or a youth and it is kept all life. Nervousness Stressful conditions and anxiety can strengthen and revea . Displays Obverse : sweat Merging downwards from a forehead at a pressure can be very painful an Forces the patient to think of this patent defect. : hands disturbs patients less. However many people i Communications with expressed palms are limited with a choic Trades because are unable to work with some materials Sensitive to humidity (a paper and .). They reluctantly Hand shakes, etc. the Degree at different people ca To settle down from the moderate humidity up to very strong. axillary hollows: can be revealed on greater damp spots and a white aura of salts on clothes in axillary area. : it is shown often enough and has set of the reasons. Sometimes it is shown on some zones of a trunk and-or . Other reasons local Syndrome - ( congenital) - a combination of a thickening of nails, Palms and soles with , � in the field of buttocks and �, and Mucous membrane of a mouth.
18. X All Area Of A Cut .
18. X All area of a cut . Very dense, his width 8 see, a leather . The sharp redness extend On all internal surface of a hip and a shin. 19. X intravenous injection. 21. X the redness and a hypostasis have passed. 24. X temperature - norm, below 37 �. Seams are removed. 25. X is not present. A granulating wound on a plac Initial , and on a line of a seam some very small superficial zone . The seam has not missed. 7. XI the Patient goes. 6) ? At 37 years. 16. I in IV-t To surgical clinic operation - removal the left axillary area. 18. I the temperature has passed for 400. Language is very dry. 25. I a wound . In pus a streptococcus. Aroun Dense . 28. I a cut . Counterapertures. Drainages. Temperature - limits: in the morning 37,50, in the evening 38,80. 5. II same condition. Appetite is not present. 20. II deterioration of state of health. Temperature 390 and more, 1,5-20. 21. II blood transfusion; small improvement. Appetit Better. 25. II sharp deterioration, is more than temperature In the evening for 390 Appetite is not present.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
What It Results Of Activity Of Reason And
What it Results of activity of reason and what reason, than we are proud? What do we eat? Cross this street, come on the market and carry The products bought(purchased) there, on the analysis. In them will be nitrates six times more, Than it is admissible by limit rates! In fact same it is terrible, it is fatal For the person! Than we breathe? My friend who has recently come back from Yaroslavl, where Ecological gaugings were spent, on one of the enterprises has found out Quantity(Amount) of lead in air in 900 times more admissible norm(rate)! It(this) not Knows also the nobility the management(manual) of the given enterprise does not want, not speaking about City authorities. That will be then with people who live, not knowing, in What conditions they live? And what we drink, what water? Excuse, but it is the fact, when one The Italian journalist has dropped to Tiber the cartridge with a film, and then it(her) have found, it(she) It has been shown and fixed(recorded). About the same structure water is drunk also by us.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
2.1. Hypermotor . 2.2. A Dyskinesia. 2.3. .
2.1. Hypermotor . 2.2. a dyskinesia. 2.3. . 3. On a phase of current. 3.1. An aggravation. 3.2. Remission. Examples of the formulation of the diagnosis 1. Chronic with a hypermotor dyskinesia, a phase of an aggravation. Hypermotor a duodenal gut. 2. Chronic with , a phase of an aggravation. Hypermotor Dyskinesia of a duodenal gut. 4. Classification of a stomach ulcer (531 - 534) 1. A general characteristic of illness. 1.1. A stomach ulcer of a stomach (531). 1.2. A stomach ulcer of a duodenal gut (532). 1.3. A stomach ulcer of not specified localization (533). 1.4. a ulcer after a resection of a stomach (534). 2. The clinical form. 2.1. Sharp or for the first time revealed. 2.2. Chronic. 3. Current. 3.1. Latent. 3.2. Seldom (1 relapse in 4 - 5 years). 3.3. Moderately (1 relapse in 2 - 3 years). 3.4. Often (1 relapse and more in a year) or iN>ONOUo-but-; development of complications. 4. A phase. 4.1. An aggravation. 4.2. A calming down aggravation (incomplete remission). 4.3. Remission.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
). Different Expressiveness Is Found Out Inflammations With This
). Different expressiveness is found out Inflammations with this or that primary localization. , and. Radiological symptoms Depending on primary localization of rheumatic process Can come to light considerably, it is moderate or poorly expressed symptoms Inflammatory defeat of environments of heart, lungs, a pleura. Laboratory parameters High parameters inflammatory, activity. In Blood, as a rule, , - 40 mm/? and above, About a protein 3 - 4 pluss, respective increase of a level , , , maintenances(contents) an alpha-2-globulin. Are characteristic High credits -0, , . II (moderate) degree of activity Clinical criteria The moderate clinical displays of rheumatic attack with moderated(moderate) Fever or without it(her), without expressed a component of an inflammation In the amazed(struck) bodies, smaller, than at III degree of activity, the tendency to To their plural involving in inflammatory process. Electrocardiogram, and radiological symptoms The symptoms reflecting presence , sharp , a pleurisy, are expressed or poorly expressed (in dependence From primary localization of inflammatory defeat of bodies).
Disease Is Inherited -is Prepotent. Syndrome - Hereditary
Disease is inherited -is prepotent. Syndrome - Hereditary disease with -prepotent type of inheritance For which it is characteristic nervously-muscular : , muscular atrophies and . Congenital (a syndrom --) - a combination of gray-brown pigmentation of a leather wit Fine sites , and Palms and soles, atrophies of nails, hair, , . It is inherited - . Syndrome - hereditar Disease with -prepotent type of inheritance Described - , Presence of the Gothic sky. Syndrome of the Beech - hereditary diseas With -prepotent type of inheritance. It is characterized congenita Changes character: early , , , with smal Molars. Expressed a nose and the next area Persons about reddening a leather and presence fine pinkish it is marke At chronic , received the name red � a nose. palms and stop often meets a , as one of displays a crisis. (illness -) with expansion , show Occurrence of burning pains, and a hypostasis in department Finitenesses (more often bottom). a syndrome (synonyms: Chronic , a syndrome chronic hypertrophi ) - not clear , show Symmetric puffiness and cyanosis of a leather of finitenesses and Fingers in a cold season; mainly young women are ill.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Any Phenomenon Represents Itself Mixture Of Set The
Any phenomenon represents itself mixture of set The components carried in space and time. If we realize it, If we shall look a little forward decisions of a problem(task) about immediate Finding of five thousand dollars or about turn of northern rivers on the south, or about Use of Amu Darya and Syr-Darya exclusively for the sake of , we Shall really acquire the right to refer to as conceiving essences. That is capable to correlate, correct(adjust), correct that poor Condition in which we have appeared and, being proud which with all inherent To mankind complacency, we continue to slide whether to a precipice, whether to To burning in a nuclear crater? Certainly, an output(exit) - in finding new thinking, wide, Multilevel, which adequately person, instead of its(his) generation, that The robot which will tell " yes, sir! " Also will walk on corpses. Yes, certainly, but still And an operating time of that and an environment correcting us, which, Certainly, enters into concept "noosphere".
Monday, October 6, 2008
Way Of Application And Dosage. To Children On
Way of application and dosage. to children on 1/4 - 1/2 tea-th of the spoon, the adult on 1 teaspoon 2- Once a day. Action. , , bactericidal means. Indications. Cholecystitises, hepatites, infections of uric ways, -. Way of application and dosage. Appoint{Nominate} inside on 0,5-1 (1 2 tablets) 3-4 times a day up to meal, wash dow 1/2 glasses of water. Collateral actions. It is possible{probable} . -5 Action. Raises{Increases} appetite, improves work of a liver and digestion, promote gases from intestines. Indications. Infectious and toxic hepatites. Dosage. Appoint{Nominate} inside the adult on 2-3 tablets, to children on 1-2 tablets 3-4 times i Day. * VITAMINS * (VITAMIN A Action. Promotes a normal metabolism, growth and development of an organism. Provides normal activity of body of sight, mucous membranes Grease and , raises{increases} stability to diseases mucou Environments of respiratory ways and intestines, raises{increases} stability of an organism t To infections. Indications.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Corresponding(meeting) Conclusions Have Been Received American Researchers Besides
Corresponding(meeting) conclusions have been received American Researchers besides on rats. Weight of a brain of such rat, whose life was Thickness of its(his) bark is full of events, unexpectedness, active actions, and also Presence in a brain of the major enzymes appear much more significant, Than at those animals which conduct a quiet, measured life. Researchers have put a series of experiences. Have taken three groups of rats and have placed them In various conditions. The first have placed in the silent room isolated from Smells and sounds. The second-in a room with a restless environment, where Various sounds were distributed, smells were replaced, from time to time arose not Subjects known earlier to rats. The third group has been placed in conditions, Reminding prison, that is rats-prisoners have been concluded on the single in To cell(cage), they have been limited in active action. Experiment proceeded Month. At the rats lived in complex(difficult) conditions, in conditions of freedom fraught Dangers, the weight of a brain has appeared the greatest.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Contra-indications. Hypertension, Tachycardia, Atherosclerosis. To Not Apply To
Contra-indications. Hypertension, tachycardia, atherosclerosis. To not apply to children ches Age. The form of release. 0,05 and 0,1 %-th solutions. "" - a preparation which is let out{is released} fo Boundary, contains 0,1 % . Indications. Rhinitises, laryngitises, sinusites, antritises, allergic diseases of a cavity of a nos And throats. Way of application and dosage. Enter the adult on 1 - 3 drops 0,1 %-s' solutions 1-3 times into day, to children - o To 1 drop 0,05 %-s' solutions once a da Collateral actions. Burning in a nose and a throat. Contra-indications. Same, as for . The form of release. 0,1 %-s' and 0,05 %-s' solution. * PREPARATIONS * DIMEDRO Action. Antiallergic, , . Possesse Sedative and effect. Indications. Allergic diseases, , sea and aeroembolism, a Calming and a sleeping medicine. Dosage. The adult inside appoint{nominate} on 0,025-0,05 1-3 times a day. To children: till 1 year On 0,002-0,005 , from 2 till 5 years - 0.005-0,015 , from 6 up to 12 -0,015-0,03 On reception.
And It Not Has Helped(assisted)? Well, Then We
And it not Has helped(assisted)? Well, then we shall give it in a combination with it(this). " It is known, that rise in temperature is the answer of an organism to intrusion Toxic microbes and viruses: the heat burns out, destroys The hordes which have intruded in sovereign territory of tyrants-conquerors. Than The official medicine is engaged in the majority of similar cases? The Help it(this) To tyrants-conquerors: it(she) in every way aspires to lower, reduce this The heat which is burning out evil spirits. And it would be necessary - more obviously obvious! - only Thoroughly to support(maintain) small in its(his) desperate struggle with Invaders, and further an organism with all these(thus) so-called Will master quickly and resolutely. What is, for example, antibiotics? Certainly, in certain, it is enough Rare cases it is a necessary saving thing. But in fact antibiotics So militant, aggressive tribe, that, having got in an organism, having rushed(having rushed into) In it(him), they destroy massed fire everything, that will appear In a visibility range, - both enemies, and friends.
Friday, September 26, 2008
IV. Vascular Diseases Of Intestines. 1. Chronic An
IV. Vascular diseases of intestines. 1. Chronic an ischemia. 2. Ischemic . 3. A heart attack of intestines. Examples of the formulation of the diagnosis 1. Illness the Crone with defeat areas and -th Department of a thick gut, the sharp form complicated by toxic expansion Thick gut. 2. A syndrome of the angry thick gut, caused. 3. Chronic postdysenteric (mainly ) with the expressed hypermotor dyskinesia with a syndrome of locks, Phase of an aggravation. 8. Classification of a dyskinesia of bilious ways (564.8) 1. By origin. 1.1. Primary: neurotic, psychogenic, medicamentous (from Preparations , opium, , etc.). 1.2. Secondary or symptomatic: at a sharp hepatites, cholecystitises, illnesses, a pancreatitis, functional diarrheas, Chronic gastritises, and , a stomach ulcer Duodenal gut and stomach, functional frustration of intestines, Chronic , , after , etc. 2. The clinical form on prevailing frustration. 2.1. Hypermotor. 2.2. . 2.3. Mixed Examples of the formulation of the diagnosis 1.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
And On A Number(line) Of Parameters (endurance, Working
And on a number(line) of parameters (endurance, working capacity, speed Reactions, etc.) is at a level and in general -postgraduate. The similar structure of an organism already represents something really Significant, representing not only interest, but also the direct proof Fidelity of the selected(elected) way. The third: the Lord sees, never I was engaged especially hair Cover, and, it is necessary to tell, that for last decade it(he) absolutely already on To head was it was reduced, but here and I and many of associates of steel with Surprise to mark(celebrate) occurrence most that on is the present(true) head of hear on Very long time ago the grown bald author of " Three whales of health ". Obviously, a condition Bulbs of hair has reflected much increasing in the course of time the general(common) vital Potential of the person. Should tell, that in my field of vision not so it is a lot of People with a similar direction of a course of vital processes. To same item(point), Possibly, it is necessary to carry and much improved homeostasis - a course Exchange processes in an organism, owing to which my weight contrary to The widespread practice with the years opposite has less Postgraduate on 8-10 kg.
Ratser Whence Have Left, Written There The Wonderful Play
Ratser whence have left, Written there the wonderful play three day I held windows opened(open) Wide open, freezing the extreme tobacco stench which has densely impregnated after them Furniture and walls. When L.Emelyanov, mine the neighbour on the house and the employee on To the Pushkin house, sat down to write scheduled scientific work, it(he) daily cooked To itself on a huge saucepan of strong coffee, within three sleepless nights Got a light one cigarette from another and "to have a bite", almost Continuously chewed a chunk behind a chunk and a stick behind a stick sausages. As a result on light its(his) bright clause(article) under the theory of the literature was born, and in To immediate prospects followed withdrawal of a bilious bubble and multimonthly Hospital, and in a little bit more remote - the old woman with slanting!. I write these lines in the late autumn of 1996. Certainly, any Quantity(Amount) of people under influence of compulsory force of a reality now Has addressed to a healthy way of life: in fact the unique medicinal there is sometimes a little not , and a price of bad habits now where Above cost notorious " a food basket ".
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Why? Yes Because People In Advanced Age, As
Why? Yes because people in advanced age, as Rule, are conservative and that movement of mankind nevertheless It was made, a wild feed(meal) of a society is constructed thus, and household The behaviour so that is as much as possible people of an average and Advanced age as soon as possible died. Another internal I in it(this) do not see sense: works the automatic mechanism of clarification Populations - in the name of preservation and progress of the population. The mechanism, Severe in relation to separate individuals, but noble under the attitude(relation) to To all people, to mankind as a whole. When further at us speech will go about A feed(meal), we shall see, for example, that terrible inherently products, Rather tasty, steel an original national relic - in the name of named Historical expediency: faster alternation of generations for the sake of Updatings and movements of ethnos. I repeat and repeat: great reserves of our health are hidden in reasonable Refusal of that "is accepted".
A.Giperproduktsiya Of Bilirubin. 1. (vascular And ). 1.1.
A.Giperproduktsiya of bilirubin. 1. (vascular and ). 1.1. Congenital an anemia. 1.2. Congenital an anemia. 1.3. Hematomas, heart attacks. 2. Inefficient (, an anemia, Is crescent-cellular anemia). B.Narushenie of capture of bilirubin by a liver. 1. Syndrome . 2. Medicines ( an acid - the husband. ). 3. Long starvation. Century Infringement bilirubin (decrease(reduction) in activity to a glitch ). 1. Hereditary absence or deficiency (a syndrome -). 2. Syndrome . 3. "unripe" (a jaundice of newborns). II. The Jaundice with prevalence . A.Narushenie hepatic (intrahepatic defect). 1. Family or hereditary frustration. 1.1. Syndrome -. 1.2. A syndrome of the Rotor. 1.3. Returnable (good-quality) endocellular . 1.4. a jaundice of pregnant women. 2. The got frustration. 2.1. -cellular illnesses (a virus hepatites, toxic and Medicinal hepatites, chronic hepatites, cirrhoses of a liver). 2.2. Caused by medicines (including oral Contraceptives, , etc.). B.Vnepechenochnaya obstruction systems (mechanical corking, Including stones, , tumours).
Friday, September 19, 2008
It(He) Is Known As Well As A Long-liver.
It(He) is known as well as a long-liver. Words of the American writer well approach(suit) to the given case Washington Irving: " Great people put to themselves the purposes, the others live the Desires ". But this true is not absolute, for the validity Puts before the most usual people, moreover, before huge weights Ordinary people such purposes. Besides puts and in such circumstances, When and at everyone becomes huge, and opportunities of an organism Show that maximum which is incorporated in the person. During Great Domestic war happened(was possible), for example, that hundreds and thousand people, forcing Water barrier, rushed to ice waves and anybody from them did not fall ill Quinsy, so-called . Here that the extreme spirit means Mentalities. We shall compare to a similar condition carefree walking, say, When the wet legs(foots) generate a flu with set of others accompanying Troubles. We not only are ill(sick) in conditions of the languid, smeared life, we and get tired from It(Her) when at us is not present the large purpose.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Applied Damp Bandages Were Without An Oil-cloth Layer,
Applied damp bandages were without an oil-cloth layer, and it conducted to fast drying the operating(working) beginning, and red demands long time. For elimination of these reasons new means were necessary and we send(have passed) to chromic . Chromic salts communicate not only with an amino group, but also with group COOH. Duration at this way much smaller, than at red . In chromic the basic salt multinuclear is absorbed at means of a strong acid, its(her) a part molecule by an amino group of a fabric then it is fixed in a complex at means NH2 and COOH. Tanning action is inherent in salts of chrome capable to to splitting and, hence, forming solutions with sour reaction. Already initial supervision at insignificant grazes have shown, that it is necessary to apply strongly diluted solutions, differently it turns out dry a superficial layer. We prepared for an initial solution of chrome, proceeding from usual in tanning manufacture : 70,0 dissolve in 120 ml. The distilled water. Cautiously add to this solution 90,0 sulfuric acids/66 [?]/.
Indications. Head And A Toothache, A Neuralgia, A
Indications. Head and a toothache, a neuralgia, a radiculitis, , feverish conditions Flu, rheumatism. Way of application and dosage. Appoint{Nominate} to adults and children 12 years on 1-2 tablets 1-3 times a day are more senior. To children in the age of 5 - 12 years appoint{nominate} on 1/2 tablets 1-3 times day. Collateral actions. Overdose can lead to damage of a liver, are possible{probable} allergi Reactions. The form of release. Tablets on 0, Abroad paracetamol is issued in different medicinal forms: in a kin Tablets, mixtures, a syrup, powders, and also in a combination to caffeine and other preparations. Is issued in the form of tablets and suspension. Action and indications same, a At paracetamol. Dosage. The adult to accept on 2 tablets no more than 4 times daily. To not accept thi Doze more often, than in each 4 hours. Within 24 hours to accept no more than Dozes. To children of 6-12 years - from 1/2 up to 1 tablet up to 4 times daily, not more often tha In each 4 hours, no more than 4 dozes in day.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
6.1. Spontaneous . 6.2. Spontaneous . 6.3. Spontaneous
6.1. Spontaneous . 6.2. Spontaneous . 6.3. Spontaneous . 7. Depending on character distinguish. 7.1. . 7.2. -. 7.3. Serous. 7.4. Purulent. 7.5. Putrefactive. 7.6. . 7.7. Cholesteric. 7.8. . 7.9. a pleurisy. Phase of current of a pleurisy: - Sharp; - ; - Chronic. On localization distinguish and : - Top (); - (); - ; - (); - ; - Intershare (). Examples of the formulation of the diagnosis 1. a pleurisy, link sided, tubercular, -. 2. A chronic pneumonia in a phase of an aggravation, (VI - VII Segments), staphylococcal, a right-hand pleurisy, , , purulent, staphylococcal. 3. Flu 2, . A bilaterial dry pleurisy. 4. a posttraumatic pleurisy. Respiratory insufficiency (), connected with chronic Diseases of lungs (on. Century and K.Bulatovu's Item, 1975) 1. Functional infringements are absent (BOTTOM). 2. Respiratory insufficiency I of a degree (the BOTTOM - the short wind arises Only at the physical pressure(voltage), exceeding ordinary, i.e. averages. Parameters of function of external breath in rest correspond(meet) due.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
LEAVES OF THE COWBERR Action. Diuretic And A
LEAVES OF THE COWBERR Action. Diuretic and a disinfectant. Indications. Urolithic illness. Way of application. Accept in the form of broths or (20 raw material on 200 ml of boiled water) on To the table spoon 3-4 times a day. The form of release. The crushed raw material, briquettes. KIDNEYS BIRC Indications. Diuretic means at hypostases and an intimate origin. Way of application. Accept (20 on 200 ml of boiled water) on 1-2 table spoons 3 time In day. Action. , diuretic means. Indications. illness. Dosage. Appoint{Nominate} inside on 3-4 drops on sugar for 30 mines up to meal. Contra-indications. , illness with infringement of function of kidneys, a ulce Stomach. Action. , anti-inflammatory means. Strengthens And . Indications. Urolithic and illness, pyelonephritises cholecystitises, a dyskinesi Bilious ways. Dosage. Accept inside on -10 drops on sugar 3 times a day up to meal. Collateral actions. Dizzinesses, a nausea are possible{probable}. GRASS OF THE MOUNTAINEER BIRD'S ( Action.
Monday, September 15, 2008
With The Purpose Of Preventive Maintenance Introductio Preparation
With the purpose of preventive maintenance introductio Preparation it is necessary to begin at direct threat of infection and to continu Until danger of infection is kept. With the purpose of treatment a preparatio It is necessary to apply at an early stage of disease at display of the firs Clinical symptoms. Way of application and dosage. For preventive maintenance of a flu and other sharp respiratory virus infection Preparation to apply by dispersion or a water solution. Capacities with a preparation to open directly ahead of the use. Wate The capacity cautiously is poured in capacity up to the feature corresponding{meeting} of 2 ml, an It is stirred up before full dissolution of contents. Into everyone a course ente On 5 drops 2 times day with an interval not less than 6 hours. At treatment in everyon a course enter on 5 drops in 1-2 hours, not less than 5 times and day i Current of 2-3 days. Indications. accept for early treatment (at adults and children schoo Age) and preventive maintenance (at adults) a flu during epidemic.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Where Reserves Of Our Health Are Hidden? First,
Where reserves of our health are hidden? First, they contain in The device of human community. Secondly, they are in most The person, and basically about these reserves further speech also will go. It is asked, why basically about them? Yes because a society, to To regret, at a present stage of the development did not become the guarantor of health The fellow citizens, that is why business of preservation of the health each of us Should take in own hands. Possessing historical and natural Optimism, we, certainly, shall hope for that, for example, that Shattering failure of corresponding(meeting) bodies in sphere of preventive maintenance and treatment AIDS it will be overcome and will serve as a lesson for all society, but while to something Rates of perfection of our public health services cause greater(big) Concern. Something with this system is created silly: on statistical To data, average life expectancy in our country is reduced. But in What units of measure it is possible to consider destruction and premature leaving(care) from a life Hundreds thousand people?.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
. In My Consciousness, In My Long-term Memory Ran,
. In my consciousness, in my long-term memory ran, similarly to beaten out on Granite pedestal to the letters, one externally insignificant episode. I have left from Editions of magazine " Neva " on the Neva prospectus also has gone to trolleybus To stop of number of a route necessary to me. By me the brisk crowd moved Men and women, I stood some minutes, expecting transport, but for this time Among hundreds going people flowing round me has not found out any completely The healthy person! It has so shaken(amazed) me (in fact usually you hasten(hurry), not Turning on what around of attention), that I have passed(missed) the approached(suited) trolley bus and, as the column, continued to peer at motley crowd. These(it) a little The stopped minutes, this sad revelation me, that I so shocked Till now I can not get rid of an idea revolting consciousness: what is We with ourselves, with favourite, do(make)? What we get up?. That is there was all According to(Agree) to an epigraph to the book " Travel from Petersburg to Moscow ": " I have looked me, and the soul washing is wounded by sufferings of mankind Became ".
To Receive And Break Soon This Powerful Technics(technical
To receive and break soon this powerful technics(technical equipment), to transform it(her) into stuff, in a heap Rusty utility refuse. But it is possible to receive the most unpretentious from the avaricious nature "Muscovite" or "" the first release and, knowing as with it(him,them) to address, To go, go, go with magnificent speed, to pass a cemetery, on which Remains of supermachines(supercars) and rust, passing limousines with their not developed(produced) reserves, To continue and continue to move, live and sanguineously to act on pleasure To itself and people. Unless not logically in the similar plan to speak and about development All our physical opportunities as about a necessary condition that Our positive personal features could reveal all without exception? If we really wish in many respects(much) to achieve, we should be Healthy. Unfortunately, those highly moral people who believe Inconvenient to be engaged in strengthening of the health, do not consider that in To prospect it is fast enough, when they become and , They will appear the hardest burden and not palatable burden for near and For a society as a whole.
Monday, September 8, 2008
In Fact If We Dance Northern, Scottish Dances,
In fact if we dance northern, Scottish dances, why to us under Mood to not dance and ? But when similar style becomes Style of all life and unique kind of use of a free time, Business takes qualitatively other turn for our health. By the way speaking, perfectly knew how to behave on a stage: they in a hysteria not Ran. They behaved, as good professional actors, say, as that Othello, which, representing passion and jealousy, nevertheless in With the validity of a life does not deprive. In other words, they with full self-control Kept the health. But that was created in a hall! A hysterics, shouts, , Cries, on itself of clothes, and these children(guys), now, Coolly warmed up ecstasy: suddenly broke on a stage a guitar and threw It(Her) in a hall. Certainly, around of it(her) there is a dump, knocked down, Fight begins, and then listeners leave in the world with a stereotype similar Relaxedness. In America the society from millions parents, actively is already created Opposing destructive influences fate-culture.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
7.1,651 %-s' Solution Is Used In Pediatri To
7.1,651 %-s' solution is used in pediatri To expert{practice} with the preventive and medical purpose. 8. Capsules with vitamin A ( acetate or ) o 3300 , 5000 , 33 000 and 100 000 . Besides vitamin A is a part of many polyvitaminic preparation (, , , and . ,). (VITAMIN 1 Indications. and avitaminosis 1. , radiculitises, neuralgias, periphera Paralyses, poliomyelitis, stomach ulcer and a duodenal gut, Intestines, a dystrophy of a myocardium, infringement of coronary blood circulation at patient Stenocardia: , surrounding deprive, , Poisonings. Way of application and dosage. Apply in the preventive and medical purposes. Daily need{requirement} i Vitamin 1, for the adult makes about 2 mg. Daily dozes for children: i Age from 6 , till 1 year-0,5; from 1 year till 1,5 years-0,8 of mg; from 1,5 up to Years-0,9 of mg; from 3 up to 4 -1,1 mg; from 5 up to 6 -1,2 mg; from 7 till 10 years 1,4 mg; from 11 till 13 years - 1,7 mg; from 14 up to 17 -1,8. A medical doz For the adult-0,01 (10 mg) 1-3 times a day.
Friday, August 29, 2008
During The Life It Was Necessary To Me
During the life it was necessary to me To collide(face) with experts, the people capable To think and see disease in a context of set -a grade, elimination Which conducted to disappearance of illness. More and more time I express the admiration Also I express our general(common) gratitude to those magicians who hasten(hurry) to us on The help, when terrible, exhausting, shock pains or even death Attacks on us. And at the same time, at the same time. I shall not begin to speak Now about a depressing condition of the majority of hospitals, about their beggarly level Technical, material and personnel maintenance. More only, me Disturbs selection of physicians - pretty often there there are people not on propensity to To mercy, and those who simply has not found the true calling. And still. I am am disturbed with the general(common) level of training and practice of physicians - pretty often , deprived the creative, large-scale approach to To the person as to great secret of the Universe, scanty representations about ways Influences on the person and on its(his) anomaly.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
The Form Of Release. The Crushed Raw Material,
The form of release. The crushed raw material, briquettes, tincture. Action. The sedative, improves activity of heart Indications. The raised{increased} nervous excitability, a neurasthenia, neurosises of heart. Way of application and dosage. Appoint{Nominate} inside after meal the adult on 0.15-0,5 ; to children in the age of till 2 years 0,05 ; 3-6 years - 0,1 ; 7-9 years-0,15 ; 10-14 -0,15-0,25 Accep 2-3 times a day. The form of release. Tablets on 0,15 and 0,2 * TONING UP PREPARATIONS * TINCTURE OF THE GINSEN Action. Toning up and stimulating means. Indications. , overfatigue, a neurasthenia, transferred{carried} infectious and exhaustin Diseases. Way of application and dosage. Appoint{Nominate} inside 30-40 minutes prior to meal till 15-25 drops 2-3 times a day. Contra-indications. Hypertension, hypererethism, sleeplessness, . EXTRACT LIQUI Indications. The toning up means raising{increasing} physical and intellectual working capacity. Way of application and dosage. Accept inside till 20-40 drops for 30 mines up to meal.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Are Deciphered Components Of Those Recipes Which Were
Are deciphered Components of those recipes which were stored(kept) in secret books. In a number of Cases send(have come) to surprising conclusions for the present. For example, most From all kinds of herbs in the past the root was popular , and the ginseng took only of the third position (however, maybe, because of The dearness). And in the end of the treatise stood - Inscription: " How to make all these elements - ask the teacher ". Whether we shall come We to that teachers about whom I just spoke, and other others with Time will leave, and we shall remain before the same recommendation: " Ask at Teachers?. " More and more time I approve(confirm), that the condition of medicine requires in faultless The correct diagnosis. Not having put it(him), we cannot recover all together. I repeat again and again: business not in separate conservative persons, business In in agony system of modern public health services. Once again I shall express the Love to those doctors-devotees whom it is a lot of in our medicine who is fair and Honesty executes the duty(debt) of the doctor and the person.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
To That Destiny, Which Throws To Us In
To that destiny, Which throws to us in the form of pity scanty from riches, Intended to us entirely. And in fact we can, we are capable to correct those Ridiculous skews on which so we are dragged in anywhere! Therefore The subsequent conversation will be to straight lines, frank and is salutary ruthless. In sphere of interactions " the Man - the Woman " really greater(big) are concealled Reserves of health. We shall peer into them from a position of a postulate " Two should become Uniform essence ". On the closed, not published statistical data, in ours The state up to 30 % of men and the women, ripened to enter in Marriage(Spoilage), in marriage(spoilage) do not consist. Roughly speaking, each third person of the adult The population has no spouse (spouses). For comparison: in Germany only 3 % not Are married. How to estimate(appreciate) a similar situation? As an enormous defect Our public mechanism. Further. In large cities up to 50 % of persons(faces), Marrying, get divorced. To a question on health: what traces similar Break leaves in showers(souls) missed? And what to their children? About what the person Their mental stability after these spiritual wounds, after Bases of life have failed firm, appear, it is necessary to speak? In fact what This happiness for the child, happiness on planetary, at a space level, When it(he) goes between the daddy and mum and keeps for their hands! When it(he)- Center and focus of two vivifying fields! No, this field is roughly chopped off.
Each Of Readers, Is Assured(confident), Alongside With Feeling
Each of readers, is assured(confident), alongside with feeling of gratitude to those To fine doctors who have facilitated its(his) sufferings and have helped(assisted) it(him), stores(keeps) in The memory of a situation and drama, and even tragical. More and more time I repeat: in total it is more reliable - as it is possible to get less often in dependence from Medicine, it is more reliable accessible each of us means to hold all the Health at as much as possible high level. Lion Thick words One of favourite heroes, prince Andrey Bolkonskogo, has stated an idea, That in the world there are only two absolute values: pure(clean) conscience and health: In The further statement of these(it) we shall see, however closely, are indissolubly connected Between myself health physical and health mental, well for now I allocate In the italics an idea belonging a giant of human spirit, about health as Absolute value of a human life. That area which we have entered, literally continually It is mined by severe, explosive prejudices of a household level.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
That Them To Lift, Their Girlfriends Should Become
That them to lift, their girlfriends should become in any Degrees women of easy virtue. But we and in a factory, as they say, do not have representation About it(this). Nevertheless, being careful wives, seeing, that husbands Insufficiently satisfy their pressing needs, women begin To take the measures. What? Start to fatten, for example, husbands meat, Not knowing, that effective means against a prostatitis is, on the contrary, Regular starvation. Already available thorough practice which has passed(has taken place), Unfortunately, by attention of official medicine, proves, that Periodic fortnight starvation burns out all stagnant formations(educations) in Organism, and men on pleasure to the wives start itself to feel High-grade husbands. The dangerous paradox consists that instead of Uses in a normal life of salutary opportunities of famine and famine The overwhelming majority of mankind to itself in harm uses heat in a life and . One of typical examples of our general(common) Is those only Illiteracy, general ignorance, and , and consecrated Centuries-old household .
Sunday, August 17, 2008
., For Example, Repeatedly It Was Necessary To Me
., for example, repeatedly it was necessary to me To meet readers who believe, that the book " Three whales of health " Existed almost always; met also such, which without a shadow Doubts told to me that are engaged on the system stated in " Three whales of health ", almost one and a half-two ten years. And meanwhile The first edition of this book was issued in the March, 1991, only eight Years back! Yes, I understand, that the some people count to this edition with Small clause(article) which has appeared in magazine " Neva " in 1988 in the second Number, also has generated an avalanche, unimaginable stream of letters, responses, Phone calls, arrivals to the author-caused and unexpected, but also with Time of its(her) publication too has passed(has taken place) only 11 years. About, however(as) much has changed for these years in a life and each of us, and all Powers as a whole: it not impression, and a reality - between that recent date And this years; with all consequences tectonic, volcanic Explosion the whole new epoch, and, maybe, has revealed owing to To historical cataclysms witnesses and, alas, which accomplices we Have appeared and has arisen feeling of huge time(temporary) remoteness, long-long Distances from that in general absolutely near date.
Friday, August 15, 2008
In Our Disposal There Were Many Same Burns
In our disposal there were many same burns which current was standard. In various stages of process the given treatment stopped, replacing or indifferent fatty bandages; solutions of aniline paints, were applied also, spirit, etc. In most cases there came the relative deterioration sometimes so obvious that paid attention of patients. But these methods have not given the present(true) satisfaction, as was not on the person(face) of a continuity of improvement. The difference in current of superficial inflammations and deeper was observed and, at last, current of traumatic processes in many respects depend on the moment of the beginning of treatment. If treatment began at the inflammation which has developed already the medical effect was incomparable more poorly. It specified weakness of action of applied means. The analysis of these data and studying of a technique "red" in tanning manufacture, have led to the following conclusion. Insufficiency of results can be explained doubly: the first is where communicates only with an amino group and the second is a short duration of action .
Saturday, August 9, 2008
To Children - It Is So Much Drops,
To children - it is so much drops, how many years to the child. An extract in tablet Appoint{Nominate} on 1-2 tablets to reception. The form of release. Rhizomes with roots and in briquettes; tincture Tablets of an extract dense on 0,0 Action. Calming and means. Indications. Cardiovascula Neurosises with a bradycardia Way of application and dosage. Appoint{nominate} inside till 10-20 drops 2-3 times i Day up to meal. Action. Sedative, , easy{light} somnolent, vasodilating means. On structure and action it is similar to a preparation "Valocordin". Indications. Neurosises with the raised{increased} irritability, spasms of coronary vessels Tachycardia, sleeplessness, early stages of hypertonic illness, spasm Intestines. Way application and a dosage. Appoint{Nominate} inside up to meal on 15 - 30 drops 2-3 times a day. GRASS Indications. Sedative at the raised{increased} nervous excitability, Vascular neurosises, and early stages of hypertonic illness. Way of application and dosage. Accept inside (15 grasses on 200 ml of water} on 1 table spoon 3- Once a day up to meal Tincture accept till 30-50 drops 3-4 in day up to meal.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
This The Man Can Be The Remarkable Figure
This the man can be the remarkable figure in the area Work. It(he) is capable to be both the well-known metallurgist, and the surprising surgeon. I shall give an example from a life. In Leningrad worked truly large, world-wide The known actor who on all tours went with the wife; it(she) Accompanied with it(him) on all shootings, on all performances. It(she) strictly watched(kept up) For, whether it is clasped(buttoned) at it(him) before an output(exit) on a stage , whether it is good it(he) It is fed before work and, having blessed, let out(released) on a stage, and it(he) created The surprising, unfading images, and its(his) roles are not erased from memory at Those who with gratitude accepted its(his) courageous and humanistic Art. Both this "man-", and both these(it) of the spouse were happy all The long joint life. That is the given rubrication has no Attitudes(Relations) to discredit of the man, it(she) only establishes(installs) its(his) dominant in Home life. Now we shall address to women.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
. And Then - As A Small Unfortunate Organism
. And then - as a small unfortunate organism with all these(it) Cares will consult. So move, from the point of view of health, years preschool. As we see, the angular deviation(rejection) set right at the beginning of a vital way, Continues to accrue(increase) in relation to an optimum line. And in fact, figuratively Being expressed, each degree, let alone tens degrees of a deviation(rejection) in The beginning of a route, leads to falling of a body started into a vital orbit, Let's tell so: with a huge falling short, first, in absolutely other party(side), Secondly, with flight on very low trajectory, thirdly. These are reserves of physical health. And now we shall ponder: as business(affairs) are With reserves of development of intelligence? Mentalities? Sanguineous and multilateral ? We shall not forget that powerful spirit - one of The major, the basic firm health. With bitterness we shall tell, that These reserves at ours the Shred have been involved in even smaller degree, than Reserves physiological.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Here Correct Ball Other Values. In Similar, Obviously
Here correct ball other values. In similar, obviously long-term, Circumstances the special role is played with personal concern of each person State of health - the and near. I approve(confirm) unconditionally: any From us it is capable and should make now independently much for this purpose Improvements! And meanwhile. Before me moves a turn of old friends, I am connected with some of them close relations decades: yes as They dare, clever and talented, is so lazy and obedient, to concern To aging and infinite illnesses, so far as exist quite accessible For all simple and effective ways to keep and even to increase The opportunity a youth, the fine maturity?! Our health, our happy life - in our own hands! For the sake of Statements of this postulate I once also have written " Three whales of health ". With even Greater confidence of its(his) validity I republish this book. Jury Andreev without which there would be no this book The chapter(head) the first ROAD ON OCEAN Whether nobly to be engaged in own health, or About a certain EFFICIENCY, Equal only to one percent(interest) Our far ancestors without a shadow of doubts believed, that flat, as a disk, The Earth costs(stands) on three foundations which float at ocean.
Friday, August 1, 2008
) It Is Good, While Sit Down. ( Measures
) it is good, while Sit down. ( measures a framework number of turns(turnovers) from an apple. The hall considers(counts) Together with it(him).) you remember, there were 3/4 turns(turnovers), now - 6 turns(turnovers) (revival In a hall). But that it is much more interesting - original game begins in Ping-pong. That impulse which you have sent an apple, it returns to you. Approach(Suit), please. ( starts to measure a framework volunteers, Sent the impulse to an apple.) Six turns(turnovers), and was, apparently, nearby Two. So? Pay attention, that you feel much better, than in The beginning of this performance(statement). At you - about seven turns(turnovers). Thanks. Long not speaking, I would like to ask you, all present here, To comprehend(conceive) this fact. In fact it is possible to live absolutely differently, than we live. It is possible To live indifferently, passionlessly, mechanically carrying out the duties and hoping On the so-called reason, which actually Painfully ours Original opportunities.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
To Children From 3 Till 7 Years On
To children from 3 till 7 years On 1 dragee 1-2 times a day, are more senior 7 -on 1 dragee 1-3 times a day. DRAGEE " Indications. For improvement of exchange processes and the general{common} condition at persons{faces} of average and elderl Age. Way of application and dosage. Appoint{Nominate} inside after meal for preventive maintenance on 1 dragee 2-3 times a day, i The medical purposes on 2 dragees 3 times a day. DRAGEE " Indications. Appoint{Nominate} during pregnancy and feeding. Dosage. On 1-2 dragees in day. DRAGEE " Indications. For preventive maintenance at raised{increased} physical and mental loading Pregnancy, the general{common} infringements of a feed{meal}, during recover afte Infectious diseases. Way of application and dosage. Appoint{Nominate} inside the adult on 1 dragee 3 times a day for 10-15 mines up to meal. To childre In the age of till 3 years-on 1 dragees in day; from 3 up to 7 -on 1-2 dragees in day; fro 7 till 15 years - on 2-3 dragees in day. TABLETS " Indications.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Laboratory Parameters Laboratory Attributes Of Activity Of Rheumatic
Laboratory parameters laboratory attributes of activity of rheumatic process Moderated(Moderate). The same concerns and to parameters - Immunity. can be absent, - 20 - 40 mm/?. Other laboratory parameters are accordingly moderately raised(increased) also. I (minimal) degree of activity Clinical criteria Clinical symptoms of active rheumatic process are expressed poorly. Almost completely there are no attributes a component of an inflammation in Bodies and fabrics. Mainly - character inflammatory Defeats. Electrocardiogram, and radiological symptoms Are expressed poorly. There are no instructions(indications) on change in lungs and Serous environments. Laboratory parameters Or do not deviate norm(rate) or are minimally raised(increased). The basic variants of current of rheumatism 1. Sharp - sometimes the rough beginning, fast increase and fast Return development of symptoms of illness without the tendency to aggravations. A cycle Development of clinical displays of attack on terms does not exceed 2 - 3 months.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
The Mechanism Of Infringement Of A Pigmentary Exchange
The mechanism of infringement of a pigmentary exchange at jaundices The name of disease The mechanism of a jaundice Functional tests of a liver I. A jaundice with prevalence A.Giperproduktsiya of bilirubin (-. Jaundices, inefficient -). Strengthened production of bilirubin, increase of a level of bilirubin of whey Due to bilirubin with indirect reaction -- (free). The maintenance(contents) to -th in is raised(increased), , . Are not broken(disturbed). B.Narushenie of capture of bilirubin by a liver. Syndrome . Capture of bilirubin from blood, - a level of bilirubin is broken(disturbed) with Indirect reaction -- (free). The maintenance(contents) in It is lowered, , in urine it is not changed. Are not broken(disturbed). Century Infringement - (decrease(reduction) in activity -). 1. A jaundice of newborns. 2. A jaundice nuclear -. Increase of a level of bilirubin of whey due to bilirubin with indirect Reaction --. The maintenance(contents) in is lowered, . in urine it is not changed or lowered.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Terribly Close Families Not Have The Rights To
Terribly close families not Have the rights to become related among themselves. Men take to themselves wives from remote villages, And nobody marries in own village. This custom is so rigid(severe), The mechanism of regulation is so conservative (paradox: conservatism in the name of Progress!), that if someone breaks this eternal custom, the person, Broken(Disturbed) the law however many has passed(has taken place) then time to its(his) death, Buried not on the general(common) cemetery, and at some distance everything, and stacked in a tomb The person(face) downwards. The prevention(warning) for all others was so severe: not To put(render) damage to fundamental bases of health of people. And so, was not born yet, yet there was no it(him) and in the project, still mother And its(his) father were not familiar, and to it(him) it is already remarkable has carried. " A material for " was to natural measures absolutely good-quality. To it(him) has carried as well that it(he) was the desired child.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Contra-indications. Sharp , An Allergy On Products Of
Contra-indications. Sharp , an allergy on products of beekeeping. AEROSOL{SPRAY}-PROAMBASSADOR. Action. Anti-inflammatory, disinfectant and sedative. Indications. and stomatitises, ulcer stomatitises, inflammator Diseases of an oral cavity. Way of application. With aerosol{spray} irrigate the inflamed area 2 3 times a day. Contra-indications. Allergic diseases. Indications. Hypertrophy and anorexia at children of chest and early age, a hypotonia Neurotic frustration, infringements of a lactation in the postnatal period leather{skin} of the person{face}. Way of application and dosage. Newborns appoint{nominate} on 0,0025 to children is more senior 1 , - on 0,005 in the form o Candles of time in day. The adult - in the form of tablets on 0,01 3 times a day unde Language. At leather{skin} of the person{face} put{render} 2 South of ointment with 1 time day. The form of release. Tablets on 0,01 ; candles on 0,005 or 0,01 ; 3 %-s' ointment; 0,6 %-s' crea . Action. and sedative. Indications.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
I Start To Look Further: All Cervical At
I start to look further: All cervical at the child are brought down, they represent not equal Column, and a certain similarity of a toy-! At the given situation cannot be Neither correct blood supply of a brain, nor receipt of adequate signals from Organism, that is communication(connection) between a body and a head almost is at all interrupted. I ask parents, whether doctors paid attention to this pathology. Answer: within a year and four months of a life of the child any of Numerous doctors in one of clinics has never paid attention on Similar pathology. In this case we managed to jump, as they say, on last Footstep of the back car of a leaving train: in Leningrad last day stayed Remarkable and healer Anatoly Babich. And though it(he) was already It is immensely tired also should leave, nevertheless, in the evening when has learned(has found out), That it is a question of the child, has agreed to accept it(him). Parents by a taxi have rushed off To it(him,them), and within an hour it(he) corrected cervical to the child.
Friday, July 18, 2008
In Our Disposal There Were Many Same Burns
In our disposal there were many same burns which current was standard. In various stages of process the given treatment stopped, replacing or indifferent fatty bandages; solutions of aniline paints, were applied also, spirit, etc. In most cases there came the relative deterioration sometimes so obvious that paid attention of patients. But these methods have not given the present(true) satisfaction, as was not on the person(face) of a continuity of improvement. The difference in current of superficial inflammations and deeper was observed and, at last, current of traumatic processes in many respects depend on the moment of the beginning of treatment. If treatment began at the inflammation which has developed already the medical effect was incomparable more poorly. It specified weakness of action of applied means. The analysis of these data and studying of a technique "red" in tanning manufacture, have led to the following conclusion. Insufficiency of results can be explained doubly: the first is where communicates only with an amino group and the second is a short duration of action .
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
It(he) On A Regular Basis Was Engaged In
It(he) On a regular basis was engaged in physical exercises, ran cross-countries, wiped off a torso Cold water. The army has accustomed it(him) to the order and feeling of the responsibility The citizen for calmness of the fatherland. In it(him) has got stronger public Consciousness, laxity in a life has left because of exacting care Foremen. The army has organized it(him). It would be possible to speak and about other pluss Army life, but it is necessary to note and such depressing defect, what Its(His) army, as has awarded smoking. Without long conversations I shall notice in this connection, That from that already insignificant fund of health which was kept at it(him) after Quite "safe" childhood, it(he) has deleted from stocks of the remained life Yet less than ten - fifteen years, let alone almost guaranteed Fundamental diseases of all organism, down to oncology. In everyone Case army as a place of mass influence, as the institute introducing cleanly Man's valours, has mined it(him) of the slowed down action, which early Or late will carry the house of its(his) prosperity.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Complication Cough: 1) The Faint As A Result
Complication Cough: 1) the Faint as a result of progressing reduction venou Inflow; 2) break with formation ; 3 Crisis of an edge can occur at the healthy subject in the rest. The brief list of the reasons Inflammatory the Bronchitis; ; the Tuberculosis; the Abscess of a lung; a Pneumonia in particular caused by bacteria Klebsiella; Septic a pulmonary artery. Tumoral the Cancer of a lung: , , , an adenoma of a bronchial tube. Others ; Insufficiency; a stenosis; the Trauma, including a contusion of a lung an Alien body; the Primary pulmonary hypertensia; ; syndrome ; lungs, including and syndrome ; pulmonary ; a diathesis, including therapy. Look in section <DISEASES of -pulmonary system> in the book of professor And " Therapeutic syndromes " 2008, (in format PDF) with a lot the Internet of references, illustrations and clips at CD more in detail. (). It is shown, that girls are capable intuitively and o To smell to calculate attributes of man's appeal, looking al Some seconds on a photo of the person or a figure of the man or having smel Smell of its sweat.
Friday, July 11, 2008
. Scientists Have Been Done Absolutely Heartless Experiences: Hardly
. Scientists have been done absolutely heartless experiences: hardly Were born, them have immediately cleaned(removed) from mother. The terrible panic full of them has begun Mental disorganization, there was a horror equal agonal. Yes, through Day of the baby will bring mothers, but up to that in fact will pass(take place) infinitely long Day of animal horror, the continuous sensation of accident equal on Uncertainty of expectation to that future hour which arises at The condemned man who is placed in the isolated chamber and not having representations about Volume when execution will be made. The person, violently from Mothers, from the continent, during all life will bear(carry) in To itself this left on a bottom of existence subconscious fear, a complex Indecision, . This complex will prove in feeling Inferiority, and can, on the contrary, aggressions somehow to overcome Perception(Recognition) of the , the human mentality brought by bowels in Name of departmental "order". Question: unless painful comprehension at mature age of offences, inexplicable cowardice or mysterious for the person Aggression, not it(him), the life does not reduce to it(him)? And unless in elimination Similar abrupt , arising in people first minutes and hours After sorts, strategic reserves our potential are not hidden Health?.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Disintegration Of Fabric Has Amplified. In Bac Areas
disintegration of fabric Has amplified. In bac Areas of a brush and wrist were kept only and articulat Bags. the bleeding proceeded also the patient has been exsanguinated. I It was reflected in technics of bandages. Removing only the top layer, as attempt To remove the bottom layers of a bandage strengthened a bleeding. Presenc bleedings, the inflammatory process which has grasped are Humeral joint and the heavy general septic phenomena served as contra-indicatio To high amputation of a shoulder. On 25-th of March it has been started to intravenou To injections. In 7. Evenings the first injection and for other day in 11 has been made. Day have been remove All layers of a bandage, tampons and numb fabrics. Bleedings were not. Through tw Day counterapertures in places purulent and postoperative have been mad The bleeding has been quickly stopped. In the further process proceeded smoothly an Has ended with recover. MEDICAL CONTROL CENTRE of AFFAIRS of the PRESIDENT of the RUSSIAN FEDERATION the CENTRE OF SCIENCE POLYCLINIC No 2 CLINICAL CLASSIFICATIONS OF SOME INTERNAL DISEASES AND EXAMPLES FORMULATIONS OF DIAGNOSES (Methodical recommendations) MOSCOW 1995 Authors composers: corresponding member the Russian Federation, .
048 A Preparation. Indications. Dysentery, And With A Diarrhea.
048 a preparation. Indications. Dysentery, and with a diarrhea. Way of application and dosage. Accept inside on 1-2 in the first day of 6 times, in the second and the third - 5 times, i The fourth - 4 times, in the fifth day - 3 times day. The maximum{supreme} dozes for adults Single 2 , daily Collateral actions. Nausea, vomiting. Contra-indications. The raised{increased} sensitivity to , illnesses of kidneys. The form of release. Tablets on 0, Indications. Dysentery, , . Way of application and dosage. The adult appoint{nominate} in the first 2-3 days on 1-2 each 4-6 hours, per the followin 2-3 days- of a doze. To children appoint{nominate} in the first day on 0,1 ?/kg day. The preparation is given equal dozes with each 4 hours with a break for the night. In the followin Days give on 0,2-0,5 each 6-8 hours. The form of release. Tablets on 0,5. * PREPARATIONS * INTERFERO Indications. The preparation is intended for preventive maintenance and treatment of a flu, and also other Sharp respiratory virus infections.
3.11. Full Blockade Of The Right Leg Of
3.11. Full blockade of the right leg of bunch(beam) . 3.12. Incomplete blockade of the right leg of bunch(beam) . 3.13. Blockade of a forward branch of the left leg of bunch(beam) . 3.14. Blockade of a back branch of the left leg of bunch(beam) . 3.15. Full blockade of the left leg of bunch(beam) . 3.16. Incomplete blockade of the left leg of bunch(beam) . 3.17. Full blockade of the right leg and a forward branch of the left leg of a bunch(beam) . 3.18. Full blockade of the right leg and a back branch of the left leg of a bunch(beam) . 3.19. Incomplete blockade. Full blockade. 4. A syndrome accelerated - carrying out 4.1. Syndrome WPW. 5. . 5.1. . 5.2. from and connections. 5.3. . 6. . 6.1. Incomplete and . 6.2. Full and (). 7. Trembling and blinking (fibrillation) of auricles and . 7.1. the form of blinking of auricles. 7.2. the form of blinking of auricles. 7.3. the form of blinking of auricles. 7.4. the form of blinking of auricles. 7.5. Trembling . 7.6. Fibrillation . 7.7. . The note: in classification of infringements of a rhythm and conductivity are considered Recommendations the CART.
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